August Flammounce – Wrapping Up and Gearing Up!!!

MOVING FLIPSIDE IN TIME – Community Participation Needed! The Combustion Chamber has an upcoming discussion regarding Burning Flipside and Climate Change (including potentially rescheduling the event), and Fall Town Hall planning! This meeting will be virtual, and will be on MONDAY, AUGUST 19, online!

Please Note: A decision will not be made during the meeting itself, but with a potential event change this big, we need as much community feedback as possible. 


When: August 19th at 7:40 pm.

Can’t make the meeting? Submit advance commentary here.  (Select “I know who I want to contact” and choose Combustion Chamber” from the dropdown menu).

Got a Burning Topic for Community Consideration?

First – check our upcoming topics:

September 18 – Special Church Night Meeting! Topics:Town Hall walk-through; How are YOU participating? (Community Input on a volunteer reframe)

October 21 – Town Hall Afterburn; Community Input for Disinfo; Community Input for Content

November 18 – Camp Accountability 

December 17 – Spring Town Hall Planning; Spring CC Calendaring

GOT OTHER HOT TOPICS for community input? PLEASE submit your topic to the CC for consideration before our Calendaring meeting in December! If the topic is HOT ENOUGH, we may squeeze it in before then, but keep in mind, we want to give the community enough time to plan to participate if they want to.

2024 WRAP UP

Sticket Winners! We neglected to mention it at the time, but two amazing participants WON the contest (and won the only free tickets to Burning Flipside)! Jake-a-lope won with an amazing ticket design; Alyssa Vallecorso with a badass sticker design.

Where is your sticker now? Please send pics here! (These pics may be used in future publications by Burning Flipside)

Gate count:  For 2024, the Catalyst Collective sold 2,490 tickets and 2,368 participants attended Burning Flipside: Cosmic Critter Carnival. 

Placement: We had 129 registered Theme Camps and 76 placed Art Pieces! And many more that people just brought, for the art of it, with or without registration!


Area Facilitators Needed! The operational side of Burning Flipside has an extensive volunteer organization, with ten Areas subdivided into Departments. Areas are led by Area Facilitators (AFs), and departments are led by Leads. What do area facilitators do? They support leads in their positions. They meet approximately monthly with the Catalyst Collective to talk about big picture operational stuff. The following areas are seeking new facilitators:

360/24/7 covers departments that serve Burning Flipside and the Burning Flipside community outside of the event. This includes the Warehouse, Equipment Librarian, and Edjumication.

City Planning: Every year we create a temporary city in the middle of nowhere. City Planning is the team of people who, with input from other participants, design it and help bring it into existence. Departments include Cartography, City Signage, Flagging, Placement, and Theme Camp Liaison. 

Read more about our operations team and how you can participate here.

Town Hall – Fall Town Hall is usually in late September.  The CC meeting on August 19 will firm up the schedule, so watch for news in a few weeks to save the date. 

Shameless Plug for Content! Got something you want to highlight here? Got a question to ask Mx. Flipside? Want to help compile this newsletter? Please let me know here.  (Select “I know who I want to contact” and choose Combustion Chamber” from the dropdown menu)