Fall Town Hall

Get ready for Fall Town Hall, Saturday September 22nd, 12:00pm~5:30pm, where we’ll be choosing the theme for Flipside 2019.

12:00pm – Tailgating and Socialization

Come mingle with your fellow Flipizens pregame. Show off your burner finery. Reminisce about next year. Pitching or supporting a theme? This is a great opportunity to promote your theme suggestion(s) one-on-one or from your gussied-up pop-up shade.

2:34pm – Meeting, Theme Presentations and Theme Voting

We’ll give you a little info to kick off the Flipside 2019 season, and hear theme proposals from the Flipizens proposing them. The theme that gets the most votes during the break will grace Flipside 2019.

Meeting agenda:

  • Welcome, Pledge, and Leave No Trace Reminder
  • 2018-19 Update from Austin Artistic Reconstruction, LLC
  • About Area Facilitators, Leads and Volunteers
  • Theme Presentations
  • Break and Voting
  • Stickets Design and the Selection Committee
  • Submitting Effigy Proposals to the DaFT Selection Committee
  • Warehouse Use and Opportunities
  • Combustion Chamber Update
  • Closing: Community Announcements, Winnerest Theme Announcement

All this happens at Lloyd the Warehouse, 3106 Industrial Terrace, ATX.

Announce July 2018

Flipside 2018 has come and gone – and what is in our future? Ways for you to continue to be connected to your community throughout the year, of course!

For even more info, stay tuned to:

As a reminder, if you’re looking to contribute to Flame or Announce, please us the Flipside Flame/Announce Submission page to send it in. This will also allow you to also set up your own Public Domain or personal pictures to your BurningFlipside.com post. Announce will be at the beginning of the month, while Flames get published mid-month. 

Please get me your announcements by the last week of every month.

Your Content Lead,


What is in this Announce:

  • Burning Flipside 2018 Return of the Shadows: 20 Years of Light and Dark: Public Information Report
  • Flipside wants your pictures!
  • 2018 MOOP Map
  • Burning Green – Post Event Results
  • STicket Winners

Community News:

  • Thank you Greeters!
  • Flipside 2018 Art Spotlight: Glass Cascade

Important Dates

  • Fall Town Hall: Sept 22

For more information on how to be involved year around, check out the Burning Flipside Calendar.


Burning Flipside 2018 Return of the Shadows: 20 Years of Light and Dark: Public Information Report

This year marked the 20th edition of Burning Flipside. In 1998, George Paap and about 30 people got together for “Burning Man Texas”; the first event called Burning Flipside was in 1999. Since then, a family of regional events has grown up around Texas, and Burning Flipside itself has grown steadily in size, organization, and the strength of the community that underpins it.

Want to know how this year fared? Check out the Flipside wrap up here.

Flipside wants your pictures!

Did you get any great photos at Flipside that you’d like to share on the burningflipside.com website? We’d love to have them, or any other creative works in digital form. Please submit them through our Media Contribution Form found on this page.

2018 MOOP Map

The 2018 MOOP Map shows that there was little MOOP found post-event, but there were a few problematic areas. If you see one or more yellow dots placed in your camp or near your camp, then please get involved. Ask questions of your camp mates and neighbors to raise awareness. Click here to learn more about how you can help out, or if you have something to report.

Burning Green – Post Event Results

Another AWESOME Burning Flipside is behind us. While analysis is still going on, I thought I’d give a preliminary update on how event LNT and post event restoration actions went. In a nutshell – The participants did outstanding! It was a great year for LNT! Check out this post to read more about Post Event Restoration, Infrastructure removal, MOOP Patrols, and Burn Scar clean up.

STicket Winners!

What did you think of this year’s STickets?? I LOVE THEM! All of you crazy, fabulous artists REALLY turned it out and gave me your art this year and made it SUPER difficult for the judges to pick a winner!! But pick they did and now I can finally announce the winners!


Community News:

Thank you Greeters!

I wanted to say a quick thanks to all the volunteers who worked to greet participants as they came in. A lot of people put a lot of work into making everyone feel welcomed and informed. Thank you all.

Flipside 2018 Art Spotlight: Glass Cascade

I have been doing mosaic stained glass art off and on for almost 15 years. I got into it in college when I moved into a house where the previous occupant left me a giant box of glass cuttings. I tried the Tiffany style copper foil method, but it involved way too much planning. I then started making tables and lamps that were built organically–often based on the shapes of the materials or patterns in the glass/stone.

I know you want to hear more about this community art piece.

Burning Flipside 2018 Return of the Shadows: 20 Years of Light and Dark: Public Information Report

This year marked the 20th edition of Burning Flipside. In 1998, George Paap and about 30 people got together for “Burning Man Texas”; the first event called Burning Flipside was in 1999. Since then, a family of regional events has grown up around Texas, and Burning Flipside itself has grown steadily in size, organization, and the strength of the community that underpins it.

Tickets & Attendance

In 2018, 2710 tickets were sold, and 2627 tickets were used, for a no-show rate of about 3%. For comparison, in 2017, 3017 tickets were sold and 2870 were used, for a no-show rate of about 5%.

In 2014–2017, AAR had some form of public second-round ticket sales after the normal mail-in ticket-request process. These secondary sales have never worked well, causing either strife among participants based on where and to whom tickets were sold, large amounts of extra work for volunteers particularly those on the board, and conflict between the community and the organization when the community did not feel the sales were done well. Therefore the board decided not to do a formal secondary sale outside of critical volunteer tickets to allow the event to run.


  • Nature: It was a hot and very humid year. Apart from that, nature was cooperative.
  • Gatecrashers: There was one group of gatecrashers who did manage to enter the event, but were rounded up and removed quickly. Another group attempted to enter from the north but were picked up by Milam County Sheriff’s Office deputies before they reached the event perimeter. There was also a ticketed participant who left and attempted to return by trespassing on neighboring property. All these people received trespassing tickets.
  • Medical transports: There were a total of 8 medical transports this year, including 5 in a 24-hour period. Most of these were either caused by the heat or exacerbated by the heat, but there were a couple of accidents causing injuries as well. This put a serious load on the nearest hospital, which is very small.
  • Interpersonal incidents: Perhaps the heat left everyone feeling too sluggish to get into much trouble, but there were zero ejections during the event, and the few traceable interpersonal incidents reported post-event have not been serious.
  • Sound: There was one external sound complaint on Friday night. Rangers and the one sound marshal on duty worked with sound camps to reduce the volume levels and that complaint did not recur.


It was a record year for burnable art, with four pieces of burnable art in addition to the Effigy: the Throne, the Mermicorn, Origins, the Memorial Temple, and Wee Burn. And it was a record year for art in general, with 65 total pieces of registered and placed art.

The Effigy itself, the Pine Cononagon was memorable for its interactive elements, hidden surprises, organizing theme, performances, and so on.

Theme Camps & City Planning

There were 126 registered theme camps, plus an unknown number of informal camps in the Badlands.

There were also 130 registered RVs in theme camps, and many more in the badlands–the final figure may have been as high as 200. RVs are beginning to present challenges in terms of space availability, planning, safety, and even volunteer capacity, and this trend appears likely to continue.

The direction of Road #2, (“Bad Idea Blvd” as it was called this year) was reversed this year from what it had been previously. This seemed to cause some confusion, and in general, keeping traffic moving in the right direction on roads continued to be a problem.

Some theme camps reported being allocated less space than they expected. In a radical experiment, City Planning this year allocated space based on the requirements stated in the camp’s registration, rather than the much larger spaces allocated previously.


Parking ran smoothly, with some 1300 cars being parked. Another 150 stragglers never got properly parked.


Unsurprisingly with the heat, Ice had very high sales this year, so much so that we needed to order extra ice for delivery during the event.


2018 was the first time in many years that the organization did not operating a recycling station. Anecdotal evidence is that it was not missed.


Safetyside had roughly the same attendance as in past years, but with more people from around the country. A couple were firefighters with BRC ESD, and they had high praise for what we’re doing. The centerpiece of Safetyside every year is a large-scale simulated incident, and this year the Safetyside organizers raised the level of professionalism with controllers and monitors throughout the incident to keep the action moving and to collect better information.

Work Weekends

As in previous years, there were four work weekends, with attendance in the 15-30 range, which was plenty. After years of hard work at Apache Passtures, it has gotten to the point where it doesn’t need a lot of people to get it ready for Flipside.


Load-in, the Saturday before Flipside when we ship all the event’s infrastructure out to the event site, was well attended. The layout of the warehouse’s loading bays and parking lot created a bottleneck that slowed things down somewhat, but we got the job done and can work around this next year.

Load-Out & Cleanup

Load-out and cleanup, when we return our infrastructure to the Warehouse and perform line sweeps of the land for final LNT, were not covered very well, with only about 10 people on LNT duties and about 40 more to load trucks; there was also a crew at the warehouse to unload trucks.

Burning Green – Post Event Results

Another AWESOME Burning Flipside is behind us. While analysis is still going on, I thought I’d give a preliminary update on how event LNT and post event restoration actions went.

In a nutshell – The participants did outstanding! It was a great year for LNT!

Post event restoration can be broken down into three main jobs; Infrastructure removal, MOOP Patrols, and Burn Scar clean up. On the Saturday post event, we had 47 people show up at Apache Pastures and an unknown number show up at the warehouse to assist in these volunteering opportunities. Additionally, during the event we had volunteers for Earth Guardians and Exodus participating in the LNT effort.

Infrastructure removal – This is loading all the AAR gear (safety equipment, signage, tools, playatech, etc.) and some of the art projects onto box trucks and returning it to the warehouse. While hot and tiring work, the various leads stacked their areas well and due to some pre-staging/work done on the Monday/Tuesday prior, it went quickly. The first, of the trucks left the land at approximately 1:15pm. So even including a break for pizza and ice cream, the job on-site was well along the way in about three hours. I do not know when the last truck was completely unpacked at the warehouse because by the time I got there at around 6pm it was all done. Super job!

MOOP Sweeps – This is where volunteers walk the entire land in close knit lines looking for any missed MOOP. They will then mark the location responsible and later produce a comprehensive map of offenders. While we could have used more people here to ensure better land coverage the team was able to do a pretty good pass over the complete property. The MOOPers that we had walked in pairs or triple, or foursome. In some cases, these small team sampled shaded areas and obvious camp spots. When a specific location got documented and found its way to the MOOP Map, it was because that location had multiple instances of MOOP or was especially grievous MOOP. From my viewpoint, I do not suspect as many findings we have seen in some past years. This can be directly attributed to the participants faithfully ensuring their sites were cleaned before leaving the land. Good deal keep it up and let’s hope for an even better next year.

Burn Scar – This is where all the metal and ash from the effigy burn is removed from the burn site. Several members of DaFT and some other helpful volunteers joined in to get extremely dirty shoveling up every piece of ash they could. Additionally, magnetic rakes were used to get all the metal off the ground. Lastly any trenches or holes created were filed in. I am happy to say once done, this was one of the cleanest scars I’ve seen.

I also want to mention that in additional to the effigy scar there were three additional smaller burn scars created by four participant driven burn projects. These were all well cleaned up before the event ended. I am extremely pleased with how the artists took care of their areas so the restoration crew was not left holding the bag (of ash – literally). I’d gladly sign off on them burning again, from a restoration standpoint.

Exodus – Exodus occurs on Monday, but it is considered a post event activity. Exodus went for the most part very smoothly with the overwhelming majority of the participants off the land well in advance of the 5pm deadline. The Exodus crews performed admirably and were assisted by other department’s volunteers as needed. Again, during this time, many of the other departments took time to break down their areas and prepare gear for transport back to the warehouse.

Earth Guardians – Did a good job getting the message out, loved the sign by the crossroads, and I believe were a great contributing factor to why I felt there was less MOOP during the event than I’ve seen previously.

Lastly Recycling – We did not have recycling this year. I am glad to report that no one forgot about this and left recycling at the non-existent station. The lack of a recycling station did not seem to cause any great distress, or at least no major complaints got back to me. However, I also don’t know if any camps sorted their own materials.

In summary, overall it was a real good year for LNT. Even during the event, I did not see a lot of MOOP. Great job participants and a special personal shout out to all the Sign Off Leads and Volunteers! – wrinn

2018 MOOP Map

The 2018 MOOP Map shows that there was little MOOP found post-event. The low quantity of MOOP may be attributed to community awareness of LNT and a low number of volunteers for MOOP Sweeps and documentation.

The MOOP Map is a grey scale Safety Map which is annotated with yellow dots and red dots. Each yellow dot can be associated with an item of MOOP found. A cluster of yellow dots represents a MOOPy area. If the MOOPers feel that the MOOP item or action is atrocious, then the dot is changed to red.

Only 1 red dot was assigned to a MOOP item in 2018. It was a bag of bio-hazardous waste, which found either in or next to a portlet near camp 300. The stench was so horrible that most volunteers gagged and declined to move the bag. An anonymous Saint disposed bio-hazardous waste bag.

There were a handful theme camps with 3 or more items of MOOP found post-event. Those theme camps with 3 or more items of MOOP were 312, 408, 501, 515, and 607.

There were 2 areas in the Southern Badlands that were MOOPy. The first MOOPy area in the Badlands was near where the exit road connected to the entrance road in safety grid R6. The second MOOPy area in the Badlands was at the South end of Wizard Way near an emergency call box, in safty grid P7.

Overall, the vendors did a good job at LNT. However, the privacy fence along the county road did produce some MOOP.

If you see one or more yellow dots placed in your camp or near your camp, then please get involved. Ask questions of your camp mates and neighbors to raise awareness. Send email to cleanup18@burningflipside.com and ask for details on the MOOP findings. Visit the Cleanup and Site Sign Off booth at the next Townhall and volunteer for the next burn. We need you in 2019.

Disclaimer: Not on the 2018 MOOP Map were things picked up during the event, insignificant random findings or reported items post-event. There were some complaints about numerous cigarette butts on the ground during the event. However, most of the cigarette butts were picked up during the event by conscience burners. Being short on volunteers post-event, MOOPers spread wide and thin, walked fast, picked up that which stood out in the grass. MOOPers got a warm fuzzy feeling that things looked good, so a secondary sweep was not organized. However, MOOPers may have missed things with the spread between them, and the speed at which they moved. In some cases, MOOPers elected not to document small, random findings here and there, because of the documentation overhead and time.

Flipside wants your pictures

Did you get any great photos at Flipside that you’d like to share on the burningflipside.com website? We’d love to have them. Or any other creative works in digital form. Please submit them through our Media Contribution Form here:


Please do read the “Media-Use Agreement” on that page first. These are the terms you’re agreeing to when submitting a media contribution.

If your photos depict art, we need the name of the piece and the piece’s creator/s in order to credit them appropriately. If there are any people depicted in your photos, please be sure you have their explicit permission to post their photos online.

If you want to contribute a large number of files, you can contact media@burningflipside.com, but we’ll need all the information requested on that form either way.

Flipside Flame May 2018

It is a week before Flipside and welcome to the last Flame before we all head out on land! This mid-month post round-up tends to be a bit more on the casual side of things, so in the future, should your theme camp or art installation need any announcements, you’re going to want to contact me using the Flipside Flame/Announce Submission page. I hope you’ve started packing as we’re getting down to the wire: Flipside 2018: Return of the Shadows: 20 Years of Light and Dark.

For even more info, stay tuned to:

Your Content Lead,


What is in this Flame:

  • Larry Harvey, Rest in Peace
  • 2018 Map is Live
  • Get Yourself on Island Time
  • BurninGlam and You
  • Artists4humanity Performance
  • KFliP Updates
  • Flipside 2018 Art Spotlight: Crank Baby
  • Flipside 2018 Art Spotlight: Pretty Perilous
  • Flipside 2018 Art Spotlight: Bunnies Dream of Synesthesia
  • Flipside 2018 Art Spotlight: The Very Small Effigy
  • Ignition Philter is Proud to Present the 2018 Grant Winners!
  • Memorial Temple Needs Volunteers
  • Post Event Restoration Events Needs You
  • It’s Real!
  • Last call for DisInfo

Important Dates

Larry Harvey, Rest in Peace

In 1986, a guy went down to a beach with some friends and burned a stick figure.

They had no way of knowing then how many lives they would change.

The following year, they did it again. And again. After a few years, they moved this thing–whatever this thing is–to a boundless, featureless desert. Read on about Larry’s effect on all of us...

2018 Map is Live

Big thanks to our City Planning volunteers! Is your favorite theme camp coming? [Check it out in detail here…]

Photo by: JadeRumour
“This is your Island.
This is your Island, without Art.
Don’t let your Island go Unfilled.”

Get Yourself on Island Time

Not to be missed, The Island is only across the bridge or down the river path, but occupies a parallel universe.

Hosting a gallery of Flipizen’s art, shady spots, and cool(er) breezes off the river, The Island is worth repeat visits to discover the scope of the Art and the variety of experiences they offer. Interested in visiting? Learn more about The Island here.


BurninGlam and You!

BurninGlam wants your bright, crazy, glittery, lacy, silly, flowy, sexy, boldly patterned, bizarre fun clothes! We want your weird hats, tights, gloves, bras, wigs, accessories and props! What kind of clothes and costume pieces are they looking for? Click here to learn how participate!

Artists4humanity Performance

Artists4humanity will be doing a performance art piece at Burning Glam Friday at dusk. You won’t want to miss this experience!

KFLiP Updates

There’s lots going on over at the KFLiP Radio Ranch! 20 years of the light and the dark is all well and good, but let me clue you in on the latest after 12 years of FM radio and unplanned power outages, KFLiP-style!

  • We had a fund-raiser a few weeks ago, because KFLiP needed a bunch of big-ticket items all at once. (Two new generators, a new FM transmitter, new antenna and tower, etc.). If you want a KFLiP tote bag or stainless steel mug, we’re still taking pledges.
  • A new FM transmitter! KFLiP 100.5 FM is now broadcasting in STEREO.
  • and more!

KFLiP DJ sign-up is NOW!

Broadcasting to our dozens of fans for over 10 years now, KFLiP offers a bewildering mix of music and news from our own camp DJs and the community at large! Sign up to add your mad skillz here.

Flipside 2018 Art Spotlight: Crank Baby

The Art Spotlight is intended to highlight our community’s artists and provide a tease for the pieces they are bringing to the event. The countdown to Flipside is on! Start getting excited about the ART. Want to see what is going to be on the Pecan Playa? Check out this post for more on Mitch ‘Giraffe’ Hoffman’s Crank Baby.


Flipside 2018 Art Spotlight: Pretty Perilous

It all started by my strong desire to gift a village at Burning Man with something heartfelt, but also terribly dangerous for no good reason: a bunch of uncapped rebar (it was going to be labeled “Rebar Garden” and just appear overnight). That didn’t happen because I overbooked myself to my first big burn, so for year two I decided I should make it pretty, by attaching jagged edged cut metal flowers to the rebar. Click here to read more about Ste. Michelle’s great rebar escapade.

Flipside 2018 Art Spotlight: Bunnies Dream of Synesthesia

The project started from a desire to create a recognizable landmark to help me find my way home. Along the way, it has evolved into something more interactive by watching how people experience the piece. At the end of the day, though, I love when light and sound harmonize and hope I’ve created a canvas that attracts other visual and sound artists to come create.

Sounds delightful. Want to read more about this synesthetic piece? Head on over to this post!

Flipside 2018 Art Spotlight: The Very Small Effigy

I really love the way imagination, play, and general ridiculousness thrives at Flipside. I get so much joy at seeing people doing their thing, together, it’s amazing. Wanting to make basically a I-love-you-so-much-Flipside valentine back to the community led to a last minute idea… making Wee Camp, which came out two years ago as an unofficial piece. Much love and gratitude to Glam for letting our small first silliness happen by them!

The Very Small Effigy idea came out of Wee Camp thinking about events we could offer to the community, as a legit theme camp. [Read more…]

Ignition Philter is Proud to Present the 2018 Grant Winners!

This year we had 36 applications! Thanks to your donations during tickets and the LLC, we were able to award 16 projects money, giving away a total of $5500! Not bad for our first year! Read more about the winners here.

Memorial Temple Needs Volunteers

Also Memorial Temple ceremony night Saturday on playa needs a few volunteers. Please email templeburningflipside@gmail.com for more information.

Post Event Restoration Events Needs You



Restoration Efforts – Although Burning Flipside is a Leave No Trace event where every participant removes whatever they brought in, there are still some items that require community effort to fully restore the Pecan Playa. Hopefully you enjoyed the event, now come help us ensure we can have it next year! Learn about how you can help out with Exodus, Infrastructure/Post Ops, and Clean Up here.

It’s Real!

So, this Saturday, at Lloyd the Wherehouse, 3106 Industrial Terrace, we are doing the thing.

Flipside, right now, is an empty field.  This Saturday at 10:00 am, we are loading all of our infrastructure onto trucks, and taking it to Flipside and removing it.  Every ice and rangers shade strcuture, every infrastructure bench you sit on, every table, THE EFFIGY, all of the fire equipment, ALL OF IT MUST GO.

Hands are needed. Come and help!

Last Call for DisInfo


Is your theme camp holding a life changing and awesome event this year? Last call to head on over to the Events Registration to ensure that our community is in the know.




* See you on the flip side!*


Post Event Restoration Events Needs You

Restoration Efforts – Although Burning Flipside is a Leave No Trace event where every participant removes whatever they brought in, there are still some items that require community effort to fully restore the Pecan Playa. Hopefully you enjoyed the event, now come help us ensure we can have it next year!

Exodus – Don’t want to leave? Want to stay one more night? Sign up with the Exodus crew to help get others off the land so the restoration efforts can begin. This only take about 4 hours on Monday and you get use of a golf cart so it is easy! Sign Ups are at https://wiki.burningflipside.com/wiki/Volunteer/Exodus

Infrastructure/Post Ops – The organization itself brings a considerable amount of equipment out each year to provide the canvas for the participants. This infrastructure must be packed up and returned to the warehouse after the event. That happens on the Saturday post, June 2nd. Please come out one more time, help us and see what it looks like with nothing left on site. Sign Ups are at https://wiki.burningflipside.com/wiki/PrePost

Clean Up – Although we hope not to have to clean up after everyone picks up all the MOOP, there are undeniably a few things left behind. We need volunteers to walk the lands. Pick up what little is left and report it, so we can point it out to the offending camps/areas. Additionally, we help clean up the burn scar. Did you enjoy the burn, come back and help get it ready for next year? Sign Ups are at https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#search/xander/16303b3dafefef5a

Recycling – Don’t need any volunteers as there isn’t organized recycling in 2018!

Restoration efforts are an important aspect, not just of event sustainability and land owner satisfaction but they are just a good idea that helps us ensure we are a Leave No Trace Event. Help us be Burning Green!