AAR, LLC (the organization that runs Burning Flipside) is inviting you to a virtual town hall to discuss and answer any questions about the recent cancellation of Burning Flipside.
Many questions have already been answered in the FAQ available here: https://www.burningflipside.com/announcements/flipside-2020-has-been-cancelled
However, we realize that other questions or concerns may not have been covered. So that is why we are running this town hall.
We would appreciate it if as many of you as possible could pre-submit questions to the email townhall@burningflipside.com with the subject “Town Hall Question.” Depending on how many questions are pre-submitted there may also be some time in the meeting to ask questions live.
We will be using Zoom for this virtual town hall. The link for the meeting (which will open up at 7:00 PM on April 15th) is: https://zoom.us/j/638146539?pwd=U1FXZUtQcDB0dHRQSjFneEFxbEJEUT09
If you are unable to attend we plan to any common questions asked to the FAQ or you could ask a direct question to llc@burningflipside.com