Exodus volunteer sign up is open

Looking for an unconventional opportunity? Flipside doesn’t end when the effigy burns Sunday night; there are teams of volunteers just like you that work hard after the event to make sure that we leave the land better than we found it. Exodus is looking for volunteers to help Flipizens leave the city safely and smoothly and we’d love your help. Work on Monday and stay overnight. Signups are open on the Pyropolis wiki, so head over and volunteer!

Volunteering opportunities

Heya Flipizens! Do you know that Flipside is 100% volunteer driven? As in, unlike even Burning Man, there are no comp tickets, paid workers are limited to a small number of people who do not enter the event, and there are no third-party donations?

Did you also know that it takes approximately 6,000 person-hours to make Flipside happen? If you’re not doing your two hours, that means that someone else is picking them up. And woudln’t it be nicer to be as close to 3,000 people doing two hours a piece rather than a few hundred doing thirty hours a piece?

Now, you may ask, how do we make the event go? Well, there are a wide variety of jobs out there. And if the below is too much, may I humbly suggest using our custom-built “choose your own adventure” style volunteer quiz, here: https://secure.burningflipside.com/fvs/index.php

Pre-Post is the team that shows up before the event starts and moves all of the infrastructure out after the event ends. You can sign up for pre-post here: https://wiki.burningflipside.com/wiki/PrePost

Flagging is the team that shows up on land before the event and marks off theme-camp and infrastructure boundaries. To work flagging, please sign up here: https://docs.google.com/…/1vkCrdgzYVT8-F6cqLYJiREtzje…/edit…

City signage creates and installs all of the road and path signs that tell you how to get around the city. You can sign up here! https://wiki.burningflipside.com/wiki/CitySignage

DaFT are the people responsible for building the effigy, and they still need help now, during pre-op, and during the event. If interested, contact Misty Nickle, or Seph Reed, our DaFT leads

Fuel makes sure that the generators and carts on site are properly fueled and ready to go. If you want to work Fuel, please contact the Fuel lead, Nyla Walker

Echelon manages radio assets on-site for the safety teams. To sign up for Echelon, please go here: https://wiki.burningflipside.com/wiki/Echelon_Volunteer

Cartelle manages radio assets on site for the not-safety teams. To sign up for Cartelle, consult the wiki here: https://wiki.burningflipside.com/wiki/CartelleShifts

Guardians guarantee that the event is free from people who do not have tickets. They ensure event sustainability. You can sign up with Guardians here: https://docs.google.com/…/1B2Kd4ulaiNOy36KShBkzgF3sWq…/edit…

Volunteer Assistance Squad Serves two purposes — to disburse information onsite, and to provide on-site volunteer coordination and transport. You can sign up to work VAS here: https://wiki.burningflipside.com/…/Volunteer_Assistance_Squ…

Greeters are around to help with enculturating people to Flipside, and to help remind people what they will need to survive five days in the city. You can sign up for Greeters here: https://wiki.burningflipside.com/wiki/Greeters

Parking makes sure that cars end up in the parking area so that we can freely move around and so that we aren’t all living in a parking lot. You can sign up for parking here: https://wiki.burningflipside.com/wiki/Parking

Zone Greeters are around to help theme camps find their place to set up their camps and maybe to meet some of their neighbors. You can sign up for Zone Greeting here: https://docs.google.com/…/1mEEBqQU8na8ky3TgcpqcqqWxwN…/edit…

Shaven Apes are the helpers that provide extra hands and aid to people who need some hands for their art or camps. If you need help, an Ape can probably do so. You can sign up to work Apes here: https://wiki.burningflipside.com/wiki/Shaven_Apes/Schedule

Ice is the one place at Flipside where money exchanges hands! If you want to help with ice sales, you can sign up here: https://wiki.burningflipside.com/wiki/Ice

Exodus is around to help Flipizens smoothly leave the land when the event is over. If you would like to work Exodus, please sign up here: https://wiki.burningflipside.com/wiki/Volunteer/Exodus

Recycling collects Flipside’s recyclables and makes sure that they are properly recycled. They are not here to sort your trash, or to handle your MOOP. If you would like to work recycling, please sign up here: https://docs.google.com/…/1F3wj87DyjE4PJIu92djWjTGq0j…/edit…

Sound Marshalls are a team of volunteers that ensure that amplified sound is kept within approved levels. Remember that we have already lost land due to sound violations, so this is critical. If interested, please contact Veaux Kelly at sexydaddyveaux@gmail.com

Earth Guardians are a team that roams the land and educates flipizens about the leave no trace policy at Burning Flipside. If you would like to help them, sign-ups are here: https://wiki.burningflipside.com/w…/Volunteer/EarthGuardians

Clean-Up comes in after the event and makes sure that the land is in the same state or better than it was found. If you would like to work clean-up, sign up here: https://wiki.burningflipside.com/wiki/Clean_up

So whether you are interested in educating people, doing work with your hands, working on a large art project, or just simple helpfulness, there is something to do at Flipside that is both rewarding and fun. And it gives you a chance to take ownership over the event and to say “hey, I helped make this happen”

So, what’s stopping you? If you have any questions, please contact our Volunteer Coordinatrix, Dahling Sweetiepoo-Schmooley on facebook or via volunteerinfo@burningflipside.com

New parking and traffic flow for 2017

The keen-eyed among you may have noticed that the Survival Guide shows parking on the other side of County Road 428, the road by which you reach Flipside (the space freed up by what used to be parking will give City Planning more flexibility in laying out Pyropolis). The map above should give you a good idea of how we’re changing the traffic flow to accommodate this.

A couple of important points:

  • Volunteers with carts will swing by parking to give lifts to people going to/from parking when they can, but there will be no regular shuttle service.
  • No one should turn off CR 428 directly into parking. Everyone going into parking needs to be coming from the event side, either because they just unloaded their gear, or they checked in at Gate after returning from an In/Out.


  • When you arrive at the event, you will turn off CR 428 through a new opening in the fence along the road just south of the old one.
  • Then go to Gate, then over the cattle guard, then to Greeters along the same path we’ve always used.
  • Reach your camp, unload, and then head out. Parking is a long way away, so unpack everything you think you’ll need from your vehicle, because you will not want to make that trip more than necessary.
  • Instead of crossing at the cattle guard, you’ll exit through a new opening in the fence perpendicular to the road, next to the cattle guard, then cross CR 428 and drive directly into the field across the street.
  • There will be volunteers on the road directing traffic during peak hours.
  • Parking volunteers will show you where to park it as usual.
  • There will be a foot path under the Worley Bridge to return to the event, at the south of the picture shown above.


If you need to leave Flipside during the event with the intention of returning, do this:

  • Stop at Gate and purchase a $10 In/Out pass
  • Walk under the Worley Bridge, get in your vehicle and go
  • When you return, stop by Gate first and return your In/Out pass. Then cross over to parking.


  • Get your camp broken down as much as possible before bringing your vehicle onto the event side.
  • Walk under the Worley Bridge, get in your vehicle and go
  • Follow the one-way traffic pattern shown above.

Art Registration is Closed

Art Registration is now closed! Thanks to everyone who has participated. If you’d like to see a listing of art projects that have been registered, please log in to the website and visit https://www.burningflipside.com/event/art If your art project is Flipside bound and you are looking for people or money to help make it go, OR you are looking for projects to support, check out https://www.burningflipside.com/art/art-projects-seeking-support If you need to update your information on the form, email art17@burningflipside.com Thanks for playing!

Second-round ticket process winding down

Burning Flipside is wrapping up its second round of ticket requests.

As of now, no additional ticket requests can be created.

If you’ve already created a request, please send ​in your request form and money order right away. We must receive any outstanding requests no later than May 1 in order to have time to process them before the event: if we receive a request after that date, we will not issue a ticket for it, and we may not be able to return the money order until after the event due to constraints on volunteer time.

Flipside Flame April 2017

We’re getting ever closer to Burning Flipside, so publication of the Flame and Announce may pick up the pace a bit.

There’s a LOT of information heading your way — so please, do us all a favor and read the whole thing.
It’s worth your time, and there’s lots of good advice.

For more info, stay tuned to:

Remember, if you have something you’d like to contribute to the Flame or Announce, use Flipside Flame/Announce Submission page to send it in. Announce tends to be at the beginning of the month, and Flames usually get published around the middle of the month. Get me the info at least a week before then, and I’ll do my best to get your contribution included.


Volunteer, Volunteer, Volunteer!

As Flipside gets closer, the opportunities to volunteer and be an important and ESSENTIAL part of our city increase.  We are busy-busy-busy preparing to make Burning Flipside a well-oiled (machine? skillet? Twister board?), and YOU can be an active and engaged part of making it GO.   The people that work before, during, and after Flipside are participants too, volunteering their amazing time, experience, and creative efforts to making this event the incredible experience that it is.     Check out some of the ways you can be a part of this incredibly important and rewarding facet of Flipside…..

Here are just a couple of opportunities for you to be a part of the gears that make this town GO!

Shaven Apes

Like helping people build things and looking for folks in need of assistance? Sign up to be an Ape!
Be someone’s hero! Shaven Apes are the helping hands of Pyropolis. We help hold poles, bang stakes, and, sometimes, lay a lot of hay.

Our shifts are 3 hours long and you get to be a part of art projects, theme camps, and have an inside look at what folks are doing or have brought out this year.

We are not a safety department, and there’s no pre-event training required, so new event attendees can volunteer.

If you have a friend coming for the first time and looking for a great way to participate, send them our way. Shaven Apes wouldn’t exist without volunteers. Sign up for a shift today. Thursday shifts are in particular need!

For more information or just have a question, you can contact Samantha directly at
–> Shaven Apes

Zone Czars Needed!

Hey Flipizens!

Doc Mitz here — I am the Interzone Coordinator for Flipside 2017!

There are a ton of openings for Zone Czars (formerly known as Zone Greeters).

Do you like to tell people exactly where to go??

We help place theme campers into their proper locations. Zone Czars are placed at the start of each zone and are the first to get the inside scoop on camps as they arrive.

Find out why Pelican Camp has three rainbow colored sheep with unicorn horns for their art project!
Inquire about exactly what type of service animals they are!

This is a perfect way for newer burners to get involved and meet people.

Slots are open on Wednesday – Friday in 5 hour shifts.

CLICK HERE to sign up directly!

For more information or just have a question, you can contact Doc Mitz directly at
–> Zone Czars

What is a Ranger?

I sometimes have a difficult time explaining what a Ranger is to someone new to our community.

There are a lot of things I could say. They’re not cops. They’re not security guards, or authority whores. The most technical way to describe them are “non-confrontational community mediators” but my favorite way to describe them is that a Ranger is a Navigator on the Edge of Chaos.

You know the typical group of fools hanging around a campfire?

Inevitably, one of these individuals will have, a “hold my beer” moment.
You know the kind I’m talking about.
The words “Hey, hold my beer: I got an idea.” are usually (but not always) followed by some derivative of  “just stop, drop and roll!” and/or “this is going to be great on YouTube.”

The Ranger is the guy that holds your beer.

“Keeping me safe from me is not your job” I was told once.

And that’s something I tell every person that becomes a Ranger. This is true to a certain extent. I may try to suggest that what you are about to attempt might not been conceived with the soundest of rational judgement…but I’m probably gonna let you do it anyway and help you pick up the pieces when it’s over.

In its simplest terms, a Ranger is a member of the community (like YOU!) that’s accepted the task of being the sober, level-headed voice of reason at the event. (At least for a little while.) I encourage every Ranger to spend time off duty, or as we like to call it, being “part of the problem.”

If you’ve been to Flipside more than once and you’re ready to give something back to your community, check out the idea of being a Ranger. Its the best way to see the city and learn about everything that’s going on.

And if this is your first Flipside, swing by Ranger HQ and ask for me. I’ll be happy to give you a tour!


For more information or just have a question, you can contact Judge directly at
–> Rangers

Guardians of Flipside

Feeling like you wanna jump on the volunteer bandwagon? Guardians is still accepting volunteers!

For those that are looking for a less mobile shift where you can sit down and have minimal interaction with folks, this is a great way to get some quiet in a bustling city of Burners.

Wanna see how night vision works? Join us for a night shift.
Curious about how we help keep the city safe? Come check us out this year!

Find out more information by requesting to join our Facebook page “Guardians of Flipside

Check out our wiki page for a simple overview of the department.

Or, for more information or just have a question, you can contact Froggy directly at
–> Guardians

Pre/Post -Ops

Pre/Post Ops are the heroes who make everything much easier!

Pre/Post Ops deals specifically with helping set up the various pieces of infrastructure such as carports, the radio tower, etc.   If you want to help with the setting up and breaking down of the physical infrastructure of the city, Pre/Post is for YOU!

CLICK HERE to sign up or learn more!

For more information or just have a question, you can contact Lurko directly at
–> Pre/post

Work Weekend 4

We have one more work weekend left, May 6-8.


Weather permitting, we will be treating for fire ants and poison ivy. We will not be using Amdro on the ants or spraying the poison ivy if the cows are on the land, which they may be because of a broken fence across the way.

We have some road work to finish and trail maintenance to do. There are always sticks to pick up and burn. Sign up on the Work Weekend Sign Up Form (required for entry on the land; don’t just show up).

~ Saraphina

“As long as you are green you are growing.” – Ray Kroc

Burners take great pride in our Leave NO Trace ethos. It aligns with the Burning Flipside principals perfectly in that we all have to participate and cooperate to be accountable to ourselves, our burn, and the world as a whole. Having an LNT attitude also helps the sustainability of the event!  Land owners are inclined to have us back over and over again, as we don’t destroy/pollute their property.

NOW is the time to consider how you and/or your camp, if you belong to one, can LNT prepare.

Remember ……  if you bring it, you take it home!

Here are some simple steps you can do to not only make LNT happen, but make it easy.

Prepare in Advance – If you are prepared for a LNT event, then a large part of the work is done.

Here are some ideas and suggestions:

  • Talk about it among your campmates. Make sure everyone understands the importance of LNT. Educate the first-time Burners.
  • Always consider 3Rs – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  • Have a plan to separate recyclables from trash.
  • Create and carry MOOP bags
    (a simple project from Burning Man http://earthguardians.net/2016/06/03/make-your- own-moop- bag/).
  • Remove as much packaging as possible. If it doesn’t go out to the event then, you don’t have to haul it back
  • Use larger containers (water, food, etc.). It is easier to keep track of a one gallon water jug than 8 sixteen-ounce water bottles.
  • Grab and artify an Altoids tin (or similar) to be used as a cigarette butt holder
  • Recycle on Site – Separate the recyclable items and take them to the recycling station on a regular basis. Do not wait until the end. Information on recycling can be found in the Survival Guide.

Also, please consider spending a few short hours helping at the recycling station as without volunteers it can’t happen.  CLICK HERE to volunteer!

  • Do regular and final MOOP sweeps – Don’t let it hit the ground in the first place. However, do regular time walking in and around your camp every day looking for any MOOP. After camp is broken down, have the entire group form up into a “marching” line and cover the camp looking for that last little bit that you missed. It is easier than being called out on the MOOP map.
  • Lastly, the folks working on restoring the land post-event would love your help. Please come out on the Saturday post-event to help bring the beautify wooded playa back to its natural state.

Watch here in future Flame editions for additional information on ridesharing, sign-ups, and other Restoration information!

And, as always, keep an eye on the Flipside Flame for additional LNT articles and if you have any ideas or would like to help with our Earth Guardian effort please contact Wrinn directly at https://www.burningflipside.com/contact
–> Site Sign-Off Area Facilitator

Meet Sven

Sven and I have been together for over two years.  We’ve been to Flipside together twice and really enjoyed our time together there.  But.  Sven doesn’t camp with me.  Because, Sven is a car.  And cars camp in parking, not in the city.

Sven’s job is to get me there safely and while some other cars will get dressed up for the event, Sven is demure, and doesn’t like costumes.  Sven is no mutant vehicle.  So Sven spends the event with the other cars not dressed for the event, in parking.  He tells me that he has fun in parking, and enjoys the companionship of the other cars (Sven spends a lot of time at home alone with my junk in the garage).  

If there ever comes a time where I need Sven to camp in at Flipside, I know that he will appreciate being off the road, and covered.  Maybe even in something decorative.  Because, although Sven is shy and reserved, he knows that we are in this together and he will take one for Pyropolis and wear a costume, for me.  For us.

Because this city we build is not like other cities, where all the cars hangout in front of the houses.  This city is for people.  It’s for art.  It’s for the Flipiziens.  It’s for leaving the real world for something better.  There’s just not enough room for shy and reserved cars in our city, when we want to fill it with awesome.  

Cars camp in Parking.  People camp in Pyropolis.

~ Ste. Michelle

Event Registration Going on NOW!

Are you holding an event at Flipside this year?  Your camp is hosting the unicorn vs rainbow battle, but no one knows yet? Do you have events listed in your  theme camp description, but haven’t taken a minute to head over to the event page and get them added to the Events list ?  Do it now, so you can focus on those last-minute projects!

Head on over to the Event Registration form, log in, and add your event to the growing list of goodness!



Announce April 2017


The countdown to Burning Flipside 2017 is well underway…..  How are YOU going to participate??

For more info, stay tuned to:

Remember, if you have something you’d like to contribute to the Flame or Announce, use Flipside Flame/Announce Submission page to send it in. Announce tends to be near the beginning of the month, and Flames usually get published around the middle of the month. Get me the info at least a week before then, and I’ll do my best to get your contribution included.


What’s Your Camp Got Going On?

Are you holding an event at Flipside this year?  Your camp is hosting *the* unicorn vs rainbow battle, but no one knows yet? Do you have events listed in your  theme camp description, but haven’t taken a minute to head over to the event page and get them added to the Events list ?  Do it now, so you can focus on those last-minute projects!

Head on over to the Event Registration form, log in, and add your event to the growing list of goodness!

Work Weekends Continue

The first Work Weekend is done, but there is still plenty more to do!

Please put these remaining dates in your calendars and join us for prepping the land for our wonderful event!

  • Work Weekend 3: Apr 21-23
  • Work Weekend 4: May 5-7
    (*****ONLY those who attended WWs 1, 2 and/or 3 may attend WW4****)

Signup is below. Let us know if you are coming!
You may not be allowed on the property unless you have signed up on the spreadsheet below or with Saraphina or Shortcake before the work weekend.


For more information or just have a question, you can contact Saraphina directly at


There are plenty of ways to actively participate in building and running the fair city of Pyropolis.

Here are just a couple of opportunities for you to be a part of the gears that make this town GO!



 Recycling Volunteers Neededrecycling

Looking to volunteer but don’t know how?

Recycling is look for some amazing Flipizens to help keep recycling sexy!

We need an assistant lead, volunteers for all shifts, and 1 to 2 truck drivers.  To find out more about Recycling at Flipside, CLICK HERE

To sign  up for a shift go here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F3wj87DyjE4PJIu92djWjTGq0jGNnPVdYNKwbxG0Ry0/edit#gid=0

To be my recycling assistant lead or be a driver contact me at: https://www.burningflipside.com/contact
 –> Recycling

Ever wondered about who helps keep the city safe?

Are you introverted and need a little bit of time to recharge away from the big crowds?

Do you want to know how night vision works?

Come check out the Guardians Department!
Badass shirts and patches to be had if you work a couple shifts with us.

Contact Froggy at https://www.burningflipside.com/contact

(Area: Safety –> Guardians (perimeter))
Or our Facebook page: Guardians of Flipside 

 -Froggy, your Guardians Lead

 Greeters Wiki is OPEN.

Hey beautiful!

We love when a Theme Camp takes over a whole shift.
Shift Leads bear some responsibility for tracking down their shiftmates.
Greeter Captain of the day can also help with that.
Only the craziest people sign up for Shift Lead or Captain.
You know you’re ready to walk on the wild side!
We have some early entry spots still available.
Some restrictions apply.
Speak to your pharmacist or contact your Greeter Lead (Area: Genesis –> Greeters) for details.
Offer not valid in Alaska or Hawaii.

 Signs!  Signs!  Everywhere a Sign!

And we like it that way.  Signs tell you where you are at.  Signs tell you where you’re going.  Do you want to tell the people of Pyropolis where to go?  I know I do!

You can help spread the signage love, at Church Nights (Wednesdays in April after 7:00 at Lloyd the Warehouse*).  We need sign devotees and sign initiates to sign-up and sign-in the signs for Flipsign.  Wait, no Flipside.  Sorry.  There will be paint, so consider your costume well.
We also need people on-site the weekend before Flipside to help install the signs.  To help, you MUST be signed up to be on site that weekend.

Contact Emily your City Signage Lead (Area: City Planning –> City Signage)  with your real name, so she can make sure you are on the list, or to ask any questions.

*If you don’t know where Lloyd the Warehouse is, it will amuse me if you google “Lloyd the Warehouse” for completely benign reasons.  Or fine… go here.

Rachel the Flagging Lead Presents: Fun With Flags

You know those little flags that welcome you home to your theme camp?  Do you want to help welcome all the theme camps home?  

Flagging is a great way to reconnect with the land in its eerie silence and pristine beauty before all the people get there and wreck it.  It’s also a great way to literally learn the lay of the land.  

Flagging happens the weekend before Flipside, and you MUST be signed up to be on site that weekend.  Interested?  Contact Rachel The Flagging Lead™   and let her know your RealName™ and she’ll keep you up to date on the final details.

(Area: City Planning –> Flagging)


Theme Camp Registration is CLOSED

But, don’t be a stranger!  If things in your theme camp change, keep your Theme-camp Liaison, Bonnie, in the loop!  The sooner we know, the better we can make it for everyone!  We are working hard to make sure the city is designed for awesome, so contact us if you have any significant changes in structures, number of campers, etc., or if you just want to tell us we’re pretty.  I’m okay with that too.

Updates? Contact Bonnie, your Theme-camp Liaison:  Theme Camp Liason (Area: City Planning –> Theme Camp Liasion)

Burning Flipside Second Round Ticket Sales

Did you miss out on Flipside’s normal ticket sale in January? Good news: we have some additional tickets, so now is your big chance.

The remaining tickets will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis until we run out. Depending on the level of demand, we may need to temporarily suspend ticket sales while we catch up.

[Update] The second round is closed to new requests. Existing requests must be received by May 1.

Here’s what to do

  • If you don’t already have an account at profiles.burningflipside.com, create one.
  • Head over to our Secure site. (expired link removed)
  • You will need to pass a quiz in order to proceed. The answers to all the questions can be found in the Survival Guide. If you get any answers wrong, the quiz will reload with different questions. There is no limit on the number of times you can take the quiz. Spelling counts, but if there’s more than one way to express your answer, both will probably work (e.g. “9” and “nine” would both be valid).
  • Once you pass the quiz, you’ll be taken to a form for the tickets you are requesting. Please enter the name of each person you’re buying a ticket for here.
  • After you fill out that form, the website will display a PDF. Print that out and follow the instructions on it. If you’re doing this from a device without a printer, either save that PDF or visit the above URL again when you get to a computer you can print from, which will give you access to that PDF.

Just as in the normal ticket process, you will need to purchase a money order or cashier’s check for the full amount of your ticket/s, and mail that together with your ticket request. We will not accept personal checks or cash.

If you have any other questions about the ticketing process, take a look at the ticket FAQ.

Here’s the Survival Guide.

Questions that will probably be asked frequently

Seriously? A quiz?
Yeah. Seriously.
OK, fine. How much are tickets?
Same price as the normal ticket process. $111 for adults and teens over 13, $33 for kids aged 7-13, and free for children 0-6.
When do I need to mail my second-round request by?
There’s no fixed deadline, but tickets will be first-come, first-served. You do the math.
I bought tickets during the normal ticket process. Can I buy more now?
There’s a limit of two adult tickets (and two teen/kid/child tickets) per person, not per ticket round. If you already bought two adult tickets, you cannot buy more adult tickets. If you bought one, you can buy one more.
What happens if you can’t fulfill my request?
Your money order will be returned to you.
I sent in my second-round ticket request and haven’t heard anything yet!
That’s not a question, but please allow at least 10 days for mail to arrive and for AAR to process your request.

See you at Flipside!

Announce March 2017


March is here, and with it we’ll see warmer weather, longer days, and Burning Flipside 2017: Rainbows vs Unicorns: The Reckoning is rapidly approaching.

Are you ready? What will you do to participate? How will you bring this year’s theme to life?

For more info, stay tuned to:

Remember, if you have something you’d like to contribute to the Flame or Announce, use Flipside Flame/Announce Submission page to send it in. Announce tends to be near the beginning of the month, and Flames usually get published around the middle of the month. Get me the info at least a week before then, and I’ll do my best to get your contribution included.


Ticket Update

Ticket opening happened near the end of February!

The good news:  we accepted all registrations that were done correctly:  No Reverse Lottery this year!

The LLC even decided to accept late postmarks that were only a day or so late – we usually return ALL late postmarks.

The bad news:  I still have to send back some ticket requests, which could have been avoided if these folks had followed instructions.
  1. Personal checks – a record 26 personal checks this year!
    We only accept money orders or Cashier’s Checks.
  2.  No money order/Cashier’s Check enclosed:  Several requests did not include any form of payment!  One person attached their money order receipt, not the actual money order.
  3. One person from San Antonio sent in a $222 money order without a name on it, without an account number on it, AND it did not even have a return address on the envelope!  The Money Order was drawn from San Antonio Federal Credit Union.  I contacted the bank, and they are trying to get in contact with the person associated with the account the money order was drawn from.  If you think it could be yours, please contact me.  (Area: Communications –> Tickets)
  4. Some people sent in too many requests per registration.  When I could, I accepted the limit of two adult tickets per account (and child/kid/teen tickets when applicable) and returned the rest.
  5. New this year: Extra Money Problem:  We do not have a way to deal with extra money people included in their money orders.  In the past we gave any funds above the ticket amount to The Org Formerly Known as Tinderbox.  We no longer have a Tinderbox, so we no longer have a way to accept or process amounts over your ticket money!
  • The original decision was to return all ticket requests over the amount – which would have sucked for people trying to do a nice thing.  The LLC treasurer decided for THIS YEAR ONLY, she will send a refund to those people.  It’s a pain in the ass for me and the treasurer.  In the future, money orders with overages will be returned.   We love the thought, but please only send the amount required on your form!!
Ticket emails will be going out very soon – please hold off on questions until AFTER they go out.

IF after the emails go out and you did not get a ticket but you know you sent in a registration and money order, please contact the ticket team.  (Area: Communications –> Tickets)

This is why it is VITAL that you retain your money order/Cashier’s Check receipt!  I will try to help you out if your request was not processed and you sent in the appropriate payment and registration, but we are not responsible for payments and registrations lost in the mail.

2017 Flipside Ticket Lead

What?  MORE Tickets??

Austin Artistic Reconstruction did not sell out of tickets to Burning Flipside during our normal ticketing process!

On March 2, AAR received its mass-gathering permit for the fifth straight year since we started applying for them in 2013, so we are able to honor all valid ticket requests.

So…. there will be a special bonus round of tickets made available soon. We are putting together the functionality to support this right now, so we can’t open it up yet  (NOT YET NOT YET!).

We can, however, give some information:

  • The bonus-round ticket process will be very similar to the normal one, with a web form you print and mail in with a money order, but may involve a quiz.
  • Tickets will be the same price. $111 for adults and teens over 13, $33 for kids aged 7-13, and free for children 0-6.
  • Unlike the normal ticket process, where we use a lottery, ticket requests in the bonus-round will honored on a first-come, first-served basis (limited to correctly formed requests with correct payment).

Work Weekends Continue

The first Work Weekend is done, but there is still plenty more to do!

Please put these remaining dates in your calendars and join us for prepping the land for our wonderful event!

  • Work Weekend 2: Mar 24-26
  • Work Weekend 3: Apr 21-23
  • Work Weekend 4: May 5-7
    (*****ONLY those who attended WWs 1, 2 and/or 3 may attend WW4****)

Signup is below. Let us know if you are coming!
You may not be allowed on the property unless you have signed up on the spreadsheet below or with Saraphina or Shortcake before the work weekend.


For more information or just have a question, you can contact Saraphina directly at

Your City Needs YOU!

There are plenty of ways to actively participate in building and running the fair city of Pyropolis.

Here are just a couple of opportunities for you to be a part of the gears that make this town GO!

Ever wondered about who helps keep the city safe?

Are you introverted and need a little bit of time to recharge away from the big crowds?

Do you want to know how night vision works?

Come check out the Guardians Department!
Badass shirts and patches to be had if you work a couple shifts with us.

Contact Froggy at https://www.burningflipside.com/contact

(Area: Safety –> Guardians (perimeter))
Or our Facebook page: Guardians of Flipside 

 -Froggy, your Guardians Lead

Greeters Wiki is OPEN.

Hey beautiful!

We love when a Theme Camp takes over a whole shift.

Shift Leads bear some responsibility for tracking down their shiftmates.
Greeter Captain of the day can also help with that.
Only the craziest people sign up for Shift Lead or Captain.
You know you’re ready to walk on the wild side!
We have some early entry spots still available.
Some restrictions apply.
Speak to your pharmacist or contact your Greeter Lead (Area: Genesis –> Greeters) for details.
Offer not valid in Alaska or Hawaii.

Flipside Envelope Art

Once again, you – our participants and citizens, went above and beyond with some truly awesome art!
This year, we asked on the ticket registration if we could showcase your arty envelope in some way.
Most people said yes, but some really awesome envelopes did not have the YES box checked, therefore we had to discard them.    We will be featuring some of the spectacular YES envelopes here and in the Flipside Flame every month!
One envelope was awesome enough that Loribug tracked down the sender to get permission.  Alvin Cheung decorated both his and a friend’s envelope on both sides with laser cut veneer wood in the shape of a unicorn.  On one side, the unicorn was silver with a golden sun, and on the other the unicorn was golden with a silver moon, reflecting a type of yin/yang duality.  These were mounted on envelopes painted and glittered like the sky. STUNNING!