STickets: Where The Art Starts!!

Hey-hoooo!!!! Do you hear it? It’s almost here. Just take a quick moment, quiet yourself and give a good listen. It’s still somewhat a distance away, but it’s getting closer and closer and louder and louder. What’s getting closer? Well…STickets contest of course!! It’s what gets you the only FREE TICKETS to Burning Flipside!! Soon the drum beat of art will be a-pounding at your door and what will it be asking for? Your awesome art to help create the best…event…EVAH!!!! STickets…it really is Where The Art Starts!!!!

Theme: Sisyphean Celebration!!
Put in for a chance to win two free tickets!!!! Two contests, two chances to win!! The ONLY way to get free tickets to Burning Flipside!!

For guidelines, please click on link. Keep in mind all designs must be original. No clip art, and no copy written material may be used. The designs can be created digitally or by hand. So break out your pen, marker, crayon or stylus and get the ideas flowing.

All submissions please sent to Soooo…time to start thinking about not just sugar plums and fairies this time of year. And that drumming sound in the distance is not the Little Drummer Boy. It’s the beating drum of all the hearts from the folks that you delight with your submitted art. And of course, one of those drumbeats will play a fabulous beat that includes your hearts joy of winning TWO FREE TICKETS!!”

Anyway…deadline will be a couple of days after Spring Town Hall. That’s not until mid-February! Lots of time, you gots this!!

Also, if you think you’d like to submit, however know that life will get in the way and would like gentle reminders that you are interested, just look for me at my booth at the Fall Town Hall, give me your e-mail and I’ll add you to a personal list that I’ll make sure to e-mail reminder pokes with consent. 😉

Nova-yesthat’smyrealname and
Your Flipside 2019 Sticker/Ticket Selection Team

Announce November 2018

The year has flown by and we find ourselves careening into the end of the year. There are some important announcements this edition – make sure to take a look!

For even more info, stay tuned to:

As a reminder, if you’re looking to contribute to Flame or Announce, please us the Flipside Flame/Announce Submission page to send it in. This will also allow you to also set up your own Public Domain or personal pictures to your post. Announce will be at the beginning of the month, while Flames get published mid-month.

Please get me your announcements by the last week of every month.

Your new Content Lead,

What is in this Announce:

  • Leads Nominations are open
  • STickets: Where The Art Starts!!
  • Give us your feedback on nominated leads
  • Seeking Scribes for the Combustion Chamber
  • Burning Flipside Needs an Effigy!

Important Dates

  • CC Mixer: December 3, 2018 – Come on out and meet the CC members in an unstructured get-together @ AAR (Warehouse)
  • Spring Town Hall: February 2, 2019

For more information on how to be involved year around, check out the Burning Flipside Calendar.

Leads Nominations are open

Looking to become involved? Volunteer to be a lead! Have a friend? Sign them up too! Flex your volunteering skills and sign up here.

STickets: Where The Art Starts!!

Soooo…how’s your STickets art coming along? What’s that you say? NoooOOOooo art yet? WE HAVE A THEME!!!! Sisyphean Celebration!! YAAAAY!!!! That means we have something to be submitting Ticket and Sticker art!! This means you are putting in for a chance to win two free tickets!!!! Two contests, two chances to win!! The ONLY way to get free tickets to Burning Flipside!!




Give us your feedback on nominated leads

Hey! Are you a person with opinions? Of course you are. Do you like sharing them? You’re on the Internet, so the answer to that question is doubtlessly a Yes. Give your feedback here!

Seeking Scribes for the Combustion Chamber

Austin Artistic Reconstruction, (AAR) LLC and the Combustion Chamber (CC) seek scribes for the twice monthly CC meetings. More than one scribe allows for flexibility in scheduling meeting attendance. Interested? Find out more here.

Burning Flipside Needs an Effigy!

Just as a reminder, your letter of interest is due by 11:59 pm on Nov. 25th! The city needs YOU. Submit your design for Burning Flipside’s 2019 effigy!


Burning Flipside needs an EFFIGY!

Burning Flipside needs an EFFIGY!

If you have a strong opinion or a grand vision about what Pyropolis should build and burn in ‘019, and you’ve got the time, crew, and plan for how to do it, now’s the time to tell us! For info on guidelines, check out:

There will be two rounds for the effigy proposals. Read closely for all the info:

First we are calling for letters of interest. If you want to put together an effigy proposal, create a basic outline of that proposal and submit it to us. Once we have received the letters of interest, we will then begin the second round, where the interested parties will be given more information and asked to produce fully fleshed-out effigy proposals.

Your letter of interest is due by 11:59 pm on Nov. 25th! (Those who make the second round will be informed of the date their final proposals are due.)

Being a DaFT lead means you’re responsible for designing the effigy and leading the build team to create the Flipside Effigy, both during pre-event and on-site. You don’t necessarily need to be a professional engineer, architect, or carpenter. However, these skills certainly help. We suggest you seek advice from experienced builders and project leaders, should you need assistance or advice. It’s a challenge, but don’t be scared! Be a rockstar! Lead DaFT!

Don’t wait till it’s too late! The DaFT (Design and Fabrication Team) Selection Committee is here to help! Prior to the deadline, feel free to show (one or all of) us what you’ve got! Pick our brains! We’re all ex-DaFT leads, so we’ll be able to give you real insight into how to (or not to) build, delegate, lift, bolt, screw, nail, cut, ShopBot, beat-to-fit, transport, budget, burn, and otherwise DO the effigy things.

Contact us at:

From all of us at the DSC, happy designing!


Seeking Scribes for the Combustion Chamber

Seeking Scribing Flipizens!

Austin Artistic Reconstruction, (AAR) LLC and the Combustion Chamber (CC) seek scribes for the twice monthly CC meetings. More than one scribe allows for flexibility in scheduling meeting attendance.

This is a great position for a reliable person who wants to know what’s going on with Flipside. If you can type pretty fast, have a couple of free hours on Monday nights (twice a month), love your community and have your own laptop, then this gig is for you.

The CC discusses all sorts of things–ranging from very philosophical to procedural––but all are topics relevant and necessary to the continued growth of the Flipside community. It’s always thought-provoking and friendly, no matter what.

What’s even more necessary is that we have people we can trust to record the meetings so that others may live vicariously/stay tuned in.

Relatively new to the community and want to geek out on the details? Be a Scribe.
Been around a while and want to reconnect with the goings on? Be a Scribe.

Interested? Want to know more?

email OR
come on up to a CC meeting and see us in person!

STickets: Where The Art Starts!!

Helloooo, Fantastical Flipizens!!!! Soooo…how’s your STickets art coming along? What’s that you say? NoooOOOooo art yet? Well, Halloween art, but not STickets. I get that. Every weekend this month I’ve been busy in my front yard making the best Halloween front yard EVER!! 😀 Ya’ll really need to come check it out!! :p

But…BUT…making this Halloween art…I bet that really got your art engine a-running now, yes? GOOD!!

WE HAVE A THEME!!!! Sisyphean Celebration!! YAAAAY!!!!

That means we have something to be submitting Ticket and Sticker art!! This means you are putting in for a chance to win two free tickets!!!! Two contests, two chances to win!! The ONLY way to get free tickets to Burning Flipside!!

Anyway…deadline will be a couple of days after Spring Town Hall. That’s not until mid-February! Lots of time, you gots this!!

Also, if you think you’d like to submit, however know that life will get in the way and would like gentle reminders that you are interested, just look for me at my booth at the Fall Town Hall, give me your e-mail and I’ll add you to a personal list that I’ll make sure to e-mail reminder pokes with consent. 😉

Basic guidelines. Keep in mind all designs must be original. No clip art, and no copy written material may be used. The designs can be created digitally or by hand. So break out your pen, marker, crayon or stylus and get the ideas flowing.

All submissions please sent to Soon we’ll get more details like sizes. For now, this is just our second little “Hey, hey you!! Yes you with the crazy awesome creation making genius pretty stuff!!…Let the creations flow…flooooowwww down the stream to my humble abode. A place that could get you TWO FREE TICKETS!!”

Nova-yesthat’smyrealname and
Your Flipside 2019 Sticker/Ticket Selection Team

Announce September 2018

Fall is just around the corner – which means that it is time to start planning for next year’s Flipside!

If you would like to keep your finger on the pulse, check out the following:

As a reminder, if you’re looking to contribute to Flame or Announce, please us the Flipside Flame/Announce Submission page to send it in. This will also allow you to also use your own pictures or a Public Domain image for your post. We post year around, so make sure to get your announcements in!

Your Content Lead,


What is in this Announce:

  • Next Combustion Chamber Meeting
  • Fall Town Hall
  • STickets Announcement

Important Dates

  • Combustion Chamber Meeting: Sept 17
  • Fall Town Hall: Sept 22

For more information on how to be involved year around, check out the Burning Flipside Calendar.

Next Combustion Chamber Meeting

Who Can/Should Attend? You! If you care about the event and especially if you care about any of the agenda topics, you should come to discuss them. Be a voice. Check out the what’s next on the docket here.

Fall Town Hall

Come mingle with your fellow Flipizens pregame. Show off your burner finery. Reminisce about next year. Pitching or supporting a theme? This is a great opportunity to promote your theme suggestion(s) one-on-one or from your gussied-up pop-up shade. Interested in attending? Learn more about what is in store here.

Quick note: Submit your theme ideas for Flipside 2019 by clicking on this fancy link.

STickets Announcement

Welcome to Central Texas Fall!! 😀 And with this schizophrenic weather comes our Burning Flipside Fall Town Hall!!!! This is when we pick a theme folks!! flailing Kermit arms YAAAAAAAYYYY!!!! That means it will be once again time to warm up your creative juice maker and get those fantastical creations a flowing! By submitting Ticket and Sticker art you are putting in for a chance to win two free tickets!!!! Two contests, two chances to win!! Intrigued? Find out how you can win those two free tickets here.

Until next time!

STickets Announcement

Helloooo, Fabulous Flipizens!!!! It’s about that time of year when the weather starts to get a bit random. Hot, cold, rainy, warm, breezy, HOT, foggy, humid, rainy, HOT, etc. etc….etc…:p Welcome to Central Texas Fall!! 😀 And with this schizophrenic weather comes our Burning Flipside Fall Town Hall!!!! This is when we pick a theme folks!! flailing Kermit arms YAAAAAAAYYYY!!!!

That means it will be once again time to warm up your creative juice maker and get those fantastical creations a flowing! By submitting Ticket and Sticker art you are putting in for a chance to win two free tickets!!!! Two contests, two chances to win!! The ONLY way to get free tickets to Burning Flipside!!

Anyway…deadline will be a couple of days after Spring Town Hall. That’s not until mid-February! 😀 Lots of time, you gots this!!

Also, if you think you’d like to submit, however know that life will get in the way and would like gentle reminders that you are interested, just look for me at my booth at the Fall Town Hall, give me your e-mail and I’ll add you to a personal list that I’ll make sure to e-mail reminder pokes with consent. 😉

Basic guidelines. 😀 Keep in mind all designs must be original. No clip art, and no copy written material may be used. The designs can be created digitally or by hand. So break out your pen, marker, crayon or stylus and get the ideas flowing.

Soon we’ll get more details like sizes and a good e-mail address to submit to. For now, this is just our first little “Hey, hey you!! Yes you with the crazy awesome creation making genius pretty stuff!!…Let the creations flow…flooooowwww down the stream to my humble abode. A place that could get you TWO FREE TICKETS!!” 🙂

Nova-yesthat’smyrealname and
Your Flipside 2019 Sticker/Ticket Selection Team

Next Combustion Chamber Meeting

Upcoming Combustion Chamber Meeting:

Monday September 17th, 7:42pm~10:00pm
Lloyd the Warehouse, 3106 Industrial Terrace, ATX

Our special topics for this meeting:

  • What To Do about Inappropriately Parked Cars in Camps?
  • RVs vs. Available Space

Additional topics:
– Update from Austin Artistic Reconstruction, LLC
– Area Facilitators Update
– Regionals Update
– Town Hall Planning
– Combustion Chamber Business and Minutiae

Who Can/Should Attend: You! If you care about the event and especially if you care about any of these topics you should come to discuss them.

Why this matters: The CC provides advice to the LLC. The LLC provides the overall direction and policy guidance that end up making the event happen. The topics discussed at this meeting may have a direct impact on you during the actual Flipside event and/or at the AAR, LLC warehouse. CC meetings are a great way to stay informed about what’s happening in our community.

What is the Combustion Chamber or CC?

Combustion Chamber

Do you have some questions about CC meetings?

Meeting FAQ

If you don’t find your answer in the FAQ above, please email us. We like answering questions.