Flipside wants your pictures

Did you get any great photos at Flipside that you’d like to share on the burningflipside.com website? We’d love to have them. Or any other creative works in digital form. Please submit them through our Media Contribution Form here:


Please do read the “Media-Use Agreement” on that page first. These are the terms you’re agreeing to when submitting a media contribution.

If your photos depict art, we need the name of the piece and the piece’s creator/s in order to credit them appropriately. If there are any people depicted in your photos, please be sure you have their explicit permission to post their photos online.

If you want to contribute a large number of files, you can contact media@burningflipside.com, but we’ll need all the information requested on that form either way.

Artists4humanity performance

We will be doing a performance art piece at Burning Glam Friday at dusk. You won’t want to miss this one! Listen for the drums and follow to see our body painted performers bring Haka to life challenging misuse of power on the Playa.

Post Event Restoration Events Needs You

Restoration Efforts – Although Burning Flipside is a Leave No Trace event where every participant removes whatever they brought in, there are still some items that require community effort to fully restore the Pecan Playa. Hopefully you enjoyed the event, now come help us ensure we can have it next year!

Exodus – Don’t want to leave? Want to stay one more night? Sign up with the Exodus crew to help get others off the land so the restoration efforts can begin. This only take about 4 hours on Monday and you get use of a golf cart so it is easy! Sign Ups are at https://wiki.burningflipside.com/wiki/Volunteer/Exodus

Infrastructure/Post Ops – The organization itself brings a considerable amount of equipment out each year to provide the canvas for the participants. This infrastructure must be packed up and returned to the warehouse after the event. That happens on the Saturday post, June 2nd. Please come out one more time, help us and see what it looks like with nothing left on site. Sign Ups are at https://wiki.burningflipside.com/wiki/PrePost

Clean Up – Although we hope not to have to clean up after everyone picks up all the MOOP, there are undeniably a few things left behind. We need volunteers to walk the lands. Pick up what little is left and report it, so we can point it out to the offending camps/areas. Additionally, we help clean up the burn scar. Did you enjoy the burn, come back and help get it ready for next year? Sign Ups are at https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#search/xander/16303b3dafefef5a

Recycling – Don’t need any volunteers as there isn’t organized recycling in 2018!

Restoration efforts are an important aspect, not just of event sustainability and land owner satisfaction but they are just a good idea that helps us ensure we are a Leave No Trace Event. Help us be Burning Green!

Pyropolis Meteorology Signs

Pyropolis Meteorology Services aka PMS will have a dozen signs about the city.

Look for them at Greeters, Kidsville, Wonderlounge, Zion, Temple of the Steaming Pot, Civic Center, Safety HQ, K-Flip, Info Kiosk by ICE, Lava Lounge, DaFT, and the Corral Gate.

Our team will be updating them every 6 hours. By the 3s and the 9s.

You can also look for our team members, in black shirts. Or ask a Ranger, they can radio our team for current updates.

~Your PMS~

A word from the Sanitation Department

Good day, producers of human excrement, urine, & other such bodily discharges worthy of release into a nearby port-o-potty.

Flipside Ongoing Educational Program regarding Proper Port-a-Potty Etiquette wants to remind you:

  • Please close the lid to keep smells down.
  • Sitters, please sit on the seat. Hovering leaves a mess for the next person, causing them to sit in your fluids in the dark (Yuck!) &/or increases the unneeded use of additional toilet paper.
  • If it doesn’t come out of your body, it doesn’t belong in the port-o-potty. Part of radical self-reliance means you are in charge of your trash. Trash is hard to clean out of the potties & can ruin the relationship with our port-a-potty vendor. Take trash such as tampons, pads, their wrappers, etc back to your trash can at your camp.

Differently Abled
A word about the differently abled. If you know of someone in your camp or elsewhere who may need a bit more space to get the doody done, please contact the sanitation department. Please let us know near what camp or area where the individual will be & we will work to get a larger potty closer to where it is needed.

Adopt-A-Potty Program:
This started a few years ago & amazing gifts to the community have shown up each year. Choose a potty or a bank of potties & create an art piece in the potty, around the potty, or what have you. It’s all for shits & giggles anyways and there will be an art contest. The winner will receive a trophy!

Keep in mind the following when you choose to decorate:

  • Painters tape or gaff tape is best for hanging things because it does not leave a sticky residue. If you do use something that leaves a residue, please be sure to clean it off before you leave the grounds.
  • Hang material whenever possible using zip ties, string or what have you, just make sure whatever you use will not damage the potty structure in any way.
  • Paper prints or what have you fair better between cleanings when placed in sheet protectors, when laminated, or when covered by clear tape, so please keep this possibility open if possible.
  • All decorations must be above waist level for cleaning purposes.

Remember to remove all decorations before you leave the grounds.

  • If decorating outside, please keep in mind possible weather issues that may create MOOP.
  • Should you choose to decorate, please clean up any decorations before leaving the event.
  • Suggestions for potty pleasantry: hand sanitizer, signs with reminders of potty etiquette, feminine products, etc

And, in light of the wonderfully amazing soul who recently left us with the (among many others) legacy of Burning Man, Mr. Larry Harvey, might I suggest a few dedicated decorated potties in his honor? What does Burning Man mean to you? How has it changed your life? What amazing art have you seen or created, what experiences have you had, & what enlightenment have you gained by being a part of this wonderful community? Stories, photos, quotes? Share your amazing experiences with us please.

Parking is recruiting volunteers

Heeeeey Flipizens! It’s this time of year again . . .

Parking is recruiting volunteers for Flipside 2018: Return of the Shadows: 20 Years of Light and Dark: How Many Colons Can We Get into One Sentence?

We have plans to bring new ways of having fun out in that field. Come make art, listen to music, stay cool, and, oh yeah, also park cars. Bring your friends to make art with you! We will have snacks and frozen grapes to cool from the heat of the day.

E-mail: parking18@burningflipside.com to sign-up with shifts listed at Wiki https://wiki.burningflipside.com/wiki/Parking

And above all, THANK YOU for volunteering, with Parking or anywhere else. This volunteer-driven event wouldn’t work without you.”

KFLiP DJ sign-up is NOW!

Broadcasting to our dozens of fans for over 10 years now, KFLiP offers a bewildering mix of music and news from our own camp DJs and the community at large! This year, broadcasting in stereo! Come by our monkey hut for some homebrew and spread your pearls of wisdom and colorful language with your own PSA, or better yet sign up for a DJ slot and inflict your eclectic tastes on everyone too lazy to change the station.

Also new this year, extended broadcast hours! Slots from 8am to 3am are available. If you want something in the dead of night, let me know; we can probably work something out. Want to perform live? No problem. Got a band? We love it when bands play live on the radio! If you want to DJ, best sign up now. Slots usually book up completely before we get out to the grassy playa.

Sign up here:


If you can’t make it, let us know as soon as possible so we can find someone else to take your slot.

We look forward to celebrating over ten years of light jazz and darkcore with you. And everything in between!

Flagging! City Signage! Fun!! Fun!! Fun!!

Have you always wanted to help the weekend before, but aren’t good at heavy lifting?

City Planning has some opportunities for you! Woo hoo!

Flagging needs people who can read a map and put small flags in the ground according to the map. Sign up here:


City Signage needs people who can put a t-stake in the ground and use a power drill to attach a sign to a t-stake. Sign up here:
