February Announce: The Dates and the Deets

We’ll make it pretty tomorrow. But here’s the news you can use tonight.

If you are receiving this newsletter/reading this post, you’ll likely understand most of the below. If not, you can get all kinds of details at www.burningflipside.com! As we prepare for this year’s Burning Flipside, and nurture our year-round community, please keep the following dates and deets in mind! You can find our calendar at burningflipside.com/24-7-360. It is mostly up to date most of the time.

Donate to Ignition Philter! Due to some ticket system issues and a new credit card payment method, there have been problems funneling donations to Ignition Philter this year. At the same time, there are way more projects in their queue than usual and tomorrow afternoon (Sunday) is when they pick the projects to fund this year.  So in a last-minute attempt to maximize their grants, please pitch in at ignitionphilter.com/donate/ or use this handy QR code! These are burners helping burners realize their art projects and they need our help.

The Short Report from Town Hall The (local) community gathered, gabbed, schmoozed, and newsed. The Effigy design and DaFT lead were announced: Introducing Heart Render, submitted by Tess Noble! Read more about it at burningflipside.com/art-news/daft-2025!

Upcoming and Ongoing Activity

Combustion Chamber Meeting Third Monday most months. Next up, this Monday the 17th. There’ll be Board, Ops, and Regional updates, Town Hall Debrief, and  gathering input for what the community needs Edjumication wise.

Art Nights (AT Church Night!) Each Wednesday: 7-11 pm. Next up: Flame effects with Tim Deagan on February 19th specifically from 7pm-9pm.

DaFT Days Want to help build the effigy? Looking for experienced builders and complete newbies alike- you’ll get hands-on training through the season. Only have a little time and can’t commit to every work day? No problem at all! Come as often as you’re able, hop in, and make magic happen. Interested? There’s more info about how to contribute in large and small ways at burningflipside.com/art-news/daft-2025! And/or show up at the warehouse on

·         Sundays: 12-6pm

·         Wednesdays: 7-11pm

·         Thursdays: 7-11pm

Work Weekend One –  Feb 21 – 23 Work weekends get the land ready for Flipside by (among other things) removing downed branches, fixing roads, surveying safety hazards, and wrecking fire ant mounds and poison ivy. AND you can camp out on the land and test your gear before Flipside. Interested? You can reach the Work Weekend Comms Lead (Dross) at wwcomms@burningflipside.org. Sign up required! Log in to the Flipside Volunteer System and let us know you’re coming. No tools required (but bring ’em if ya got’em), trucks and flatbed trailers are helpful, and bring a shirt to get DIrty Worker swag customized.

Spring Art Show February 22nd From 2-6pm at Lloyd the Warehouse! Art is eternal, not just one week a year! Make Art! Bring Art! (Register your art!) This is a community art show for artists of all ages! Click here to read more!

 SafetySide March 21-23 An intensive weekend-long training conference for Burning Flipside’s Safety volunteers. Get ready for volunteer shifts with trainings that are good for one year across most Texas burns—including Echelon (radios!), Fire, Guardians (trespass prevention), Medical (aka “PETs”), Rangers (peacekeepers), Sanctuary (mental health first aid), Meteorology, and Sound Marshals. RSVP by March 19 at https://forms.gle/3SygvZGZj89nurxw5 and learn more at burningflipside.com/24-7-360/safetyside. Questions? Just reach out to safetyside@burningflipside.com.

 Registrations (Yes, you do need some stinkin’ registrations!) All Registrations are currently OPEN! Reach all registrations at secure.burningflipside.com/register

·         Art Registration: Reg closes 11:59pm CST March 15 Get that art on the map (and on the Art Map!) **Burnable art must be registered with Art within the registration period**

·         Theme Camp Registration: Reg closes 11:59pm CST March 15 Help folks find your theme camp! (And make sure you’ve got the space you need!) **Fire Circles must be registered with City Planning**

·         Department of Mutant Vehicles: Reg closes 11:59 CST April 11th. Got a wicked ride to get around in? Put a registration on it!

·         Events: Reg closes 11:59 CST April 11th. Got a Can’t-Miss Soiree? Want folks to plan in advance to make it most-awesome? That’s right. Register it!

Burning Flipside: This is your monthly reminder that Flipside is April 24-28 this year!

Ticket Update – The Wait Is Almost Over Today ticket money orders were processed! Want an update on YOURS SPECIFICALLY? Check secure.burningflipside.com for updates. If you are ticketed, you should get an email with a Will Call Ticket Receipt (you can also access it online). Bring a copy of the receipt with you to Flipside. You’ll need it to get through Gate. (Sure, they can find it if you lose it, but too many of those, and THEY might lose it. Be kind to Gate. Bring your receipt!)

If you opted to pay via credit card, you should have received an email with instructions to pay today. If that process was SNAFU’ed or if you have any questions about tickets, start at burningflipside.com/event/tickets.

STicket Update Want to contribute to some cool art? We need your sticker and ticket art! AND you can win a pair of free tickets! (Please note: THESE ARE THE ONLY FREE TICKETS TO FLIPSIDE!) Even if your design isn’t selected for the ticket or the sticker for 2025, it may end up on our website or in the Survival Guide. With your permission, of course. The deadline to submit your art this year is March 28, 2025. For the complete guidelines, see here. Questions? Email the STicket Lead here: sticket@burningflipside.org.

 Content (Shameless plug!) Wanna help keep this news going? Please contact me at content@burningflipside.org to help make it go, friend! I’ve been doing this awhile and my calluses could use a break.