Seeking Scribes for the Combustion Chamber

Seeking Scribing Flipizens!

Austin Artistic Reconstruction, (AAR) LLC and the Combustion Chamber (CC) seek scribes for the twice monthly CC meetings. More than one scribe allows for flexibility in scheduling meeting attendance.

This is a great position for a reliable person who wants to know what’s going on with Flipside. If you can type pretty fast, have a couple of free hours on Monday nights (twice a month), love your community and have your own laptop – this gig is for you.

The CC discusses all sorts of things–ranging from very philosophical to procedural–but all are topics relevant and necessary to the continued growth of the Flipside community. It’s always thought provoking and friendly, no matter what.

What’s even more necessary is that we have people we can trust to record the meetings so that others may live vicariously/stay tuned in.

Relatively new to the community and want to geek out on the details? Be a Scribe.
Been around a while and want to reconnect with the goings on? Be a Scribe.

Interested? Want to know more?

  1. email OR
  2. come on up to a CC meeting and see us in person!

Seeking feedback on Combustion Chamber nominees

Hey-o! The Combustion Chamber recently put out a call for new members, and we have four nominees. We’d love community feedback on our candidates! If you know them, or you’ve worked with them before, feel free to tell us what your experiences with them are, and whether or not you’d feel comfortable with them representing your community — Our Community.

The candidates are:

Rachel Ginger Reddig, Aka Ginger
Sam Arnold
Sean Moore, aka CrazyLegs aka Ducky aka Grand Jaguar
Michael Williams

The Combustion Chamber advocates for the Burning Flipside community and its principles in creating policy recommendations & by fostering an open forum to exchange ideas and information between Austin Artistic Reconstruction, LLC and the community at large.

We’ll be accepting feedback until 11:59pm on Monday, August 7th. Which happens to be our next CC meeting date.

Our thanks for your insight,
The Combustion Chamber

Combustion Chamber is seeking new members

Your Community Needs You!

Are you passionate about Flipside and its community? Does learning how Flipside happens sound interesting? Do you enjoy listening to/discussing/debating the finer points of Community with your friends/camp mates/fellow burners? Would you enjoy talking about crucial matters in this community all year long? Do you know someone else who fits this description?

The Combustion Chamber is seeking new members. Please take a few minutes and submit your application or nominate that person who would love this gig at:

But wait…what is the Combustion Chamber? The Burning Flipside Combustion Chamber (CC) is the eyes and ears of the community. Do you have a concern? Touch base with us! Wonder why something happens the way it does? Ask us. If we don’t know, we’ll find out or at least point you to the person who can answer your question. We also act as a sounding board for the event organizers (aka AAR, LLC). The CC typically meets every other Monday evening for approximately two hours, at Lloyd the warehouse.

Does this sound like the right way for you to help your Flipizen community? Click the link.

To learn more about the Burning Flipside Combustion Chamber, click here:

As always, we’d like to remind folks that Combustion Chamber membership is not limited specifically to those that live in the Austin area, so if you’re in another city, but could make regular meetings, feel free to apply.

The deadline for submissions is July 24th, at 11:59PM.

After that, we will ask you to give us feedback on all the CC candidates. We want to make sure your voice is heard! We’ll post the link and you speak up by August 7th, at 11:59PM.

Interested in seeing the CC in action? We encourage the participation of all Flipizens. Our next meeting is Monday, July 10th, 7:42pm, at Lloyd, the Burning Flipside Warehouse.

The Combustion Chamber

Post Burning Flipside Restoration event – Saturday June 3rd.

Post Burning Flipside Restoration event – Saturday June 3rd.

Burning Flipside 2017 was awesome! It is not quite over yet though. We still have a lot of infrastructure on land that needs to get to the warehouse and Restoration efforts to conduct. If you enjoyed your burn, please come out and help us ensure we put things back together.

That will happen this Saturday (in three days – 6/3/17) at Apache Pasture’s starting at 10am. Some participants may gather at the warehouse at 9am for ride-sharing.

While we need help on land, we also could use some fresh bodies at the warehouse to help out load later that afternoon. Exact times are TBD depending on how long it takes out there so just look for up to the minute posts on FB.

Thank you for making this one excellent year, please lend a hand so we end it on that same excellent note!

Last Minute Stuff That Isn’t A Flame Or An Announce

It’s the Final Countdown.   Day before Gate Opens.  The RECKONING IS UPON US.

cue benign elevator music  Or Europe.   Whatever.

Here are some last minute tidbits for you and yours to enjoy before heading out to the pecan Playa.

See you there!

~ Editor


Events!   What’s Happening?

Want a Guide to What’s Happening at Flipside and Where?

2017 Event Listing

Print it out or Save it to your phone/tablet and bring it with you for those plans you plan and break or plan and keep or plan to keep and break or plan to break and keep or happen to keep accidentally or randomly happen to keep planning or accidentally happen to do.     But if you WANT to plan — YOU CAN!


Tickets — Do you have yours?

Here’s a few things to check into regarding tickets.
Read this BEFORE the event.
Read this BEFORE emailing with questions.
Heck, just read this NOW.
Then, if you still have questions, GO HERE.
  1. Log onto your tickets at to make sure you name is correct on your ticket.  Will Call tickets require an ID that matches your name before you can get in.  Example:  If your ticket is under SparklePony, make sure your drivers license says SparklePony.
  2. When transferring/claiming tickets, the unique ticket code will change.  Recipients need to log onto to see the new number.
  3. Emails are wonky sometimes.  If you did not get an email about your ticket, log onto to check your status.
What your takeaway from this is  :::::::  logging onto your account at may help you out.
~ Loribug
BTW:  secondary ticket sales are expected to be finalized within the next week.  Processing of the secondary tickets has progressed in waves, but will soon be complete.
STILL have questions?
Contact Loribug directly here:
 –> Tickets


Easter Eggs

Have you checked out the interactive map of the event?
That thing has more easter eggs than Faberge. Kudos to City Planning!


Didn’t Have Time to Read the Survival Guide?

Or maybe you just want to bone up on all your Flipside knowledge as you finish up your packing or as you make the drive in towards our fair city…..

Our own Edie Cosmos has once again made the

Your fellow participants and Pyropolis residents pooled their vocal talents to bring you Aural Pleasure in Survival Guide form…. aaaaaahhhhhhhhh……..


Speaking of Sound

Bring an FM Radio!
KFLiP 100.5
Radio Free Pyropolis

Tune in on the way home!

In your car, with a portable radio, anywhere at Flipside or nearby!


MORE SOUND – Be a Part of the Procession!

Playfulness is a huge part of what makes Flipside go.

From the tiniest tyke to the biggest of babies, we let our imaginations take over and build a special space to explore, to frolic, to connect, and to participate. This year, the procession for the burn will begin at Pyropolis Kidsville just before dark (time to be determined- will be announced the day of the Burn at the event).

The procession will wind through the city to the cadence of noise.

Bring your own pots, pans, blocks of wood, or anything you want to creatively bang together- be inspired!

The procession will be gently structured according to the beat of a metronome broadcast through Pyropolis on KFLiP (FM 100.5).

All participants are encouraged to join in and be a part of the procession!


Load-in: Saturday, May 20

Load-in starts at 10:00 AM at the Warehouse. We’ll be filling up a bunch of box trucks with event infrastructure and the effigy, and then taking them out to the event site.

This is an all-hands operation. We’ll need people at the Warehouse and people out at the land starting a little later. Be there! We’ll post updates on Saturday as work progresses.

Traffic Flow for 2017

Recently we talked about the new parking plan. We wanted to follow up as these changes impact more than just parking, but the whole traffic flow when entering the city.

The image above is of County Road 428 (the road you take to enter Burning Flipside). The yellow line indicates the route you take into Flipside while the red line indicates the route to parking. You may notice that the red line exits where you may be used to entering Flipside while the yellow line enters at a new location, please make sure to use the new entrance to keep traffic moving. Here is an overhead view of the same traffic pattern:

And here is a version with street signs if it helps you picture it better:

Once you have entered the property you will turn left and follow the path through the cones to gate. There you will have your ticket or in and out pass processed as usual. Once you are done at gate you will come to another fence that looks something like this:

Once through the gate labeled “Enter Pyropolis Here” you will proceed to Greeters as usual.

Then once you have completed unloading at your camp you will follow the road back to the fence pictured above, you will cross County Road 428 and come into the new parking lot.

There a helpful parking volunteer will help you find a parking spot. Once parked you will walk to the south and then pass under the Worley Bridge to bring you back to gate.

Announce May 2017


Packed with really useful information, this Announce message is the last regularly scheduled Announce message before Burning Flipside. It’s worth your time to read through, and there’s lots of good advice.

For more info, stay tuned to:

Remember, if you have something you’d like to contribute to the Flame or Announce, use Flipside Flame/Announce Submission page to send it in. Announce tends to be at the beginning of the month, and Flames usually get published around the middle of the month. Get me the info at least a week before then, and I’ll do my best to get your contribution included.


Tickets — Do you have yours?

Here’s a few things to check into regarding tickets.
Read this BEFORE the event.
Read this BEFORE emailing with questions.
Heck, just read this NOW.
Then, if you still have questions, GO HERE.
  1. Log onto your tickets at to make sure you name is correct on your ticket.  Will Call tickets require an ID that matches your name before you can get in.  Example:  If your ticket is under SparklePony, make sure your drivers license says SparklePony.
  2. When transferring/claiming tickets, the unique ticket code will change.  Recipients need to log onto to see the new number.
  3. Emails are wonky sometimes.  If you did not get an email about your ticket, log onto to check your status.
What your takeaway from this is  :::::::  logging onto your account at may help you out.
~ Loribug
BTW:  secondary ticket sales are expected to be finalized within the next week.  Processing of the secondary tickets has progressed in waves, but will soon be complete.
STILL have questions?
Contact Loribug directly here:
 –> Tickets


Love Flipside?   YOU too can be an integral part of making this city the amazing place that it is!

Keep reading for the scoop on many of the opportunities to participate in Flipside in a variety of ways.

And CLICK HERE to get the short-and-sassy version of the info and links to get started NOW!


Looking for an unconventional opportunity?

Flipside doesn’t end when the effigy burns Sunday night….  There are teams of volunteers just like you that work hard after the event to make sure that we leave the land better than we found it.

Exodus is looking for volunteers to help Flipizens leave the city safely and smoothly and we’d love your help.

Work on Monday and stay overnight.

Signups are open on the Pyropolis wiki, so head over and volunteer!

 Recycling Volunteers Neededrecycling

Since a lot of things don’t decompose quickly, how can we not fill up landfills?
Of course the answer is …. Recycle!!!

To make this easier Burning Flipside has a recycling station. Check the survival guide for what they take and the times they are open. While planned to be open daily Friday through Monday, Recycling cannot happen without participants help. We need you to volunteer for a few quick hours.

As of writing this, it is not looking good – We need help!!


We need an assistant lead, volunteers for all shifts, and 1 to 2 truck drivers.  To find out more about Recycling at Flipside, CLICK HERE

To sign  up for a shift GO HERE!

To be my recycling assistant lead or be a driver contact Rose at:
 –> Recycling

 Shaven Apes

Like helping people build things and looking for folks in need of assistance? Sign up to be an Ape!
Be someone’s hero! Shaven Apes are the helping hands of Pyropolis. We help hold poles, bang stakes, and, sometimes, lay a lot of hay.

Our shifts are 3 hours long and you get to be a part of art projects, theme camps, and have an inside look at what folks are doing or have brought out this year.

We are not a safety department, and there’s no pre-event training required, so new event attendees can volunteer.

If you have a friend coming for the first time and looking for a great way to participate, send them our way. Shaven Apes wouldn’t exist without volunteers. Sign up for a shift today. Thursday shifts are in particular need!

For more information or just have a question, you can contact Samantha directly at
–> Shaven Apes


The Restoration plan for 2017 is to publish a MOOP Map and spreadsheet of findings, similar to that produced in 2016.
However, this year we are raising the bar seven notches this year.
  • First, we will have more property to cover.  Parking is moving to the other side of the road.
  • Second, we want to add photos and GPS coordinates of MOOP found into published documentation.
  • Third, we want to notify the Earth Guardian of any registered camp were MOOP was found, allowing them a chance to review the MOOP in person on Restoration Saturday following the event, and to pick it up.
  • Fourth, we want a prompt publication of the MOOP Map, detailed spreadsheet, and photos of MOOP.
  • Fifth, we will dispose of ash and hardware from the burnt effigy.
  • Sixth, we will complete all MOOP Sweeps with pick up and disposal.
  • Seventh, we will pickup all placement flags.
These goals require volunteers for Restoration.   Who should volunteer?
Earth Guardians from theme camps, especially those with MOOP found in either 2016 or 2017.
GeoCachers are wanted in hope that they can apply geocaching techniques to document MOOP found.
Hikers, Naturalists, and Photographers are welcome.
Basically, anyone who is able to walk the land in an organized fashion.
There is going to be a great deal of walking, and very little MOOP to pick up.
(because Flipizens are pretty darn good at picking up after themselves!)
MOOP Map 2016
Please Volunteer for Restoration — CLICK HERE

For more information or just have a question, you can contact Xander directly at
–> Cleanup

Transportation – Drivers Needed!

We need drivers for Load-in and Load-out! Every year we take event infrastructure and the effigy from the warehouse out to the land the Saturday before the event, and bring the infrastructure back the Saturday afterwards.
Drivers need to be 18+ and comfortable driving a 26′ moving truck. We also need fluffers to pick up the truck drivers from the warehouse and drop them off at the truck rental location that morning.
Load-in is May 20
Load-out is June 3
If you can help, contact Megs at
–> Transportation

This post we tackle BIODEGRADABLES!!

One question often discussed is,  “Are biodegradables, such as peels/shells/biodegradable glitter/etc. MOOP?”

The simple answer is YES!

Just because something eventually decomposes does not mean it should be left behind. Would you want others to discard banana peels in your own yard? Since we do not have trash cans, everything brought out to Apache Pastures must be taken home.

On the topic of decomposing, do you know how long things take to decompose? It may surprise you!

  • Plastic bottles: 70-450 years
  • Plastic bag: 500-1000 years
  • Tin can: around 50 years
  • Leather shoes: 25-40 years
  • Rope: 3-14 months
  • Cigarette Butts: 10-12 years
  • Milk packet (tetra) covers and drink packets: 5 years
  • Nylon clothes: 30-40 years
  • Glass bottle; 1-2 million years
  • Aluminum can: 200 years
  • Tinfoil- It does not biodegrade.
  • Styrofoam- It does not biodegrade

That is right, the cigarette butt you dropped last year is probably still there.

The beer can you threw in a gully will be there long after we are gone.

That is unless WE do something about it. The message is simple, pack it in – pack it out!


Green Crawls!

Earth Guardians would love to have you out to spread the word of LNT and ensure MOOP ends up in its proper place — the original owner’s hand.

We will be doing an LNT rampage daily at Flipside at 1pm.
Come spread the word and enjoy whatever camp’s hospitality we find spreading the good word of NO MOOP.

Meet up at the crossroads volunteer center (right next to Recycling – two for one, YAY!!) at 12:45.

If you can, sign up in advance at the Earth Guardian Wiki – CLICK HERE


Corn dogs and their sticks may eventually decay but they are still MOOP. Take them home with you!


This year at Flipside, the Volunteer Assistance Squad will return to help all the volunteer teams function more effectively!

NEW this year, we will also have a 311 Information Station at the Civic Center, just in case folk have burning questions that just can’t be extinguished by rumor or hearsay.

But, to bring everyone the help, we need more folk to help us!

Join our team, as we bravely seek and acquire the extra people that volunteer teams need, in real time, with our trusty megaphone!

Then, we’ll move them from here to there with our larger-than-average golf cart!

There are shifts available to help in both Volunteer Assistant and 311 Operator positions.

CLICK HERE to read more and SIGN UP today!

Come join the hottest newish team in Pyropolis, and help everyone get everything done better, faster, and squishier! This year, we’ll have more Rainbow Unicorniness than ever before!


Signs, Signs, Everywhere are Signs….  if YOU Help!

Howdy! Looking for a way to volunteer and help keep Flipizens safe?

The Boundaries and Safety Signage team needs you!

This is the crew that fences off the event’s perimeter, installs safety signs at Gate and Greeters, and puts up signs that warn about safety hazards.

We have to erect this stuff before participants roll in on Thursday and then we take it all down on Monday.

Contact Ronin your Safety Signage Lead (Area: Site Ops –> Safety Signs) to get “sign”ed up!

City Planning is looking for a few good burners…

Do T-stakes bring you happiness?   

Do you long for the days in the sun setting up a new fence, or maybe erecting a Posted No Dumping sign?

Can you work a power drill?  Or can you hold something still for someone working a power drill?

Or, maybe, you have a secret yearning to label underground cable because of the little flags?  

Do you want hands-on knowledge of where all the camps are before everyone else?

Can you read a map?  Can you write clearly?  Can you bend over and stick a little flag in the ground?

If you answered yes to ANY of those questions, help City Planning help you build the city!

We need volunteers to help with City Signage and Flagging all of the theme camps on-site the weekend before Flipside (May 20th).  

You MUST be on the list to gain access to the land, so if you are interested contact Emily, your City Signage Lead or Rachel your Flagging Lead with your REAL NAME.

Contact Emily your City Signage Lead (Area: City Planning –> City Signage) 

Flagging happens the weekend before Flipside, and you MUST be signed up to be on site that weekend.  Interested?  Contact Rachel The Flagging Lead™  and let her know your RealName™ and she’ll keep you up to date on the final details.
(Area: City Planning –> Flagging)

Ever wondered about who helps keep the city safe?

Are you introverted and need a little bit of time to recharge away from the big crowds?

Do you want to know how night vision works?

Come check out the Guardians Department!
Badass shirts and patches to be had if you work a couple shifts with us.

Contact Froggy at

(Area: Safety –> Guardians (perimeter))
Or our Facebook page: Guardians of Flipside 

 -Froggy, your Guardians Lead

Acquaintances!  Burners! Flipiziens!  Lend me your eyes!  

Behold below these words, the 2017 Road Direction Map!  

Well not, exactly those words, but the whole text here.

Forsooth, your eyes do not mislead you, there is something new.

For all the Pyropolis is a stage, and now it has an exit and an entrance.

And one map, in its time, has many parts

The city part, in green, holds all that is awesome to us,

And the parking part, in blue, holds our precious rides home.  

Change, befalls us all, and we will succeed in this tumultuous time.

For, we, fail?  But screw your courage to the sticking-place,

And we’ll not fail to drive on the roads in the right direction and park our cars in parking.


Okay, that last bit was a stretch.  Actually, the whole thing was bad Shakespearean yoga.  Here’s the map:

Also, you’ll get the Theme Camp Placement Map when it’s done, and not a moment sooner!