It’s May, Do you know where your tickets are?

Hello Flipiziens and curious onlookers!  It is I, Ste. Michelle, Ticket Distribution Lead, here to make sure you get to Flipside, provided you’ve done everything right.  

Where’s My Ticket?

All Tickets are will call.  They will be at the gate when you arrive at the event, provided you have a Will-Call Receipt.

Oh, then, Where’s My Will-Call Receipt?

Ticket opening happened a long time ago, so if you submitted a ticket request, and didn’t hear from me about your request being returned, you should have received an email containing your Will-Call Receipt.  If you purchased tickets in the aftermarket, you should have received an email with your Will-Call Receipt. Check your spam folder!

If you can’t find it, log into and click on Ticket Registration/Transfer link and look for something like this (minus the colored arrows):

(If you don’t have a login because you bought your ticket in the aftermarket, scroll down to the Aftermarket bit for guidance.)

Now is a good time to change the name on your ticket if, say, for example, you submitted a ticket request for Taylor Swift and she can’t make it.  That little pencil with the red arrow is the button to use!

You can download the Will-Call Receipt (in case you can’t find the original email, or they won’t you check outside email at your work where you have a printer) by clicking on the blue icon that the purple arrow is pointing at.  Or you can resend your email so it’s on your phone when you arrive at the gate.

Lost?  Email me!  You can use this form to contact “Tickets”:

Aftermarket Sales

You can find out about buying and selling a ticket in the aftermarket here:  

Having Problems?  I have never transferred a ticket myself, so I have no idea what could go wrong.  Just email me if something went wonky, and I’ll figure out how to fix things. 😉

Load-in is coming

Want to drive a truck? A BIG TRUCK?? Well, has Transpo got a truck for you! The weekend before the event is Load-in! We gotta get the core infrastructure to the land, and Transpo needs able-bodied humans who aren’t afraid of a little Penske wrangling.

  • You do NOT need a CDL, just a valid driver’s license
  • You need to be at least 21 years old

Driving dates are

  • Saturday, May 18 (all day)
  • Sunday, May 19 (morning for truck return)

After the event we do it again, in reverse!

  • Saturday, June 1 (all day)
  • Sunday, June 2 (morning for truck return)

If you can help with any of these, email Megs at

Thanks, y’all! This event can’t run without volunteers like you!

Recruiting Exodus Badgers

Flipside can’t happen without the aid of its lovely citizens lending hands to make it happen throughout the event. This means we need you, yes you. If you should like to add your energy to helping the event run smoothly, look no further. Here is a great opportunity for you.

Exodus is in search or some diligent badgers to help out on Monday of the event. Badgers are responsible for going around the event gently telling and helping people to GTFO.

Perks of volunteering as a badger:

  • IT’S FUN!!!!!!
  • You get to ride in a golf cart
  • The shifts are short 3-hour shifts
  • You have the opportunity to stay until Tuesday if you need the extra day

Sign up with this link:

A Word from the Sanitation Department

Good day, producers of human excrement, urine, & other such bodily discharges worthy of release into a nearby port-o-potty.

Flipside Ongoing Educational Program regarding Proper Port-a-Potty Etiquette wants to remind you:

  • A closed lid = less stink.
  • Sitters, please sit on the seat. Hovering leaves a mess for the next person, causing them to sit in your fluids in the dark (Yuck!) &/or increases the unneeded use of additional toilet paper.
  • Only fluids that come out of your body belong in the port-o-potty. Part of radical self-reliance means you are in charge of your trash. Trash is hard to clean out of the potties & can ruin the relationship with our port-a-potty vendor. Take trash such as tampons, pads, their wrappers, etc back to your trash can at your camp.

Differently Abled

A word about the differently abled. If you know of someone in your camp or elsewhere who may need a bit more space to get the doody done, please contact the sanitation department. Inform us of what camp or area where the individual will be & we will work to get a larger potty closer to where it is needed.

Adopt-A-Potty Program:

This started a few years ago & amazing gifts to the community have shown up each year. Choose a potty or a bank of potties & create an art piece in the potty, around the potty, or what have you. It’s all for shits & giggles anyways!

Keep in mind the following when you choose to decorate:

  • Painters tape or gaff tape is best for hanging things because it does not leave a sticky residue.
  • Hang material whenever possible using zip ties, string or what have you, just make sure whatever you use will not damage the potty structure in any way.
  • Paper prints or what have you fair better when they are placed in sheet protectors, laminated, or covered by clear tape.
  • All decorations must be above waist level for cleaning purposes.
  • Remember to remove all decorations before you leave the grounds.
  • If decorating outside, please keep in mind possible weather issues that may create MOOP.
  • Should you choose to decorate, please clean up any decorations & any tape residues before leaving the event.
  • Suggestions for potty pleasantry: battery operated lights, hand sanitizer, signs with reminders of potty etiquette, feminine products, etc. It’s your art!

Ice Volunteering!

Hello, this is Charles from Ice! Thank you to everyone who asked when sign-up for Ice volunteering opens, I apologize for the delay. Please sign up for volunteering on May 8th at 7pm Austin time by going to Ice’s page on the wiki ( ). A Google Forms link will go live at that time and will stay open until we fill all the shifts. Click that and gimme all your info. This is first-come, first-served and the shifts fill up fast. At the end of each day, Ice will update the wiki regarding which shifts are taken. If someone beat you to a shift you preferred, we’ll be in touch about alternatives. Thankfully Ice is growing and we have more opportunities than ever for you to help us cool the community.

Curious about what Ice is or about what kind of help we need? It’s all explained on the wiki. If you’re unsure about how to answer a question on the form or have further questions, please contact me at and let’s see what we can do.

Announce April 2019

Spring is here – which means that we’re getting ever closer to coming home. Flipside 2019: Sisyphean Celebration is 7 weeks out. Have you started packing yet? (I’m kidding.) That said, this is the second to last Announce to go out before the big weekend so if you have any announcements that you need to get out, please submit them as soon as possible to ensure they make it in the next edition.

For more information, stay tuned to:

As a reminder, if you’re looking to contribute to Flame or Announce, please use the Flipside Flame/Announce Submission page. This will allow you to add a Public Domain or personal photograph to your post. If you’re looking to add announcements to Announce or Flame for the first half of 2019, the following deadlines will apply:

Flame – April 15, 2019

Announce – May 1, 2019 (Last Announce before Flipside)
Flame – May 15, 2019 (Last Flame before Flipside)

Announce – June 1, 2019
Flame – June 15, 2019

Your Content Lead,

What is in this Announce:

  • DaFT: Volunteer and Build Big Art!
  • Art Registration is Closed
  • DMV and Me: Bringing Mobile Art
  • Events at the Event: Disinformation
  • Greeters Training!


  • Art Projects Seeking Support

Important Dates

  • April 12-14, 2019: Flipside Work Weekend 3
  • April 12, 2019: Safetyside
  • April 22, 2019: CC meeting
  • May 3-5, 2019: Flipside Work Weekend 4
  • May 17, 2019: Registration for Art Cars and Events closes
  • May 23, 2019: Burning Flipside

For more information on how to be involved year around, check out the Burning Flipside Calendar.


DaFT: Volunteer and Build Big Art!

Need some Saw Dust Therapy or even just a little DaFT curious? The Design and Fabrication Team is going full speed up at the warehouse on Wednesday and Thursday nights from 6pm to 10pm and Sundays 11am-7pm. There are also other ways to get involved with this team if you’re tool shy. Come and help out with the biggest community created art piece on the pecan playa – everyone is welcome (and encouraged) to DaFT. Find out more [here].

Art Registration is Now CLOSED

Art registration closed 11:59pm CST April 1st (no joke!). If you missed the deadline, need to update your registration or just need to talk to someone about art you are bringing to the event, click here to find out how to talk to someone regarding your Flipside art.

DMV and Me: Bringing Mobile Art

Just a reminder that the DMV guidelines were recently updated. If you are hoping to drive your art car (or mobility vehicle) on property at the event, please make sure you know what you need to know- you don’t want to show up to the event with a vehicle you are not permitted to utilize. Art Car and Mutant registration will remain open until May 17th. Check out this post to complete your DMV registration.

Events and the Event: Disinformation

Want people to know about your hot pink jello sculpting class being held at your camp Saturday mid day during the event? Wish you could get people motivated to join you for a daily session of aquatic yoga? When the heck is the Grampage this year? Don’t forget to register your event(s) before May 17th so that they will be included on the Disinformation kiosks spread throughout the event site. Register your events here.

Greeters Training!

Greeter’s training this year is going to consist of an online video to watch and quiz to take online. I’m in the process of getting those read to use! Will keep you all posted!


Art Projects Seeking Support

The Art Projects Seeking Support Page was created in order to help boost the signal for Flipside bound art projects that could use a little assistance, whether it be asking for resources, expertise in the community, more hands or some moneys. There are some AWESOME projects up right now that could use your help- seriously fantastic. Check them out!  

Greeters Training!

Greeter’s training this year is going to consist of an online video to watch and quiz to take online. I’m in the process of getting those read to use! Will keep you all posted!

Events at the Event: Disinformation

Want people to know about your hot pink jello sculpting class being held at your camp Saturday mid day during the event? Wish you could get people motivated to join you for a daily session of aquatic yoga? When the heck is the Grampage this year? Don’t forget to register your event(s) before May 17th so that they will be included on the Disinformation kiosks spread throughout the event site. Register your events here. You can also go in and check out events that have already been registered so you’ll know what you won’t want to miss. 

DMV and Me: Bringing Mobile Art

Just a reminder that the DMV guidelines were recently updated. If you are hoping to drive your art car (or mobility vehicle) on property at the event, please make sure you know what you need to know- you don’t want to show up to the event with a vehicle you are not permitted to utilize. Art Car and Mutant registration will remain open until May 17th. Log in on the website to complete your DMV registration 

Remember that the registration is only the first step- you will need to undergo an onsite inspection before you can tool around in your sweet beast. 

If you live in Central Texas, you might be interested in checking out the Facebook group for mutants and mobile art:

Art Projects Seeking Support

The Art Projects Seeking Support Page was created in order to help boost the signal for Flipside bound art projects that could use a little assistance, whether it be asking for resources, expertise in the community, more hands or some moneys. There are some AWESOME projects up right now that could use your help- seriously fantastic. Check them out!