Flipside for newcomers

Welcome Friends!

New here? Having a, “What’s a Flipside and who actually are you people??” moment? 

There’s a lot of information on this website to help you get your bearings and help you to learn more about the community and the event. You will find answers to many, if not all of your burning questions here. That being said, this page exists as a starter guide to help you jump-start your adventure. 

Learn Things

So, who are we? We’re artists, makers, volunteers, doers, participants. We build stuff. Once a year, we go camping together and make magic happen. Year round, we are a community. For the basics, take a look at the About Page and check out our Principles. Still with us? Cool! Cool.  

For more information about the event specifically (dates, this year’s theme, expectations, etc) check out the Event Page. If you are considering coming to the event, do *not* skip the Survival Guide. Read last year’s guide. Make sure you read the current year’s guide (when it comes out, a few months before the event). Not only is a chalk full of important information that you should know regardless, there will be a quiz on site. 

Get Connected

In order to keep up on official correspondence from Burning Flipside, sign up for Announce! Our low traffic and absurdly informative email list that will help keep you up to date on all the goings on in the community and for the event. Through Announce you will learn about ticket sales, theme camp and art registration deadlines, volunteering opportunities, art stuff, grants, community projects and happenings, other community events and get togethers, edjumacation, and when it’s time- THE MAP- so, so many things. 

If email lists really aren’t your thing, news is also posted on our official social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter/X, and Bluesky so give ‘em a follow. 

You can find previous Announce newsletters and information under the News Section on the home page

Meet Real Live Burners

We have a thriving year-round community and we’re looking forward to getting to know you. Many events take place at Lloyd the Warehouse, a place to make stuff, learn stuff, and socialize…stuff. Before making the trek over there, be sure you know what to expect and review the rules and policies of being in this space. You don’t want to be the person who didn’t sign a waiver, or didn’t know it was Leave No Trace. Know before you go. 

Some recurring events:

(always check the calendar before you head over)

Combustion Chamber (CC) meetings are generally held every other Monday. By attending you will not only get to meet some wonderful community members- you’ll have a chance to share your thoughts on the present and future of the event. Check the calendar for dates and topics. 

Church Night is silly name for a fun evening to socialize with old and new friends. Come introduce yourself! This event is usually held weekly (check the calendar- weather, availability of warehouse hosts or holidays may impact the schedule) on Wednesdays. 

There are usually two Town Halls a year (one in the Autumn, one in the Spring). These events are awesome, full of info, gives us an excuse to dress up and socialize as well as an opportunity to help guide the upcoming event. 

Art Nights @ Lloyd is a weekly “come make some art with friends” get together. Sometimes there’s art classes, sometimes it’s just an awesome group of folk working on stuff in the same room. Visit the Year Round Schedule of Events section for more ways to see real live burners on the reg. 


From the ticket holder to the Board, Burning Flipside is 100% volunteer run. No one is cashing in on this event. To make magic happen, we work together. There are *so* many volunteer opportunities! Some of them are pre and post event. Some are at the event. There’s something for everyone. Volunteering is also the *best* way to make new friends and become part of our year round community. Please visit the Volunteer page and don’t hesitate to reach out to our wonderful coordinators who can help you find the right volunteer position for you! 

Please do take some time to check out the rest of the website when you’re able for more detailed explanations of things like art/event/theme camp registration, what is a theme camp (??), mutants and mobile art car expectations, the ticketing process and mail in window, etc. 

Welcome Home!