Larry Harvey, Rest in Peace

In 1986, a guy went down to a beach with some friends and burned a stick figure.

They had no way of knowing then how many lives they would change.

The following year, they did it again. And again. After a few years, they moved this thing–whatever this thing is–to a boundless, featureless desert.

He and his friends had ups and downs. They had problems and triumphs. One problem they did not have was a lack of popularity. This thing had struck a chord with people. A lot of people. People who knew that we should take ourselves less seriously. People who wanted to make the world weirder. People who understood that your worth as a person has nothing to do with what you can buy. And people who urgently wanted the community of other people who believed the same things.

In 1998, regional burns brought these ideas to people in other places—people who had never been to Burning Man and might never go. Today there are regional burns on every continent (even Antarctica), hundreds of them, that are not so much parties or festivals or family reunions or company picnics as they are the physical manifestation of a community’s ideals.

And today, the guy who started all this died. It is a testament to the power of these ideas and the strength of this community that we will only pause a moment to doff our Stetsons in respect before we push forward at a slightly unreasonable pace to keep doing this thing we do.

Thank you, Larry.

Seeking Feedback on Combustion Chamber Nominees

The Combustion Chamber recently put out a call for new members, and we have four nominees.  We’d love community feedback on our candidates!  If you know them, or you’ve worked with them before, feel free to tell us what your experiences with them are, and whether or not you’d feel comfortable with them representing your community — Our Community.

CC nomination feedback

The candidates are:

Bill Blome
Gyesika Safety
Tommy Shultz

The Combustion Chamber advocates for the Burning Flipside community and its principles in creating policy recommendations & by fostering an open forum to exchange ideas and information between Austin Artistic Reconstruction, LLC and the community at large.

We’ll be accepting feedback until 11:59pm on Thursday, May 3rd.

Our thanks for your insight,
The Combustion Chamber

April Flame 2018

Welcome to April’s Flame! This mid-month post round-up tends to be a bit more on the casual side of things, so if your theme camp or art installation has some announcements, make sure to contact me using the Flipside Flame/Announce Submission page to get that information to me by May 13, 2018. We have one more Flame post before Flipside 2018: Return of the Shadows: 20 Years of Light and Dark.

For even more info, stay tuned to:

Your new Content Lead,


What is in this Flame:

  • Having an Event at Flipside? Disinformation is Looking for YOU!
  • Pre-Post is Looking for Volunteers!
  • DaFT: Ways to Participate Before, During, and After Flipside
  • K-FLiP boasts improved equipment
  • Event: WonderLounge: Shadow Magic Circus

Important Dates

Having an Event at Flipside? Disinformation is Looking for YOU!


Do you need Pyropolis to know about your event at Flipside this year? DisInformation is looking for your events for Flipside 2018. Need to get in touch? Click here to find out more.


Pre-Post is Looking for Volunteers!

Interested in seeing what goes into setting up and taking down Flipside infrastructure? Lurko is looking for volunteers to help us get to and from the land. If this sounds like a volunteer position right up your alley, click here for more information on how to sign up for shifts.

DaFT: Ways to Participate Before, During, and After Flipside

photo courtesy of stephy


The Effigy is the centerpiece of Burning Flipside. Beginning in February, countless volunteers meet up several times a week at the warehouse and work tirelessly to make the largest single art piece at the event a reality. There are opportunities well before the event, at the event, and after the event to be a part of something truly magical.

Want to learn more? Check out this post here.

K-FLiP boasts improved equipment

Pyropolis Public Radio K-FLiP reports that they have acquired all new studio and broadcasting equipment, that should improve the 100.5FM signal.

Pretty nifty, right? Click here for more information on how K-FLiP has grown.

Event: WonderLounge: Shadow Magic Circus


Come One, Come All, to the greatest show at Flipside! Prepare to be mesmerized.


Upcoming Announce and Flame Due Dates

  • May Announce (and last before Flipside): Monday, April 30, 2018
  • May Flame (and last before Flipside): Sunday, May 13, 2018

Need to get the word out? Head to the Flipside Flame / Announce Submission page.



K-FLiP boasts improved equipment

Pyropolis Public Radio K-FLiP reports that they have acquired all new studio and broadcasting equipment, that should improve the 100.5FM signal.

“For one thing, the new 50 watt transmitter is stereo and the signal is circularly polarized, making it easier to pick up, especially in cars,” reports Jim Radio.

The station reminds campers to bring a jam box or table top radio for their camp.

The equipment was purchased with funds raised as a part of an on-line and in-house benefit party at The Coop, a notorious Burner hang out.

A note for parents

If you’re planning on bringing a kid to Flipside, you have some extra responsibilities.

You need to bring documentation to verify that you are the parent or legal guardian of the minor in your care. We strongly recommend you use our Minor Affidavit, which you can download from this page:

You will need to have this affidavit notarized.

The alternative to the affidavit is to provide an original birth certificate, passport, court document granting custody, etc. AAR, LLC will retain a copy of these documents. You will also be signing paperwork at Gate on behalf of your minor child.

You also need to supervise your child directly for the duration of the event, and to provide for all their needs.

Children have always been a part of Flipside. We realize it’s not easy to have a kid at Flipside, and we’re glad there are people who are making that effort.

Burning Green – MOOP


A common burner word that pretty much expresses our desire for an LNT event but what exactly is MOOP?

First of all, the pure definition is “Matter Out Of Place” and it means anything that is not originally OF Apache Pastures (or whatever location any event takes place).

Anything we bring out has the potential to become MOOP. No matter how small a thing is, it must be removed by the participants at the end of the event. Otherwise it is MOOP!

One question that comes up every so often, “Are Biodegradable items considered MOOP?” The simple straightforward answer is YES! Orange peels, egg shells, food scraps, etc. are all still considered MOOP and must be removed.

Why? Well for several reasons. Not only does it potentially affect the ecosystem by introducing foreign materials, it can potentially endanger the sustainability of the event (no 21st Burning Flipside?). Sure, one egg shell is probably not going to do anything catastrophic but if every participant left behind every piece of biodegradable item they encountered we would have a dump on our hands.

Do you leave banana peels on your living room floor? Then why leave them in the landowners back yard.

Items that are especially troublesome include carpet debris, feathers and worst of all glitter (No *&^% Glitter!). For Restoration’s sake PLEASE do not bring glitter! Trying to pick up hundreds of pieces of glitter from a trampled ground takes hours and is very tedious. It is a problem we simply don’t need.

If you smoke, take a small tin (such as an breath mint container), decorate it and carry it around as your personal ashtray.

A MOOP bag is a great idea. They are simple to make, and you can be as artistic as you want. Here are some simple directions from BM’s Earth Guardians <>

Lastly, every year Restoration takes stock of how the participants/camps left the land and makes a MOOP map showing who were problem camps. This can affect treatment in future years so I suggest not getting listed as being a MOOPhole.

However stuff can get blow around so if you are concerned, I suggest, as you are leaving, call one of the sign off crew to check out how you line sweeps did, get a clean bill of health and you too can be burning green!

Sweet and Innocent City Planners Need Help

Thank you so much for reading about our plight. We, few, sweet and innocent city planners are nearly overwhelmed with the tasks set forth by our big mean bosses. While they gallivant about Europe, we are forced to continue on, nonetheless.


Emily our devoted City Signage lead slaves away, crying at her solitude, Sundays at Lloyd the Warehouse to make city signs. Won’t someone come and help her? Sunday afternoons. Contact her for more details: Or to help install signs on site:

Molly, our fresh recruit the Flagging lead role, is wondering if anyone will help her? Help the poor dear out, and sign up on the wiki: or contact her here:

And don’t forget Bonnie, your Theme Camp Liaison. She always wants to hear from theme camps when things change so we can try to accommodate them while we still can. After a while it gets harder to do that, and that makes us so sad. Keep in touch with Bonnie here:

Ste. Michelle
Patron Saint of Woe

Work Weekend III

yo yo yo, it is that time again…

Work Weekend III is almost upon us! April 20-22. We will be doing more road work, and are looking for experienced skid steer operators! If that is you, please sign up below! Even if you are not inclined to do road work, we’ve got plenty of other items to tackle. Poison Ivy, Ants, downed tree limbs, etc. We need YOU to make this go.

Also of note, Safety side will also be on the land this weekend. Safety Side is held on the other side of the river of Apache Pass. Please do NOT wander over to the other side during their training unless you are signed up for some sort of training. There will be temple burn on Saturday evening that we have been invited to attend starting at 9pm. Following the temple burn, work weekend attendees may also join the guardian games.

Ticket Lead Update


Ticket window is closed and we do not anticipate selling any more tickets.

Never fear! Since we were able to fulfill all viable requests this year, tickets should be easily obtainable.

Finding Tickets

Community involvement is one of the best ways to find a ticket.

1) VOLUNTEER! Generally people with extra tickets offer them to people who are active and contributing members of the community. Even if you have never been to an event, this is a great way to meet people and connect with a spare ticket.

2) Come to church night at The Warehouse or camp fundraisers! There will be many people at these events who will either have tickets or be able to connect you with someone that has an extra. Find out more at

Ticket Exchange

Every year tickets become available for sale as people realize that they or their friends will not be able to attend the event. Fortunately, there are many ways to find tickets. At this time, there are two secondary market outlets:

  1. Facebook page Central Texas burn event ticket and rideshare group.

  2. Texas Ticket Fairy

We strongly encourage everyone seeking tickets to pay only the original ticket price of $132 per Adult ticket, $132 per Teen ticket (ages 14 to 18), and $40 for Kid ticket (ages 7 to 13), and $0 per Child ticket (under age 7), as scalping goes against the spirit of the community and this event.

If you acquire a ticket, please be sure that ownership is transferred to you. Register your ticket at Follow the directions on the ticket page after logging in. See the Ticket FAQ page for additional information.
