Lead Openings!

Want to volunteer, but not sure how? Learn or hone your leadership skills by helping fill some key department lead roles!

Most leads have been chosen and are about to launch the Flipside season, but there are a few departments still needing leads. These are Equipment Librarian, Art Logistics, City Planning Admin, Interzone Coordinator, 411 (a whole new department!), Media Liaison, Parking, Shaven Apes, Radio, and Land Search! Contact our Volunteer Coordinator AF if you are interested, or learn more about the departments on our Operations page!

Shaven Apes Needs a New Lead!

The Shaven Apes department needs a lead!

Shaven Apes is an all volunteer department of Burning Flipside responsible for lifting, moving, and fixing things. Shaven Apes can help with things like theme camp setup, art installations, building your shade structure, and will even help you pitch your tent or just provide transportation. We’re there to provide the extra hands (and strong backs) needed to get things done.

The Lead of this department will recruit volunteers to the Shaven Apes, set up shifts of Apes, be responsible for the Apes’ carts and radios at Burning Flipside, and support the Apes’ volunteer corps. They will work with the Site Ops AF on any pre- or post-event requirements. This is a fun community-facing leadership role, with strong support from and cross-pollination with other Site Ops departments.

Contact Robin, the Site Ops AF, if you’re interested or have questions.

October Announce

Lead Nominations are OPEN! Are you interested in a lead volunteer position? Nominate yourself or your friends to help lead a department at Burning Flipside. Even if you think a position isn’t open, this will help identify you as a possible lieutenant. Jump in and help out! Burning Flipside needs you!

Do you like recording or editing video? Tamara, our awesome Volunteer Coordinator Lead, is putting together a project to highlight different areas of the Burning Flipside Organization. If you’d like to help with the project while learning more about the details of the org, contact her at volunteerinfo@burningflipside.com

This year we are changing things up for how we handle the Ticket and Sticker selection. We will no longer be giving away tickets to the contest winners. This aligns with our community standards of everyone purchases their own tickets – even the LLC. We have many exciting ideas on how to make this process better, but are still finalizing details. Please watch the upcoming Announcements for more details about the new STICKET process and how you can get involved. Flipside 2020 Sticket Lead – Julie Schmooley

Watch for upcoming announcements: DaFT Proposal Process! Volunteer opportunities! Art! Theme Camps! Etc!

Thematically Speaking…

Burning Flipside Town Hall has come and gone, and the citizens of Pyropolis who could be there have cast their 3 votes. Two favorites rose toward the top and we nearly had a Business Opportunity, but the protesters may have had some sway over the sticker holders. We held a literal shouting match to determine if the close-to-a-tie was too close. The shout backed the numbers, and we have a new theme, folks! Welcome to the start of the season for Burning Flipside 2020, The Sacred and the Propane.

Announce September 2019

Coming Soon to a Warehouse near You!

Wednesday! Wednesday! Wednesday! Come one, come all to Church Night on September 25th at the Burning Flipside Warehouse! Starting somewhere around 7:30 show up to make conversation, to make art, to make plans, and to make friends. This week, we will also give Lloyd (the warehouse) its tri-annual (that’s three times [ish] a year, not every third year) cleaning. You’ll probably get dressed up for Fall Town Hall; Lloyd wants to look its shiny best, too!

Do you need a stinkin’ theme? Do you have a great idea? (or a Bad Idea? no…that’s already been done…) Put your creativity to work! Submit a theme, present a theme, inspire your co-burners with your awesome theme idea! Learn more.

Speaking of Town Hall : Come on out to mingle, to theme vote, to learn more about or to teach an eager newcomer about Burning Flipside! Tailgating starts at noon at Lloyd the Warehouse. Learn more about Fall Town Hall Here.

Putting the ART in pARTy! Ignition Philter, a burner community organization, wants to help fund art for Burning Flipside! If you want to help Ignition Philter’s efforts, come join their Post Town Hall Hootenanny on September 28, 8 p.m. to 3 a.m. at Sparkle Farm 9500 Springdale Road. More info here