Lloyd’s Donation/Fundraising Update

Blood Drive

Lloyd the Warehouse has been BUSY- whadda warehouse. Huge thanks to the 25 people who signed up to donate blood with We Are Blood this past Sunday. They were so impressed we filled up the slots and kept doing so. After filling up the first standard 4 hours, they reached out and asked to add time and slots and the community stepped up! Well done! If you missed out and still wanted to give blood, you can directly make an appointment with them by going here: https://weareblood.org/

Food Drive

Similarly, the virtual fundraiser for the food bank has gone so very well. We exceeded our goal of $1234 early in the week and the community has continued to give. That fundraiser will close this coming Sunday, May 31st. If you are able and inspired to, please consider throwing even $5 at the good folk at The Central Texas Food Bank. For every $1 that is donated, they can provide 4 meals. https://help-prepare-families.everydayhero.com/us/lloyd-s-virtual-food-drive

Again, thank you to every single person that has participated or that will. You really stepped up! Thank you.

Burner Art Safari 2020

The community provideth. As promised here’s the map for all your self-guided, socially distant, burner safari needs. Poke around, click on the “flags” for titles and details of the individual art pieces. Some pieces will be available 24/7 from Thursday May 21st to Monday morning May 25th, and some for only part of the time, have special time sensitive events listed in the notes, etc.- check out the descriptions for more info and make your plans accordingly. 

If you were hoping to participate and haven’t had a chance to “register” your art project yet (clearly visible from the street), please read the blog and complete the form. It might take a minute, but we will add your art to the map throughout the weekend. 

DO NOT Trespass– please don’t waltz on to anyone’s property uninvited. Stay in your car/on the street/sidewalk. If you happen to see someone, feel free to wave and thank ‘em- just don’t go ringing doorbells or charging them for conversation. Social distancing is important. 

DO NOT Touch The Art– This is not an invitation to go messing with people’s art. Touching other people’s stuff is not respectful and clearly not in the spirit of social distancing. 

PHOTOGRAPHY- If you see a sign near the art specifically asking you not to take pictures, don’t. 

KFLiP, The Voice of Pyropolis will be on the air for Virtual Flipside 2020! Our community has come together to create 4 days of programming, starting at Thursday Noon and going until Monday about 2pm. Catch all the shows, see the calendar of upcoming shows, and interact with the DJs at www.kflipcamp.org!

HUGE thanks to all the artists who are participating and sharing their awesome projects. You are inspiring and your efforts are so appreciated! As always, this magic couldn’t have happened without you and we are all so grateful. We are excited to be able to share a little Flipside magic with our friends and family inside and outside of the community. Happy (art) hunting! 

Please enjoy Burner Art Safari 2020- pith helmet not required but costumes always encouraged. NOTE: If you use google maps extensively, you may want to play with your layers settings. MAP MAP MAP.

Other link to map: Map

Burner Art Map Submission

Do you have art visible from the street? Would you like to share? A couple of community members are organizing an art map designed so that burners can enjoy a self-guided, social distanced art tour from the comfort of their car. The “tour” lasts from Thursday, May 21st until early Monday morning, May 25th. Think of it like a little Burner Art Safari. Pith helmet optional. Costumes always encouraged.

Here’s a quick teaser of the preliminary map:

If the piece is better viewed at day or night, or will only be available for set hours, etc., please include that information in the description and/or notes.

Location: if you prefer not to post your actual address, be sure to add specific instructions on where the piece is located (example: 1000 block E. Applegate Ln, North Side, middle of the block).

Artist’s/Participant’s names and emails will not be shared on the map. The title of the piece, location, area, description (and notes, when applicable) WILL be included.

If you would like to participate, complete this quick form, preferably before Thursday (although we will take later submissions, those will be added much more slowly): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScid9FA_6CohfsyOww_V2fNH5s-YsiFcg3erVl8iXe616ID3A/viewform?usp=sf_link

If you know an artist who would like to play, feel free to share this link with your friends and campmates.

The link for the actual map will be released sometime Thursday morning. If you choose to join in the self-guided tour, please remember that these pieces are on private property. Do NOT trespass (stay in your car or, if you are on foot or bike, do not leave the street/sidewalk) and do NOT touch the art. Please maintain above standard social distancing practices.

Looking forward to checking out all the awesome art! Thanks for playing!

Donation Drive at Lloyd


There are some BIG needs in the world right now. Covid-19 has drastically impacted blood donations, while the need has not decreased. With the country-wide shortage of blood, there are a lot of folk who are having to wait days for life-saving transfusions. Additionally, we are all feeling the economic impacts of this disease and many, many people are having to depend on food donations to make it through. We might not be able to control many things right now, and that is incredibly frustrating, but we have the opportunity to provide gifts to our broader community that can quite literally save lives. 

Gifting: It’s part of who we are. 

It’s one of several beautiful ideals at the core of our collective identity as burners. This year, we won’t be able to share our gifts in person with one another at an event and that’s painful in a special sort of way. We all look forward to being together again, safely and soon. In the meantime, if you are able, please consider spreading the word and participating in these meaningful ways where we can provide gifts to our local community. 

Here are some ways we can help:

Blood Drive at Lloyd


Sunday, May 24th

12:00pm – 4:00pm

Lloyd The Warehouse is hosting a blood drive! Come lend a helping arm and save local lives. It’s easy, just click here to make an appointment on-line. We will be stationed in the Bloodmobile Bus in front of Lloyd The Warehouse. 

Walk-ins are not being accepted- please schedule an appointment if you would like to give blood. 

If you have eligibility questions, check out We Are Blood’s website. If you have more specific questions or would like assistance signing up, call We Are Blood at 512-206-1266.

For questions specific to our drive, contact stephy at stephy@outlook.com

*Remember! Bring a mask, eat a full meal before donating, and bring your photo ID. Follow the instructions on the website- you can complete the form on the  *day of* donation and bring the printout or a code to skip the onsite questionnaire. 

Please read the FAQ about being at Lloyd the Warehouse and giving blood at the end of this post.

Lloyd’s Virtual Food Drive

Please join Lloyd the Warehouse in helping to feed our Community. https://help-prepare-families.everydayhero.com/us/lloyd-s-virtual-food-drive 

The Central Texas Food Bank believes in providing comprehensive support to address urgent issues, and to ensure that our neighbors have the tools and information needed to access food and other programs through our network—now or whenever they find themselves in need.

A gift today helps ensure the Food Bank’s shelves are stocked so they can respond when needed most.

According to the Food Bank, right now the most helpful thing would be to provide financial contributions. They are able to provide 4 meals with just $1. 

If you would rather donate food items, please visit https://www.centraltexasfoodbank.org/ for more information. They are accepting donations at the back of the building by the loading docks. The entrance is off Burleson Rd. and open M-F 8AM to 5PM. 

The most needed items are: peanut butter canned chicken breast or tuna canned low sodium vegetables canned fruit in its own juice (no sugar added) dry pinto beans brown rice non-fat dry milk powder 100% whole grain cereal.

Thank you!

Don’t forget- participation doesn’t have to be that you, personally, make a donation. If you feel inspired to, please consider sharing this information and help spread the word. 

We are all in this together. 

Thank you, all. Until we meet again <3


Q. Can you guarantee my safety if I choose to participate?

  1. No. Not even a little. We are doing everything we can to minimize risk, but as you know, every interaction involves some risk at this time. We seek to not cause harm- you will have to do what’s right for you and we all fully support this. 

Q. This is being held at the warehouse? Can we hang out?

  1. No. 

Q. No, seriously. We want to spend some time at the warehouse. If we donate blood, can we spend some time up there?

  1. No, seriously. If you are donating blood, We Are Blood requests that donors show up no more than 5 minutes prior to their scheduled appointment and leave when they are done resting on the bus. Their team must stick to strict guidelines and having people milling around is not in anyone’s best interest.

Q. My friend/family member/partner/bestie wants to drive me to and from when I donate blood. Can they hang out while I’m donating?

  1. Not in the lot. If you need someone to drive you to and from, please note that they will not be allowed to hang out while you are on the bus. They must stay in their vehicle while waiting for you. 

Q. If I come up to donate, do I have to sign a waiver (if I haven’t already for this year)?

  1. Of course! We will have waivers on site, ready for your steady hand. If you’re at Lloyd, ya gotta sign the waiver. Please make sure you review the warehouse policies

Q. I was looking forward to donating blood but I woke up feeling sick May 24th. Should I come up anyway?

  1. Please, no. Definitely not. Take good care of yourself and stay home. If you signed up to donate, follow the instructions on the website to let them know you will not make your appointment. 

Q. Is it a big deal if I miss my appointment with We Are Blood?

  1. YES. Please do not sign up to donate blood unless you are 1000% committed to showing up, ON TIME (no burner time- they can’t operate like that). Unfortunately, if you miss your appointment, they cannot take walk-ins at this time- which means that that slot is “wasted” and that’s just another hit to the supply. If you find out days before that you will be unable to make it, please reach out to We Are Blood directly so that they may open up that time slot for someone else to fill (if they are able to). If you have to miss your appointment because you are feeling ill the day of, please see the previous FAQ entry- your gift may just be trying to keep yourself and everyone safe that day and that’s okay. 

Q. Do we need to wear masks if we donate blood?

  1. Yes. We Are Blood requires all donors to come with their own masks. While on site, for everyone’s safety, masks will be required for the duration. 

Q. Can we use the bathroom at the warehouse?

  1. Negative. In order for We Are Blood to safely perform their service they require exclusive use of the “facilities,” which means that no one else can use the bathroom while they are on site. Please plan accordingly. 

Q. What’s accessibility like on this bus?

  1. Unfortunately, it is really just a converted bus (and all that that entails). They have much better accessibility at their brick and mortar locations. If you would like to, please visit https://weareblood.org/ and speak with those good folk directly. 

Q. Can I show up with a table of snacks and drinks and cheer and fluff people donating?

  1. Please, don’t. It’s super sweet of you to want to find another way to help but no one gets to just “hang out,” even with the best of intentions. There will be a couple people on site to help things run smoothly as well as to ensure that social distancing practices are being respected. We must honor the health care workers from We Are Blood by being, and remaining, scarce. Get in, do yo thang, get out quickly and safely and know that you are loved and appreciated but we just can’t do “people” right now. 

Q. This event is being held at the end of May. Surely the State will continue to lift restrictions and we can totally throw caution to the wind and party? 

  1. No. We Are Blood does not intend to change their current, strict system in order to protect their staff and their donors, and neither will we. It is unlikely that there will be enough data to “prove” we may safely congregate in May. Please understand that we will continue to enforce social distancing guidelines at Lloyd, even outside, to make sure that when this is all over and we can be together again, no one is missing. 

Refund Update

Finally some good news, thanks to the generosity of many in the community, those of you that requested a refund will receive a full refund. So each adult ticket refund will be $132 and each Kid ticket refund will be $40. (Some of you put in for Child ticket refunds, but those were already $0 so no refund will be given for those tickets). As of this moment, the checks for the refunds are in the mail to the address provided on your survey response. You should receive them as soon as the US Postal Service delivers them. 

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.


Flipside Virtual Townhall

AAR, LLC (the organization that runs Burning Flipside) is inviting you to a virtual town hall to discuss and answer any questions about the recent cancellation of Burning Flipside. 

Many questions have already been answered in the FAQ available here: https://www.burningflipside.com/announcements/flipside-2020-has-been-cancelled

However, we realize that other questions or concerns may not have been covered. So that is why we are running this town hall.

We would appreciate it if as many of you as possible could pre-submit questions to the email townhall@burningflipside.com with the subject “Town Hall Question.” Depending on how many questions are pre-submitted there may also be some time in the meeting to ask questions live.

We will be using Zoom for this virtual town hall. The link for the meeting (which will open up at 7:00 PM on April 15th) is: https://zoom.us/j/638146539?pwd=U1FXZUtQcDB0dHRQSjFneEFxbEJEUT09

If you are unable to attend we plan to any common questions asked to the FAQ or you could ask a direct question to llc@burningflipside.com


Cancellation questionnaire sent

As mentioned in the cancellation message, AAR has sent a questionnaire to all current ticket-holders. Please check your e-mail, check your spam filter, etc.

If you did not receive the questionnaire, it may be that the ticket was not registered in your name or that we don’t have your correct e-mail address. Please log in at https://secure.burningflipside.com/tickets/ to check your ticket status, and if you are in fact ticketed but did not receive the questionnaire, send a message to Tickets via our contact form at https://www.burningflipside.com/contact.

Flipside 2020 has been cancelled

It is with deep regret that Austin Artistic Reconstruction, LLC must announce the cancellation of Burning Flipside 2020: Sacred and Propane. Given the current COVID-19 pandemic impact nationally, AAR, LLC does not believe it is appropriate to hold the event.

Flipside has always had a “No Refunds” policy. We are making an exception to that policy given these extraordinary circumstances.

AAR, LLC has decided that it is best for the Community to return 2020 ticket money that is still available (defined as 2020 ticket funds collected, after money already spent or committed to) ticket money to the Community through two options.

Option 1: Do nothing. You do not request a refund. Your Burning Flipside 2020 ticket money will be used to support future AAR events and other 360 expenses like warehouse rent and funds already spent on Burning Flipside 2020.

Option 2: Request a refund for tickets purchased. Depending on the number of refund requests received and the available 2020 ticket funds, net of disbursements already made or committed to, a partial or full refund will be issued.

Ticketed participants will receive email instructions and deadlines for submitting refunds. If you need this relief, please take it. As of this moment all ticket transfers have been halted so that ticket holders can complete this process.

AAR, LLC has a fixed set of costs regardless of holding the event or not and another set of costs depending on how far out from the event we are. As such, more than 50% of the budget is already spent.

AAR will hold a virtual town hall on April 15, 2020, at 7pm to answer any questions you might have about the cancellation and refund.

A separate email will be sent to each ticket holder about the procedure for pursuing either option.

If you cannot attend the town hall, AAR with answer questions sent to


  • When can I expect my refund?
    AAR, will contract with a third party service to mail out checks as quickly as possible. We hope to have the information for the checks to the vendor by April 21st, allowing checks to be mailed out as soon as possible after that. As you can imagine, we are figuring this out on the fly. We want to do right by everyone requesting a refund, but we have never issued mass refunds before.
  • I bought two tickets. Can I request a refund for just one and let AAR keep the payment for the other?
  • I’ve got a ticket that I bought from someone else. Can I request a refund?
    Yes. Please note that if you did not register the ticket in your name when you received it, it is possible that both you and the previous holder could attempt to request a refund for it. We will need to deal with this kind of situation case by case if or when it arises.
  • Why can’t you refund everyone in full?
    AAR has operating costs independent of Burning Flipside—the rent on the Warehouse is the single biggest line item in our budget. Also, AAR has spent thousands of dollars on Flipside 2020 already. (Perhaps you received your Survival Guide in the mail. Wasn’t it great?) Although AAR does have savings, offering everyone a full refund would exceed those savings.
  • What if everyone asks for a refund?
    AAR has set aside a fixed reserve of money that can be refunded—this is basically the ticket income for 2020 minus our running costs and money already spent on Flipside 2020. If the number of refund requests multiplied by the ticket price is greater than that reserve, the reserve will be divided equally among the requests.
  • Why not simply honor our ticket for next year?
    AAR has operating costs independent of Burning Flipside—the rent on the Warehouse is the single biggest line item in our budget. Also, AAR has spent thousands of dollars on Flipside 2020 already that wouldn’t necessarily translate to Flipside 2021. (Perhaps you received your Survival Guide in the mail. Wasn’t it great?) Finally, the number of tickets each year is decided by the volunteer leadership that year. If the leadership doesn’t feel we can accommodate the same number of participants next year then we would be putting the event in an unsustainable position. 
  • What if you have money left over after all the refunds?
    If any reserve remains, AAR plans to make a donation to Ignition Philter with some of the money, and will bank the rest to delay an eventual increase in ticket prices.
  • What about my Ignition Philter donation?
    That will not be refunded.
  • Can’t you hold Flipside later in the year?
    Not really.


    • We can’t count on being able to book Apache Passtures for the event on another date.
    • We can’t count on this crisis being over by whatever date we chose.
    • Holding Flipside in May is hot enough; holding it in the summer would be brutal.
    • Holding it in autumn starts overlapping with Burning Man and then Myschievia.
    • We also need to think about Flipside 2021, and volunteer burnout if we tried to organize two events close to each other.
  • What’s going to happen to the Effigy?
    The DaFT team has decided they would prefer to save the effigy until the next burning Flipside event. AAR supports this decision and are excited to see what this team has in store for the community with an entire year to build on it.
  • Can I get my things from the warehouse? (Or put stuff back)
    For the time being, Austin is under lockdown and this would be non-essential travel, so the answer is no. When Austin loosens travel restrictions, we will try to arrange for limited access, within the bounds of safe practices.
  • How will we receive word about when we can come out of hiding and start building again?
    This is a public-health matter, not a Flipside matter, but AAR will update the community on how it is responding to changes in public-health actions through the burningflipside.com website, the Announce mailing list, and the usual social media.
  • Is there a way I can stay in touch (aside from Flipizens) to keep the “Community” part going?
    There are other places such as Austin-List and Austin-Chat email lists as well as our official Facebook page and twitter accounts.
  • Why did it take you so long to announce this?
    2 weeks ago we gave ourselves a deadline of 2 weeks to work out logistics, get communications written up, and make a final decision. At the time that seemed more than adequate. Mere weeks ago, canceling Flipside more than a month out from the event would have been unthinkable, but today it is seen as too late. We didn’t anticipate how quickly the world would change in those 2 weeks and apologize for any anxiety that has caused. Additionally, we did not want to overshadow the Safetyside training event with this announcement.
  • Can I credit option 1 as a donation?
    No, AAR, LLC is not a non-profit entity and thus this isn’t considered a donation.


COVID-19: Update 3/16

UPDATE: Given the new guidance from the White House on restricting gatherings over 10 people, AAR has decided to suspend all meetings at the warehouse including, but not limited to, DaFT builds, Church Night, and CC meetings.

We are still determining what will occur with Burning Flipside this year and the logistics around any possible changes. We will communicate that as soon as we have made a strong determination.

The situation is evolving quickly, and AAR’s position may change. We will keep the community informed of any changes. If you have any questions or concerns please contact llc@burningflipside.com

COVID-19 Update 3/15

UPDATE: Due to current CDC guidance (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/large-events/mass-gatherings-ready-for-covid-19.html) on events with more than 50 people Safetyside will no longer be held physically at Apache Pass. For those interested in Safetyside please wait on more information from the Safetyside organizers through the email list, Facebook group, or through your Safety leads.

While the guidance from the CDC does not currently cover Flipside, we are seriously examining whether to hold the event or not and exactly what that would mean logistically.

At this time we are not planning to cancel church night social events at the warehouse, as we consider this a good way to practice social distancing rather than complete social isolation. However, we would like to remind you that if you feel like you have been exposed to COVID-19 we ask that you seek immediate medical assistance and do not attend any of these events. Additionally, if you are immunocompromised, have respiratory problems, are part of any other vulnerable population, or have regular contact with any vulnerable individuals we ask that you consider carefully your attendance at Burning Flipside events.

The situation is evolving quickly, and AAR’s position may change. We will keep the community informed of any changes. If you have any questions or concerns please contact llc@burningflipside.com