‘Tis the season of DaFTmas, and in the Warehouse
Every burner was building up Lloyd, in a souse
The framework was screwed to the wall with great care
In hopes that Spring Town Hall soon would be there
Stay tuned to the Flipside Flame, the Announce email list, and the official Burning Flipside Facebook Page. Remember, if you have something you’d like to contribute to the Flame or Announce, use Flipside Flame/Announce Submission page to send it in. Announce tends to be at the beginning of the month, and Flames usually get published around the middle of the month. Get me the info at least a week before then, and I’ll do my best to get your contribution included.
O DaFTmas tree, o DaFTmas tree
Where is my fucking impact
o DaFTmas tree, o DaFTmas tree
Fuck, I need a torx bit
Each splintered board,
and each poking screw
Gonna burn
the shit out of you
O DaFTmas tree, o DaFTmas tree
I need another lonestar
~Dan Oliver
Ticket Window
Hello Flipizens from Loribug the Ticket Lead.
The official ticket window will be January 7 to January 22, 2016. Follow all the instructions!
I hate returning ticket requests, but I had to return ticket requests last year for the following reasons:
- Late/early Postmark
- Personal Check,
- Underpayment,
- No Money Order Included,
- Late Postmark AND Underpayment,
- Late Postmark AND Personal Check,
- The person who sent in a 1¢ Money Order
Advice for Mailing in the Ticket Request
- Decorated envelopes are so much more fun to open than plain vanilla envelopes.
- Check your postage! Extra weight = extra postage. Inadequate postage can get your envelope returned to you from the post office. SEAL your envelope well.
- Some extravagantly decorated envelopes were mailed INSIDE of a USPS flat rate Priority Mail envelope. It costs a bit more (around $6), makes it easier for the Post Office to read the address, protects your decorated envelope from evil postal machines, and tracking is included in the price.TRACKING IS GOOD when it comes to the post office.
- If you are getting really close to the deadline, make sure you get your envelope hand stamped at the post office.
- Don’t send personal checks! Don’t sent cash! If you include additional funds, tell us what they are for! If we do not get explicit instructions, we may have to refund the whole ticket registration.
- Contact the ticket team when you have problems.Really! We help a lot of people before, during, and after the ticket window.
- Keep your money order receipt!If there is any kind of problem with your ticket order, having that receipt can save your bacon.
Most Sincerely,
PS: See the Tickets page for more information. The secure ticket registration page is currently in “test mode” if you’d like to practice filling out a ticket request early. Requests submitted from “test mode” are deleted before the official request form is posted. We’ll make more noise about this when the time comes.
A brief telegram from your Combustion Chamber at their retreat:
Continued Call for Sticket Designs
Hey Flipizens! Would you like two free tickets to Flipside 2016?
And did you know that designing the art for the ticket or the sticker is actually the only way to get TWO free tickets to Flipside?!? Leads, volunteers, even LLC members, pay for their tickets.
Design the Flipside ticket or sticker and submit your design today! The person who submits the winning STICKER design will get TWO free tickets to Flipside 2016. The person who submits the winning TICKET design will also receive TWO free tickets to Flipside 2016.
Keep in mind all designs must be original. No clip art, and positively NO copywritten material may be used. The designs can be created digitally or by hand. You must follow the specifications listed below, or your design could be disqualified.
So break out your pen, marker, crayon or stylus and get the ideas flowing. Hand-drawn submissions are perfectly fine, but must be delivered before the deadline: 10 pm Friday January 29, 2016.
Submit your designs or any questions to Rufus & SuzyQ at stickets16@BurningFlipside.com
We will positively confirm every submission we receive, so if you do not receive a confirmation within a few days, please email us back, and we will confirm receipt.
Burning Flipside will do its best to include all submitted designs, in some form of hype, the survival guide, or the website, so your art should get seen. When you submit you are implicitly giving permission for us to use your design – on the ticket or sticker, on the Burning Flipside website, or in the Survival Guide. If for some reason you do not want to give this permission, please specify that when you submit. Also please indicate how you would like your art to be credited.
TICKET Design Details:
Please include the following information within your Ticket design:
Burning Flipside
May 26-30, 2016
Please do not post or display your ticket design anywhere else until after the contest ends. (The artist for the winning ticket design will be asked to refrain from posting it anywhere until after the event.)
- Artwork should be 2.375 x 4.375 inches.
- 1/8 inch all around WILL BE CUT OFF creating a final size of 2.125 x 4.125 – this extra space is called bleed.
- Artwork should be CMYK.
- Artwork should be supplied at 100% as either vector based art (Illustrator or Inkscape) or at 300dpi if it is a Photoshop file.
- If Photoshop – .tif, .eps, .psd and .jpeg files are preferred. Please save jpeg files with “maximum quality”.
Tips for successful reproduction of your design:
- Do not place text too close to the edge of your design. It should be 1/8″ in on either side once the artwork is trimmed. Pick fonts that will be easy to read and try to not use a font that is really thin on a dark background. It will “plug-up” and be hard to read.
- Do not get too complex, it is often easier to create artwork at a larger size and reduce it down. Keep in mind what it will look like at the smaller size.
- If you create your art in layers, be sure and save that layered file just in case the printer needs anything altered – this will make it easier on them and you.
STICKER Design Details:
Please include at least the following information within your Sticker design:
Flipside 2016
- Sticker Art should cover a 2.5″ circle at 300dpi.
- Make your design simple! Intricate and super-fine lines (less than 1-pt) tend to dry up in the screen and will not show up on the sticker. (For your reference, 1pt lines are roughly the same size as what a medium ball point pen will draw. It is a good idea to keep important elements of your artwork at least 1/8″ from the edge of the sticker to allow for cutting. Serifed fonts can be a nightmare – especially at small point sizes. Set all type to at LEAST 10 points.)
- In the past we’ve only printed black and white stickers, or another color and white. Grayscale or gradients are a real pain and don’t print very well, so try to stick to solid colors. All halftones are screened at 55 lpi.
We look forward to seeing the designs as they come in. It is an incredible outpouring from this intensively creative community! It’s a pleasure to serve as your sticket team.
If you have any questions, just let us know.
Your Flipside 2016 Sticker/Ticket Selection Team,
Rufus + SuzyQ
Thinking about missing Town Hall: NO!
Come see your friends, make some new ones, and learn all the ways you can participate.
Spring Town Hall
Saturday, February, 6, 2016
At Lloyd the Warehouse
3106 Industrial Terrace
Austin, TX 78758
Important Dates
The Ticket Window isn’t the only thing you should mark on your calendar. Sticket Designs are due January 29th. Spring Town Hall is scheduled for Saturday, February 6, 2016. The First Work Weekend is slated for the weekend of February 20th. All these things will be revealed to you if you stop by the 24/7/360 calendar and help yourself to a steaming cup of calendar!
Combustion Chamber Meetings
There are no more CC meetings in 2015, but they’re back on the calendar for January 4, 2016.
The Combustion Chamber is an advisory committee to the Austin Artistic Reconstruction LLC to facilitate community input & transparency for the policy-making process and organization of burn community events. CC meetings each start at 7:42 pm at the Warehouse. Special topics are as follows:
Jan 4:
- LLC/Regionals/AF Updates
- Calendering
- Volunteer Recruitment
Have a topic you believe the community needs to discuss? Please send suggestions to cc@burningflipside.com. Please keep in mind that we discuss community and policy issues, not operational ones.
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