Welcome to the last Announce before Flipside 2018: Return of the Shadows: 20 Years of Light and Dark. Now is the time to start panicking!
For even more info, stay tuned to:
- Flipside Flame
- Announce email list
- Burning Flipside Calendar
- Official Burning Flipside Facebook Page
- @BurningFlipside on Twitter
As a reminder, if you’re looking to contribute to Flame or Announce, please us the Flipside Flame/Announce Submission page to send it in. This will also allow you to also set up your own Public Domain or personal pictures to your BurningFlipside.com post. Announce will be at the beginning of the month, while Flames get published mid-month.
Please get me your announcements at least one week ahead of schedule.
Next due date:
- Flame: May 11 – This curated list of posts focuses on art, community, fundraising, and events.
Your new Content Lead,
What is in this Announce:
- VAS needs YOU to make a Difference!
- Ticket Lead Update
- Sweet and Innocent City Planners Need Help
- Burning Green – MOOP
- A Note for Parents
- Community Safety Issue: Help us find and fix our missing stairs
- Interpersonal incidents FAQ
- Echelon is Still Looking for Volunteers
- Flipside Ticket Update
- InterZone Coordinator
- Barbie Goes to Flipside, the Screenplay
- Flipside 2018: All RVs
- Flagging! City Signage! Fun!! Fun!! Fun!!
- Guardians is Looking for Volunteers
- DaFT is still looking for community art for the effigy!
- One More Chance for DisInfo
Important Dates
- Work Weekend IV: May 11-13
- Art Car and Event Registrations close: May 17th.
- Load-In: May 19
- Flipside: May 24-28
- Load-Out/Clean-up June 2.
VAS needs YOU to make a Difference!
Have you ever been volunteering, and had the realization that sometimes it’s hard? It’s hot and you’re thirsty, or half of the team hasn’t shown up, or you really need to get a vat of salty limeade over to the Dafties stat and they’re way on the other side of the city? Well, fear not! The Volunteer Assistance Squad exists to help make your volunteer experience even more awesome than making Flipside go already is! Want to learn more? Check out this post.
Ticket Lead Update
The ticket window is closed and we do not anticipate selling any more tickets. Never fear though! Since we were able to fulfill all viable requests this year, tickets should be easily obtainable. Learn about how to find your Flipside tickets here.
Sweet and Innocent City Planners Need Help
Emily our devoted City Signage lead slaves away, crying at her solitude, Sundays at Lloyd the Warehouse to make city signs. Won’t someone come and help her?
Molly, our fresh recruit the Flagging lead role, is wondering if anyone will help her as well. Help the poor dear out!
And don’t forget Bonnie, your Theme Camp Liaison. She always wants to hear from theme camps when things change so we can try to accommodate them while we still can. After a while it gets harder to do that, and that makes us so sad.
Want to be a hero for these fine folks? Find out how to contact them here.
Burning Green – MOOP
A common burner word that pretty much expresses our desire for an LNT event but what exactly is MOOP?
Find out about what MOOP entails and how to curb your footprint here!
A Note for Parents
If you’re planning on bringing a kid to Flipside, you have some extra responsibilities. You need to bring documentation to verify that you are the parent or legal guardian of the minor in your care. Check out the list of documentation on this post here.
Community Safety Issue: Help us find and fix our missing stairs

Public domain by hhm8.
There was an influential essay titled The Missing Stair written in 2012. If you haven’t read it, it’s one page long and worth a look.
The author likens the missing stair to a known predator within any community (social, work, religious, club, etc.). Everyone knows about the problem with the staircase, so new community Members are informed / warned. “Oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you, there’s a missing step on the unlit staircase with no railings. But it’s okay because we all just remember to jump over it.”
This is obviously not a good way of dealing with a problem, even in a small community, but it’s completely unworkable when applied to the Texas Burn Communities, including Flipside’s Community.
If you would like to learn about how you can help the Flipside community, please read more here. Help us fix our missing stairs.
Interpersonal incidents FAQ
Sometimes it can seem like Mother Nature has it in for us at Burning Flipside—floods, falling trees, and fire ants. There’s only so much we can do about that. But when it comes to problematic interpersonal interactions, we have some options. Learn about how to handle incidents and make our community a safer place here.
Echelon is Still Looking for Volunteers
Echelon is still looking for volunteers to support our Safety Teams as well as the Flipside community. It’s a pretty sweet shift. You’ll meet a ton of awesome volunteers as we check radios in and out to our Safety Teams. You’ll also meet and help fellow participants (and possibly make someone’s day) by keeping track of lost and found items at the event. All from the comfort and convenience of the air-conditioned trailer at Safety HQ! Sound interesting? Check out more about Echelon in this post!
Flipside Ticket Update
You think you have tickets? If your Ticket Request status says “Pending” you may have a problem. Take a moment to look into your tickets and read more here.
InterZone Coordinator
Zone Czars Needed! Czars are stationed at the beginning of each zone and they help place the first theme campers into their proper place. It is a low stress way to meet and bond with fellow Flipizens. It’s perfect for newer burners as well as seasoned ones. Interested? Learn more here.
Barbie Goes to Flipside, the Screenplay
All vehicles (golf cart, modified lawn mower, Fisher-Price Jeeps, etc.) must meet Mutant Standards to be licensed for usage at Flipside! Register your art car before the event, and we’ll let you know if your ideas are Mutant Vehicle worthy, before you spend your time, money, effort, etc. If it’s not 100% human powered, register it. Learn how to by reading this post! And… enjoy Barbie Goes to Flipside, the Screenplay.
Flipside 2018: All RVs
Due to the massive influx, let’s get some RV discussion started! From a City Planning perspective, we have included your RV in your placement, but placement is based on moderately firm or better ground conditions. If ground conditions get squishy in the weeks leading up to the event, we will let folks know the impact of ground conditions. Want to know more about RV placement? Read more here.
Flagging! City Signage! Fun!! Fun!! Fun!!
Have you always wanted to help the weekend before, but aren’t good at heavy lifting? City Planning has some opportunities for you! Woo hoo! Get your volunteering on by clicking this super awesome link.
Guardians is Looking for Volunteers
Guardians is looking for volunteers, we have space that needs fillin’!
Introverted? No problem. This is a great opportunity for you.
Want to play with night vision? Now is your chance!
If you would like to be part of Guardians of Flipside 2018 or know someone who would, check out this post.
DaFT is still looking for community art for the effigy!
DaFT is looking for:
- 2D Art for the Underworld
- Metal Art
- Quest Givers & Theme Camps
- Odds & Ends
You know you want to get your art on. Find out what that entails and help out DaFT here.
One More Chance for DisInfo
Do you have any events that haven’t been added to the Events list? We’re entering the last days before Flipside – take a moment to list your theme camp events on the events page and find out more here!
Learn from PETs!
PETs will be teaching a few classes, including community CPR. We’ll have a whiteboard up by the station to list times.
We’re almost there, folks!
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