Last announce round up before Burning Flipside! 2022! (probably)
Final Work Weekend
May 13 to 15.
This is your last chance to kill the poison ivy in your camp before the event! Go to, log in, and select Event>Work Weekend 5 from the dropdown
HANDS NEEDED for Load In! Sat 21st May, all-day at Lloyd, the Flipside Warehouse: 3106 Industrial Terr, Austin TX 78758 and Apache Pastures
This is the day we load everything OUT of the warehouse and IN to the land. We especially need folks who can help out on land on Saturday. It’s a great opportunity to see the land empty, be part of making the thing happen, get a look at where your camp might be (camp placement subject to change), or scout the shady spots in the badlands. And get a fabulous Pre-Post t-shirt for your effort. It includes Flagging and City Signage set up on property. Go to, log in, and select Event>Load In 2022 from the dropdown. PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NOT A CAMPOUT!
EVENT Volunteers Still Needed! Shifts Tuesday, May 23- Monday, May 30
How are you participating in making it go? There’s everything from Greeters to Safety Teams, from Ice to Apes! There are all sorts of shifts available – different lengths and different departments! There’s even a Volunteer Assistance Squad to help take care of other volunteers!
Go to, log in, and select Event> Burning Flipside 2022. You can clear the clutter by removing “Filled Shifts” and departments you aren’t volunteering for.
REGISTRATIONS! Deadline for Events and Art Cars: May 20th
Have an at-event event you want people to come to? Log in on the website and go to by MAY 20th. Disinfo will get the real info out! Got a badass art car you want to show off? Same link and deadline!
Art and Theme camp Reg are closed.But you can still see your already registered stuff by logging in and visiting