We had a lovely Spring Town Hall last weekend. Those who attended learned some of the arcane secrets of the Ice Team, observed live mass media training of Kidsville’s next generation, and learned that Work Weekends are coming soon. (You should really come join us sometime. Yeah, you: the one waaay in the back who doesn’t goof off with us enough.)
DaFT Likes Sharing Fire with You
Do you like bonfires, but always wish they were WAY bigger? Come help us build the craziest one in town, with the Design and Fabrication Team, DaFT!
There’s lots of wood to turn into scrap and sawdust, and if being covered in sawdust isn’t for you, there’s plenty of special projects that could cover you with glue or paint instead! No prior experience necessary, if you want to learn something, we’re happy to teach.
Kickoff meeting will be TOMORROW at the Wherehouse: Tuesday, 2/6 and build days will be Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 6 to 10 PM, and Sundays from noon to 8.
Come when you can, don’t when you can’t. Let’s make some art about it! Questions? Email daft@burningflipside.org
Speaking of Art…
Come to https://www.burningflipside.com/24-7-360 and https://www.burningflipside.com/art-news/art-lloyd-the-warehouse to learn more about upcoming art events. For example, the Spring Art Show on March 3rd: https://fb.me/e/5XnJKT82D
Speaking of Fire…
Check out upcoming flame effects classes! One is happening the day after tomorrow, and we aren’t talking about disaster movies: https://www.burningflipside.com/art-news/flame-effects-seminars
Tickets and Stickers Need Art, Too
It is time for everyone with an eye for the visual to create and send in art submissions for the official 2024 ticket and sticker! STicket season is here, and it’s once again a competition for a complimentary pair of tickets for each winner. DEADLINE IS APRIL 8! Get started here: https://www.burningflipside.com/event/tickets/stickets-design
Until Next Time
Stay warm and dry, folks. We have a lot of heads-upping, deadline-dropping, and volunteering-ing rolling our way the next few months. Whether you’re in this for the carnival, the cosmic, or the critters, we’re all in this together.
-Burning Flipside Comms
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