Next Combustion Chamber Meeting

Upcoming Combustion Chamber Meeting:

Monday September 17th, 7:42pm~10:00pm
Lloyd the Warehouse, 3106 Industrial Terrace, ATX

Our special topics for this meeting:

  • What To Do about Inappropriately Parked Cars in Camps?
  • RVs vs. Available Space

Additional topics:
– Update from Austin Artistic Reconstruction, LLC
– Area Facilitators Update
– Regionals Update
– Town Hall Planning
– Combustion Chamber Business and Minutiae

Who Can/Should Attend: You! If you care about the event and especially if you care about any of these topics you should come to discuss them.

Why this matters: The CC provides advice to the LLC. The LLC provides the overall direction and policy guidance that end up making the event happen. The topics discussed at this meeting may have a direct impact on you during the actual Flipside event and/or at the AAR, LLC warehouse. CC meetings are a great way to stay informed about what’s happening in our community.

What is the Combustion Chamber or CC?

Do you have some questions about CC meetings?

If you don’t find your answer in the FAQ above, please email us. We like answering questions.