Burner Art Safari 2021
Aaaand here we go- we have a MAP!
Poke around, click on the “flags” for titles and details of the individual art pieces. Some pieces will be available 24/7 from Wednesday May 26th to Monday morning May 31st, and some for only part of the time, some are permanent pieces that will stay on the year-round map, some have special time sensitive events listed in the notes, etc.- check out the descriptions for more info and make your plans accordingly.
You may have noticed that this map has grown and spread- once Memorial Day is over and as we slowly unwind from the pandemic, permanent pieces will stay on the map for all your globe trotting, road tripping needs. Please feel free to spread the word to your communities so this map can keep growing and getting better.
Have a publicly accessible piece you’d like to share? Awesome- you can get details about Burner Art Safari, get a link to the map, and register your piece on the website: https://burnerartsafari.org/
DO NOT Trespass– please don’t waltz on to anyone’s property uninvited. Stay in your car/on the street/sidewalk. If you happen to see someone, feel free to wave and thank ‘em- just don’t go ringing doorbells or charging them for conversation. The people and projects that are interested in interaction will tell you- ASK FIRST.
DO NOT Touch The Art– This is not an invitation to go messing with people’s art. If the art was meant to be interacted with, they’ll let ya know.
PHOTOGRAPHY- If you see a sign near the art specifically asking you not to take pictures, don’t.
This year, community members present a virtual burn portal site that will link out to the various activities happening, such as:
– Bigger & better Minecraft burn & discord chat
– Altspace (BRCvr) burn
– Streaming DJs, parties, activities, burns
– Art Gallery
– Anything else you can digitally dream up!
The theme was voted on by the community… So, naturally, it’s NSFW. At least it’s clear this ain’t no corporate sponsored event! We are so eager to play with you!
*Virtual Burn Portal & Survival Guide*
*Virtual Burn Discord*
– This will be the main audio/visual channel for the duration of the event
*Minecraft Virtual Burn*
– Build your camp, your art, and connect – just be sure you’re connected to the discord channel for audio
[link coming soon! Join the Discord above and the #planning-minecraft channel for more details!]
*Wanderful Gallery*
– Wander the land, look at art, catch up with friends with audio/video right inside the platform
[link coming soon! Join the Discord above and the #planning-gallery channel for more details!]
*Altspace VR*
– Explore, dance, connect
[link coming soon! Join the Discord above and the #planning-altspace channel for more details!]
KFLiP, Pyropolis Public Radio will be on the air for Virtual Flipside 2021! Our community has come together to create 4 days of programming, starting on Thursday Night at 11pm and going until Monday afternoon. Catch all the shows, see the calendar of upcoming shows, and interact with the DJs at www.kflipcamp.org! We still have room if you’d like to have a show! Sign up here:
KFLIP DJ Signup – Virtual Flipside 2021 – Google Sheets
HUGE thanks to all the artists who are participating and sharing their awesome projects, on and offline. You are inspiring and your efforts are so appreciated! As always, this magic couldn’t have happened without you and we are all so grateful. We are excited to be able to share a little magic with our friends and family inside and outside of the community. Happy (art) hunting!
NOTE: If you use google maps extensively, you may want to play with your layers settings.
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