Burner Art Safari & Virtual Burn 2021

Burner Art Safari 2021

Aaaand here we go- we have a MAP!

Poke around, click on the “flags” for titles and details of the individual art pieces. Some pieces will be available 24/7 from Wednesday May 26th to Monday morning May 31st, and some for only part of the time, some are permanent pieces that will stay on the year-round map, some have special time sensitive events listed in the notes, etc.- check out the descriptions for more info and make your plans accordingly. 

You may have noticed that this map has grown and spread- once Memorial Day is over and as we slowly unwind from the pandemic, permanent pieces will stay on the map for all your globe trotting, road tripping needs. Please feel free to spread the word to your communities so this map can keep growing and getting better.

Have a publicly accessible piece you’d like to share? Awesome- you can get details about Burner Art Safari, get a link to the map, and register your piece on the website: https://burnerartsafari.org/

DO NOT Trespass– please don’t waltz on to anyone’s property uninvited. Stay in your car/on the street/sidewalk. If you happen to see someone, feel free to wave and thank ‘em- just don’t go ringing doorbells or charging them for conversation. The people and projects that are interested in interaction will tell you- ASK FIRST.

DO NOT Touch The Art– This is not an invitation to go messing with people’s art. If the art was meant to be interacted with, they’ll let ya know.  

PHOTOGRAPHY- If you see a sign near the art specifically asking you not to take pictures, don’t. 


This year, community members present a virtual burn portal site that will link out to the various activities happening, such as:

– Bigger & better Minecraft burn & discord chat

– Altspace (BRCvr) burn

– Streaming DJs, parties, activities, burns

– Art Gallery

– Anything else you can digitally dream up!

The theme was voted on by the community… So, naturally, it’s NSFW. At least it’s clear this ain’t no corporate sponsored event! We are so eager to play with you!

*Virtual Burn Portal & Survival Guide*


*Virtual Burn Discord*

– This will be the main audio/visual channel for the duration of the event


*Minecraft Virtual Burn*

– Build your camp, your art, and connect – just be sure you’re connected to the discord channel for audio

[link coming soon! Join the Discord above and the #planning-minecraft channel for more details!]

*Wanderful Gallery*

– Wander the land, look at art, catch up with friends with audio/video right inside the platform

[link coming soon! Join the Discord above and the #planning-gallery channel for more details!]

*Altspace VR*

– Explore, dance, connect

[link coming soon! Join the Discord above and the #planning-altspace channel for more details!]

KFLiP, Pyropolis Public Radio will be on the air for Virtual Flipside 2021! Our community has come together to create 4 days of programming, starting on Thursday Night at 11pm and going until Monday afternoon. Catch all the shows, see the calendar of upcoming shows, and interact with the DJs at www.kflipcamp.org! We still have room if you’d like to have a show! Sign up here:
KFLIP DJ Signup – Virtual Flipside 2021 – Google Sheets

HUGE thanks to all the artists who are participating and sharing their awesome projects, on and offline. You are inspiring and your efforts are so appreciated! As always, this magic couldn’t have happened without you and we are all so grateful. We are excited to be able to share a little magic with our friends and family inside and outside of the community. Happy (art) hunting! 

NOTE: If you use google maps extensively, you may want to play with your layers settings.


Reopening Plans

Flipside Participants,

We are starting to see light at the end of this long tunnel and while we can’t completely return to business as usual, we are happy to announce that the warehouse will be reopening with some additional understanding and cooperation on your part.

This decision relies on Travis County’s continued recognition that we are in Stage 2 or below of COVID-19 restrictions (more info on what that means here: austintexas.gov/page/covid-19-risk-based-guidelines). If Travis County exceeds Stage 2 or we experience an outbreak of cases from the warehouse we will need to close once again.

Assuming Stage 2 is maintained, the warehouse will resume normal (abnormal?) operations beginning with Church Night on Wednesday, May 26th. Other events such as art night, Combustion Chamber meetings, and the like will be announced via their regular channels.

There are a few new rules everyone must follow for the time being: 

  • Attendees should attempt to hold all activities outside the building as much as possible. 
  • Masks are required for anyone entering the warehouse. This includes the meeting areas, restrooms, and main warehouse space. If there is a roof over your head, there is a mask on your face. Masks are optional outside the warehouse. 
  • Please maintain a social distance of 6’ from others unless all parties within that bubble have given their explicit consent. Be aware. Be respectful.
  • New year, new waiver. Make sure you sign one. Yes, you.
  • Please pack out all your trash. While we may provide some basics such as disinfecting wipes or masks, we will not be providing trash cans.

If you or someone in your household is feeling sick please do not attend any events at the warehouse. Additionally, if you or someone in your household gets sick after attending an event at the warehouse please notify AAR at llc@burningflipside.com so that we can take appropriate action. Notifications will be kept confidential, though for contact tracing/testing purposes we may notify the community of possible exposure dates and times.

We’ve missed you and we can’t wait to see you but we take your health and safety very seriously. So, come out to see all your friends, just please stick to the rules. We want everyone to stay as healthy and happy as possible. 


Memorial Day 2021- pARTicipate!

No Burn? No problem! There are still plenty of ways to share your craft with the community. Have an awesome project have you been working on? Was there a cool thing you wanted to be working on? Or maybe you have a piece all dressed up with nowhere to go? You can still share it–THE TIME IS MEOW.

There are several ways to participate, so let’s do this! 

Join the Virtual Burn! This option is great for live-streams, pre-recorded videos, digital pieces, and fragile artwork. Post your sweet watercolor, stream a cool jam session, make a video of how you fold your laundry–get creative with it! Simply make and upload the thing, sign up with this handy form, and join the fun over Memorial Day Weekend!

Not sure how to participate? Find out more at the Town Hall this Saturday at 8pm:!


Can’t make the Town Hall? Information is also available through the Virtual Burn homepage: http://howdyfuckers.online/

Already know how you’d like to participate? Fill out this form!


And, finally, save the facebook event on your calendar! Do it, do it now!


Art Safari! This global self-guided art tour is open to anyone! It’s simple: make a thing, display the thing in a publicly accessible location, and reach out to the team so your art gets on the public online map. THIS EVENT IS ONGOING! You have the option to display your creativity year-round for the pleasure of the Global Burner Community. No one will kick you out on Monday! Art registration FOR the Memorial Day event will close Monday, May 25th (ah, deadlines…we missed the normalcy). 


KFLiP needs YOU to put together a set. Feed the Radio Machine! Here’s a page full of info on how this works, and where you can sign up:


Need some inspiration? Listen to your favorite radio station RIGHT NOW at https://www.kflipcamp.org/

Additional Support for Art Projects

The Art Projects Seeking Support page on the Burning Flipside website  is currently available for artists seeking support for the Burner Art Safari. Looking to help someone? Go check it out. Want to be listed? Here you can share your crowdfunding links, requests for materials, call for hands, etc.for you Burner Art Safari project. . 

Your contribution–no matter how small or strange–is meaningful. Our community is only what we put into it. Now go and make a thing! Make two! Make ten! There are no limits. Spread the word ❤

Art Safari and Virtual Flipside

Burner Art Safari

Burner Art Safari is currently being organized to host the 2nd annual event over Memorial Day weekend. Last year was completely incredible: the community set up around 50 projects in a matter of days for the art tour map for Burners and the general public to enjoy. The event was not just well loved here in Central Texas- it inspired dozens of similar events across the globe. 

We’re in the middle of making some changes to the website and organization- Art Registration will be open March 15th and will close Monday, May 25th. Sweet, sweet normalcy. There are no geographical restrictions- last year’s Safari included a piece displayed in the UK! Please feel free to panic, but joyfully. Visit the website now for general info, but come back on March 15th for the full details.

Art Grants and Support

Ignition Philter- There will be art grants!

Ignition Philter is happy to support this socially distanced art safari event. 

-$2,500 has been set aside for approximately 10 grants, with a maximum grant of $250 per project.

-The grant application is now open and will close the evening of March 31st. We can’t wait to see what you have in store for us!

-More information (as well as the application form) can be found here:


If you have any extra questions please email us at ignitionphilter@gmail.com

Additional Support for Art Projects

The Art Projects Seeking Support page on the Burning Flipside website (normally used as a bulletin board for Flipside bound art projects, this year for projects that will be shown during the Burner Art Safari)  will be available for artists seeking support. You are welcome to share your crowdfunding links, requests for materials, (socially distanced and responsible) hands, etc. on through this resource for art you are creating for the Burner Art Safari.

Virtual Flipside

Last year there were some really fun and exciting virtual experiences. Misty and Seph helped head Flipside Minecraft and they’d like to do that again as well as expand into other virtual realms (namely Altspace, and video/audio streams).  They’re looking for digital collaborators such as:
* pre-event builders in minecraft
* streamers for sharing the digital (or physical) spaces with others
* DJs, VJs, and entertainers for shows, music, visuals, etc.
* a 3d-modeler for a few projects
* alt-space help: either a Unity dev with time to make a space, or someone with connections to find a good space
* greeters / tech-support to help new-comers learn the digital ropes
* anything and everything else digital (especially if it can be streamed as audio or video)
* admin to help monitor and highlight the central video call where video/audio feeds of all the above (and more) will coalesce.

If you are interested in participating in these efforts, please reach out via email: solipsistparadox@gmail.com — subject line: “Virtual Burn”

Virtual Townhall about Flipside Cancelation

Tomorrow was supposed to be a virtual townhall about the cancelation of Burning Flipside 2021. However, due to all the unprecedented events of the past week and due to the fact that many people are still recovering, AAR is postponing this event until March 1st at 7 PM. Find the details for joining the meeting below:

Topic: Virtual Townhall
Time: Mar 1, 2021 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 898 4643 9214
Passcode: 974214
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,89846439214#,,,,974214# US (Houston) +12532158782,,89846439214#,,,,974214# US (Tacoma)

Dial by your location
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 898 4643 9214
Passcode: 974214
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kzTBbZiCY

Flipside 2021 Canceled

Flipside Participants,

It is with heavy hearts that AAR must announce the cancelation of Burning Flipside 2021. While this was a difficult and emotional decision, we believe it was the only responsible choice.

We plan to reopen the warehouse when guidance from our local government and prevailing medical wisdom allows, and we look forward to seeing all of you at Flipside 2022. Thanks to the generosity of the community last year AAR is able to weather this storm.

We’d like to thank the community for its continued support, love, and understanding. We want nothing more than to safely celebrate the end of this difficult time with our chosen family but we love you all too much to risk the health of a single one of you. Stay tuned to our “announce” list available at www.burningflipside.com/contact/e-mail-lists for more ways we can all share, connect, snark, smile, art, and conspire together and remember we can all still be there for each other even if we can’t be with each other.

Here are a few questions we know many of you might be asking:

Q: What about postponing the event?

A: The only safe and logistically possible time frame of September – October interferes with both Burning Man and Myschievia putting additional strain on volunteers and participants. This combined with the uncertainty of vaccine distribution makes it a no-go.

Q: What about a burner safari-type event like happened last year?

A: Amazing community members are already working on such an event! Stay tuned.

Q: What about a socially distanced Flipside?

A: It is our belief that an event where you could not hug your friends, masks are enforced, and every tent is flagged for social-distancing purposes is no longer the Flipside we all know and love. Additionally, we are not confident that all preparatory events (work weekends, DaFT build days, volunteer training, load out, etc.) could be performed in a safe, socially-distanced manner.

Q: What about testing to create a safe “bubble” for Flipside?

A: Testing is still a significant expense that many participants lacking quality insurance could not afford to cover. Additionally, as various other attempts at this have demonstrated, it still allows for the spread of infection and false positives, the latter resulting in the turning away of healthy participants.

Please send additional questions and comments to llc@burningflipside.com. Answers to these questions and more will be discussed at a virtual town hall to be held on Monday, February 22nd at 7 PM.

Austin Artistic Reconstruction

Fall Townhall and Burning Flipside 2021


  • There is no fall town hall this year
  • We hope to hold Flipside 2021
  • We will have a decision on Flipside 2021 published to the community on February 8, 2021

Normally we would be having a town hall this time of year to decide on a theme for 2021. However, due to the current Austin stay-at-home order and the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, that isn’t occurring.

The board is still hopeful that we can find a way to have Flipside 2021 safely. There’s a small chance that a vaccine will be available in enough quantity and with enough time to hold Flipside. If not, we’re investigating how we might use testing to create a Flipside-sized pod of people who have all tested negative for COVID-19. Finally, we have even discussed postponing Flipside 2021 later into the year. In other words, all options are on the table for 2021.

We’ve also worked with our key volunteers to construct the tightest possible schedule so that we can make decisions in a timely manner but with the most up to date data. Following this schedule, we have pushed back the ticket window to early February. On February 8, 2021, we feel we will be able to make a much more informed decision about holding Flipside 2021 over Memorial Day weekend.

We are publishing this date to give everyone a target to pay attention to. You might think it’s too early or too late, but we feel that more than 3 months ahead of time–and before anyone has purchased tickets–is both responsible and reasonable.

We want to hold the event, but will only do so if we feel it is safe and is in line with the latest scientific, governmental, and legal guidance at the time.

Austin Artistic Reconstruction

Covid Resources

This list of publicly available resources is provided for informational purposes only, with a focus on Austin, Texas. AAR, LLC is not affiliated with any of these entities and programs. Click on the links for additional information and eligibility requirements. This list will be updated periodically. Check back for updates. 


HAAM Covid-19 Resources

From: HAAM


Health Alliance for Austin Musicians (HAAM) has collected a list of resources for local musicians and is requesting feedback from the community to identify additional needs.

Deadline: NA


Integral Care

From: Integral Care Foundation


Description: Supporting Travis County. Mental health resources; 24 hr help line 512-472-HELP, ongoing counseling available, drug and alcohol treatment assistance, and some housing support.

Deadline: NA


From: National Alliance on Mental Illness


Description: Stated mission: NAMI provides advocacy, education, support and public awareness so that all individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives.

Deadline: NA


HUD: Avoiding Foreclosure

From: HUD


Description: HUD.GOV helps people find strategies and resources to avoid foreclosure.

Deadline: NA

Relief of Emergency Needs for Tenants (RENT) Assistance Program

From: City of Austin


Description from the site: “The Relief of Emergency Needs for Tenants (RENT) Assistance Program provides full rent payment for income-eligible Austin renters financially impacted by COVID-19.” Open until funds are exhausted.

Deadline: This program will accept new applicants until funds are depleted. *Update* program has additional funding for now, please apply sooner rather than later.

Stop Tx Eviction

From: Texas Supreme Court collaborating with local legal entities


Description: Apply for legal assistance, obtain information about your rights as a renter, find out about rental assistance in your area. This service was created to help direct people (renters) who need help with evictions.

Deadline: NA Pilot program serving 19 counties in Texas will move to serve the entire state by the end of January. Ongoing program.


Austin Energy Customer Assistance Programs

From: Austin Energy


Description: A list of programs offered by Austin Energy to support customers during the pandemic.

Deadline: Many programs only available until 9.30.2020


Food Banks/Pantries

From: Capital Texas Food Bank


Description: Feeding families in need.

Deadline: NA

Austin Independent School District Meals and Produce Boxes

From: AISD


Description: Meals are produce boxes are available for children under 19 and sometimes parents/caregivers, for those that qualify. Dependent upon funding- the program was originally designed to terminate in December but will continue in varying ways throughout the school year (2020-2021). Please click on link for details.

Deadline: Update- free meals will be provided to anyone under 19 “as long as there is a need” for remote students. Please see site as it is updated very often as funding and resources change.


TWC Child care Resources Page

From: Texas Workforce Commission


Description: Information and resources for child care and early learning through the TWC.

Deadline:  Dependant on funding and per program, check their website for more information. 


Austin Public Health Testing Sites

From: City of Austin


Description: Free Covid testing is available in the City of Austin. If you have insurance, it is recommended you speak with your primary care doctor. Otherwise, take the self assessment on the website to determine if you need to receive a test.

Deadline: NA


COA Covid-19 Economic Recovery

From: City of Austin


Description: This City of Austin page is designed to help Austinites locate and identify resources in the area.

Deadline: NA

Lloyd’s Donation/Fundraising Update

Blood Drive

Lloyd the Warehouse has been BUSY- whadda warehouse. Huge thanks to the 25 people who signed up to donate blood with We Are Blood this past Sunday. They were so impressed we filled up the slots and kept doing so. After filling up the first standard 4 hours, they reached out and asked to add time and slots and the community stepped up! Well done! If you missed out and still wanted to give blood, you can directly make an appointment with them by going here: https://weareblood.org/

Food Drive

Similarly, the virtual fundraiser for the food bank has gone so very well. We exceeded our goal of $1234 early in the week and the community has continued to give. That fundraiser will close this coming Sunday, May 31st. If you are able and inspired to, please consider throwing even $5 at the good folk at The Central Texas Food Bank. For every $1 that is donated, they can provide 4 meals. https://help-prepare-families.everydayhero.com/us/lloyd-s-virtual-food-drive

Again, thank you to every single person that has participated or that will. You really stepped up! Thank you.

Burner Art Safari 2020

The community provideth. As promised here’s the map for all your self-guided, socially distant, burner safari needs. Poke around, click on the “flags” for titles and details of the individual art pieces. Some pieces will be available 24/7 from Thursday May 21st to Monday morning May 25th, and some for only part of the time, have special time sensitive events listed in the notes, etc.- check out the descriptions for more info and make your plans accordingly. 

If you were hoping to participate and haven’t had a chance to “register” your art project yet (clearly visible from the street), please read the blog and complete the form. It might take a minute, but we will add your art to the map throughout the weekend. 

DO NOT Trespass– please don’t waltz on to anyone’s property uninvited. Stay in your car/on the street/sidewalk. If you happen to see someone, feel free to wave and thank ‘em- just don’t go ringing doorbells or charging them for conversation. Social distancing is important. 

DO NOT Touch The Art– This is not an invitation to go messing with people’s art. Touching other people’s stuff is not respectful and clearly not in the spirit of social distancing. 

PHOTOGRAPHY- If you see a sign near the art specifically asking you not to take pictures, don’t. 

KFLiP, The Voice of Pyropolis will be on the air for Virtual Flipside 2020! Our community has come together to create 4 days of programming, starting at Thursday Noon and going until Monday about 2pm. Catch all the shows, see the calendar of upcoming shows, and interact with the DJs at www.kflipcamp.org!

HUGE thanks to all the artists who are participating and sharing their awesome projects. You are inspiring and your efforts are so appreciated! As always, this magic couldn’t have happened without you and we are all so grateful. We are excited to be able to share a little Flipside magic with our friends and family inside and outside of the community. Happy (art) hunting! 

Please enjoy Burner Art Safari 2020- pith helmet not required but costumes always encouraged. NOTE: If you use google maps extensively, you may want to play with your layers settings. MAP MAP MAP.

Other link to map: Map