photo courtesy of stephy
Participate: Effigy Build
The Effigy is the centerpiece of Burning Flipside. Beginning in February, countless volunteers meet up several times a week at the warehouse and work tirelessly to make the largest single art piece at the event a reality. There are opportunities well before the event, at the event, and after the event to be a part of something truly magical.
photo courtesy of sparrow
But first…
What is DaFT?
The Design and Fabrication Team. They make stuff.
photo courtesy of sparrow
Gimme Some: How to be DaFT
You don’t need to be a professional builder to be on DaFT. Heck, you don’t need to have any skills from the before times- you’ll learn. No matter your previous experience, DaFT would love to have you. Learn some stuff, share your own experience, make some friends- it’s all good stuff.
photo courtesy of stephy
How to Help Now
DaFTies have been hard at it for months and continue to welcome more hands. Remember- this is the ultimate community art piece! More hands, more better. Don’t live in Austin but you’ll be at the event? Rock on- email daft18@burningflipside.com and help build onsite. They will be GRATEFUL. It’s hard to work for months on an effigy in the warehouse, tear down for transport, transport, and rebuild on site, and clean up post burn. Fresh blood is encouraged!
You know you want to be part of the evolution of the Effigy!
photo courtesy of stephy
How Else Can You Participate?
Be a part of a most epic project. DaFT could use some individuals and camps to work with to make some awesome happen.
This year DaFT will be attempting to create an interactive experience using the inexpensive, most overstocked material at Flipside: interesting people!. It will consist of a narrative which revolves around the underworld connecting to the mortal one for a brief period, and the dead using it as a means to communicate wisdom to us through experiences and quests. There’s a collaborative effort currently happening to create lore, characters, and quests in the effigy, but we also need some help from the community including THEME CAMPS.
So if you’re a person who feels up to channeling wisdom and sending people on quests, or are a THEME CAMP that would be willing to hold some tokens and respond to some keywords, please contact us using the following (quick and painless!) form:
Today is a great day to DaFT: it’s an amazing way to participate. Email daft18@burningflipside.com
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