Flipside Art Spotlights!

Imagine you’re skipping merrily down a path at Flipside. It’s a lovely clear evening and you are making your way back to your camp to get ready for the night’s affairs, when suddenly, you see something off in the woods. It may be a mysterious light, a particular intriguing sound, a tall figure, or…giggling? You creep closer to the installation.  What is it? What was the artist thinking about? Is there a particular message? Also, who is the badass that built it?

Leading up to Flipside 2017, we’ll be having an Art Spotlight, focused on the art pieces that your community members will be bringing to the event.  This is a chance for you to get a preview of the pieces, to get excited about seeing them in person, and also to celebrate the person(s) who put their sweat and time and creative brain into making such a thing for our community to enjoy. Self-expression is one of the main arteries of our event. It’s time to focus on the art!


Art Spotlight #1 : The Ectoplasmic Stargon Rainbow Generator (ESRG)

-Is there anything you want the Flipside community to know or understand about your piece? 

 This year’s art is a spin on past years pieces.  ESRG starts with all the basic pieces including my favorites PVC, Bungee, ZipTies, Rope, 80lb test line, spray paint and did I mention PVC.  After breaking out more power this year for even more light, ESRG will illuminate the night and brighten the spirit in all of us.

-What inspired it?

Just being mesmerized by pretty lights and spinny things.  A fun theme this year adds a little more spice. 

-Any funny stories or challenges in the creation?

As with previous years this years art starts off in November in my back yard.  Being rather large it draws many lookers from the community.  I guess where I live in Marble Falls I’m getting to be known as an official nut job. 

I feel unbelievably honored to be able to exhibit this art piece to the many many people who make Flipside possible and the wonderful participants that make it real.  It is a great pleasure to be involved in a 1 week event that lasts literally the entire year.