Ticket availability and pricing for 2018

Austin Artistic Reconstruction is happy to announce the ticket window for Burning Flipside 2018 Return of the Shadows: 20 Years of Light and Dark. For 2018, ticket requests will be accepted starting on January 8th and must be postmarked by January 29th. For 2018 the prices will be as follows:

  • Adult Tickets (18+): $132
  • Teen Tickets (14-17): $132
  • Kid Tickets (7-13): $40
  • Child Tickets (0-6): $0

Payment for tickets must be accompanied by a valid request and a money order, cashier’s check, or teller’s check in the exact amount due for all the tickets in your request. You can create a ticket request here: https://secure.burningflipside.com/tickets/index.php


Q. Why the increase in prices this year?
A. Austin Artistic Reconstruction likes to keep the ticket prices steady for several years before increasing them as this makes it easier on our participants to plan from year to year. However, due to forces like inflation, increased event size, and other factors we need to increase prices sometimes. This typically happens about every 3 to 4 years and we like to give as much notice as possible about a year ahead of time.

Additional questions are answered here

Time To Submit Your Effigy Proposals!

Photo By: Stephanie Vyborny

Effigy Proposal Letters of Interest are due 11:59pm CST November 26th, 2017!

Dreaming of DaFT

Although the city of Pyropolis is an annual, yet temporary, experiment there are some things Flipizens can count on year after year. Ecstatic greeters provide some hilarious hospitality. Pancake filled Rangers are happy to help. Ice is cool (and they’ll help make sure to keep your supplies cool, too). Then, there’s the centerpiece of the city: the Effigy. The best-known collaborative art piece that is supported by, built by, and burned down by the community. Each year, former effigy leads come together late in the year and pour over effigy proposal submissions in order to choose the most promising proposal.  

So, what’s it take to become the Design and Fabrication Team (DaFT) Lead for Flipside?

Over the years, we’ve had many outstanding, creative DaFT leads. The effigy design proposed, although hugely important, is just a part of the selection process. Would-be DaFT leads need to demonstrate an understanding of how to make a project go, working within the budget, at least some basic project management skills (or have the team resources to keep the project flowing), and leadership skills. And they need to demonstrate that they work well with others. DaFTies who choose to sign up to help make your design a reality need to be supported well—they need an awesome DaFT lead partner to make the magic happen.

Please have a look at the Effigy Proposal Guidelines from previous years in order to familiarize yourself with the responsibilities of being DaFT lead and the process in general. Under the new two-step process, the guidelines are a bit different (see the message below from the DSC), but this should give you a good idea of what to expect throughout the process.

Effigy Proposal Submission Time

The process starts with submitting a letter of interest. Not sure what should be included? This is where the DaFT Selection Committee (DSC) has got your back. Email them at daft-proposal@lists.burningflipside.com with questions. Don’t be afraid to reach out- this entire process (all the way through to scraping ashes off the effigy field post event) is community driven and collaborative. They want you to succeed. They want your proposals! There are folk on that list who will be happy to help you flesh out your awesome ideas.

Details straight from the DSC below- let’s see some art!

Burning Flipside needs an EFFIGY!

If you have a strong opinion or a grand vision about what Pyropolis
should build and burn in ‘018, and you’ve got the time, crew, and plan
for how to do it, now’s the time to tell us!

This year, though, we’re doing things a little bit differently. There
will be two rounds for the effigy proposals. Read closely for all the

First we are calling for letters of interest. If you want to put
together an effigy proposal, create a basic outline of that proposal
and submit it to us. Once we have received the letters of interest, we
will then begin the second round, where the interested parties will be
given more information and asked to produce fully fleshed-out effigy

Your letter of interest is due by 11:59 pm on Nov. 26st!
(Those who make the second round will be informed of the date their
final proposals are due.)

Being a DaFT lead means you’re responsible for designing the effigy
and leading the build team to create the Flipside Effigy, both during
pre-event and on-site. You don’t necessarily need to be a professional
engineer, architect, or carpenter. However, these skills certainly
help. We suggest you seek advice from experienced builders and project
leaders, should you need assistance or advice. It’s a challenge, but
don’t be scared! Be a rockstar! Lead DaFT!

Don’t wait till it’s too late! The DaFT (Design and Fabrication Team)
Selection Committee is here to help! Prior to the deadline, feel free
to show (one or all of) us what you’ve got! Pick our brains! We’re all
ex-DaFT leads, so we’ll be able to give you real insight into how to
(or not to) build, delegate, lift, bolt, screw, nail, cut, ShopBot,
beat-to-fit, transport, budget, burn, and otherwise DO the effigy

       Contact us at: daft-proposal@lists.burningflipside.com

From all of us at the DSC, happy designing!


Burning Flipside Leads Nomination is LIVE

Hey everyone!  We’re getting to the beginning of planning time for Burning Flipside 2018:Return of the Shadows: 20 Years of Light and Dark.  And that means that we’re looking for leads in all departments.   What does a lead do, you ask?  Well, generally, the assemble a team of people to accomplish a specific task, like making Parking go, or ensuring that there are enough PETs to cover the event, or building roads during the run-up to the event.  We have over sixty lead positions, so there is something for nearly everyone’s skill set and interest!  Also note that we are also actively looking for lieutenants and people that want to help out.  This is useful if you want to learn about a department that already has a well-established lead that is likely to return, or if you don’t feel quite ready to throw yourself forward.  Also, please let us know about someone that is not you, if you think they would be great!

Are you interested?  Please sign up here:

Do you have questions?  The form above will tell you the AF to ask (Area Facilitators, or AFs, are responsible for supporting leads and helping them with defining their areas of responsibility), and you can contact them here: https://www.burningflipside.com/contact , or you can contact Dahling, our lovely Volunteer Coordinatrix at volunteerinfo@burningflipside.com!

Happy lead-ing everyone!

Last Minute Stuff That Isn’t A Flame Or An Announce

It’s the Final Countdown.   Day before Gate Opens.  The RECKONING IS UPON US.

cue benign elevator music  Or Europe.   Whatever.

Here are some last minute tidbits for you and yours to enjoy before heading out to the pecan Playa.

See you there!

~ Editor


Events!   What’s Happening?

Want a Guide to What’s Happening at Flipside and Where?

2017 Event Listing

Print it out or Save it to your phone/tablet and bring it with you for those plans you plan and break or plan and keep or plan to keep and break or plan to break and keep or happen to keep accidentally or randomly happen to keep planning or accidentally happen to do.     But if you WANT to plan — YOU CAN!


Tickets — Do you have yours?

Here’s a few things to check into regarding tickets.
Read this BEFORE the event.
Read this BEFORE emailing with questions.
Heck, just read this NOW.
Then, if you still have questions, GO HERE.
  1. Log onto your tickets at secure.burningflipside.com to make sure you name is correct on your ticket.  Will Call tickets require an ID that matches your name before you can get in.  Example:  If your ticket is under SparklePony, make sure your drivers license says SparklePony.
  2. When transferring/claiming tickets, the unique ticket code will change.  Recipients need to log onto secure.burningflipside.com to see the new number.
  3. Emails are wonky sometimes.  If you did not get an email about your ticket, log onto secure.burningflipside.com to check your status.
What your takeaway from this is  :::::::  logging onto your account at secure.burningflipside.com may help you out.
~ Loribug
BTW:  secondary ticket sales are expected to be finalized within the next week.  Processing of the secondary tickets has progressed in waves, but will soon be complete.
STILL have questions?
Contact Loribug directly here: https://www.burningflipside.com/contact
 –> Tickets


Easter Eggs

Have you checked out the interactive map of the event?
That thing has more easter eggs than Faberge. Kudos to City Planning!


Didn’t Have Time to Read the Survival Guide?

Or maybe you just want to bone up on all your Flipside knowledge as you finish up your packing or as you make the drive in towards our fair city…..

Our own Edie Cosmos has once again made the

Your fellow participants and Pyropolis residents pooled their vocal talents to bring you Aural Pleasure in Survival Guide form…. aaaaaahhhhhhhhh……..


Speaking of Sound

Bring an FM Radio!
KFLiP 100.5
Radio Free Pyropolis

Tune in on the way home!

In your car, with a portable radio, anywhere at Flipside or nearby!


MORE SOUND – Be a Part of the Procession!

Playfulness is a huge part of what makes Flipside go.

From the tiniest tyke to the biggest of babies, we let our imaginations take over and build a special space to explore, to frolic, to connect, and to participate. This year, the procession for the burn will begin at Pyropolis Kidsville just before dark (time to be determined- will be announced the day of the Burn at the event).

The procession will wind through the city to the cadence of noise.

Bring your own pots, pans, blocks of wood, or anything you want to creatively bang together- be inspired!

The procession will be gently structured according to the beat of a metronome broadcast through Pyropolis on KFLiP (FM 100.5).

All participants are encouraged to join in and be a part of the procession!


Onsite Volunteering

Hi everyone:

Volunteer Roulette is officially closed.  If you do not have an email about your position by midnight on May 19th, please contact the Volunteer Coordinatrix at volunteerinfo@burningflipside.com.

Despite that, however, volunteering is not closed!  Not by a longshot!

How can I help now, do you ask?

Two easy ways:

  1. Show up at Lloyd, the warehouse, 3109 Industrial Terrace Dr., Austin TX Saturday May 20th at 10:00 am, and help load Flipside onto the trucks to go to the land.  If you’re super awesome, you can even follow the trucks to the Flipside land and help unload them.
  2. This year, you can register for volunteering ONSITE.  All you have to do is report in at the Pyropolis Civic Center at the Crossroads, and inform a Volunteer Assistance Squad member that you wish to volunteer.  They will then assist you with finding a position.

Thank you so much to everyone who has put forward the effort into volunteering (and participating in the event).  We can’t wait to see all of you out there!

Flipside Flame May 2017

TEN DAYS to pack ALL the things, get your costumes and provisions squared away, and to choose your side in the final Reckoning —- UNICORNS in all their majestic hooved and horned stampeding glory and dubious fantastical cryptozoological existence?   Or RAINBOWS with ephemerally damp beauty, connections to banjos and frogs, and untouchable yet undeniable scientific reality?


This is the final Flame before Burning Flipside 2016, so read up, then load out!
As usual, it’s worth your while to read the whole thing!

For more info, stay tuned to:

Remember, if you have something you’d like to contribute to the Flame or Announce, use Flipside Flame/Announce Submission page to send it in. Announce tends to be at the beginning of the month, and Flames usually get published around the middle of the month. Get me the info at least a week before then, and I’ll do my best to get your contribution included.


NO Fireworks

We know you read your Survival Guide. We know you’re committed to keeping Flipside safe and MOOP-free. So this is a redundant but gentle reminder that fireworks are prohibited at Flipside. Due to changes in state law, and depending on the county, you may see active fireworks stands on your travels towards Flipside this year—but the event policy hasn’t changed. Leave the fireworks for a more appropriate time and place.

Load Out is Saturday — Get Your Hands in it!

Flipside load out is this coming Saturday 5/20 at Lloyd the Warehouse at 10:00AM.

The year of the Rainbow/Unicorn reckoning is upon us. The 19th year of Flipside!

The train is leaving the station, flip or fly, this Saturday at Lloyd the Warehouse. It is rolling.
We do this thing as a community.  A lot of us are year-round community… Some just for the event, that is fine too. But, it is a volunteer run event. It does not happen without a LOT of help .

The community is what makes this go. YOU make it go.
Come show your bad ass DAFT, City planning, Site-Ops, Safety, Genesis, Art — ALL the departments — some love.

You could go straight out to the land Saturday as well to help City Planning flag the city, and put up street signage if that is your calling.

Can’t lift?
Cheerlead, bring beverages, bring snacks.
Show your appreciation of this amazing group of volunteers who make our event happen.

You paid for a ticket, right?
We have a different kind of currency as well, Social Capital is our currency, come make some of it!

Go with us out on the land to unload, many hands make for happier volunteers and easier tasks.

Rainbows, Unicorns, Team Colon, support your team!

It will be fun. Don’t make me stop this car and turn around.

It’s Flipside fuckers
feel the love,
~~~ Clovis

Radical Self Reliance and First Aid

First Aid is something everyone should know, and a first aid kit is something everyone should have. Everyone (currently) has a body, and taking care of it is, in my mind, the most important part of self reliance. Most of us also have several other bodies that we care about.

But FOR REAL: CAMPS, THEME CAMP OR OTHERWISE, SHOULD HAVE A KIT.  This is a huge (are we saying “yuge” now?) thing theme camps can do to help your medical team, the event, and the community.  Nobody plans on needing it, but then they need it.  So buy it with camp dues.  Whether or not you choose to share your kit with people outside your camp is up to your giving burning soul.


  1. Tailor your kit to your own potential needs, as well as your skill/knowledge level.  Put stuff in there that you have wanted in the past.  Put stuff in there relevant to your, or your campmates’ medical conditions.  A paper list of your medical conditions, medications and allergies.  Glucose tablets and a spare glucometer if you’re a diabetic.  Kid meds if there’s kids in the camp.  Etc.
  2. If you have a kit, and there’s stuff in there you don’t know how to use, either learn how to use it, or throw it away.   Practice with your kit as much as you can. Sure, you’ll use your precious stuff, but then it will be more valuable because you know how to use it correctly.  This also reduces the need to….
  3. Check your kit from time to time.  Meds expire, tape and such decomposes.  Especially if you store it in a car in the (Texas) summer.  Crusty unusable supplies are no good.
  4. Buy quality stuff.  Lots of pre-made kits have these little dinky tweezers in them with blunt tips, worthless scissors, etc.  There’s a big market for things that could fulfill a check in a box, but not actually do the thing they’re designed to do.
  5. Buy generics of medicines until you have personally found them to not be as good.  This applies to things like moleskin as well.

The Actual List

Things to have in your kit if you don’t have them elsewhere

  • Soap (Poison ivy’s active compound is an oil.  Tecnu is very expensive. Dish soap cuts oils just as well)  Also useful with……
  • Handwashing stuff. I like to use pump sprayers, which are $12 at Home depot. This reduces water use and can be used as a great cooling method.  Label it “Clean Water Only” to avoid confusion.
  • Bug repellant
  • Blanket. Have you ever tried moving a floppy person that couldn’t help?  A blanket or similar thing will let you haul them back to camp, or whatever. Also keeps you warm. Even in May, a person laying out all night can get cold. Wool stays warm even when wet.  Also provides emotional security.
  • Electrolytes. It’s what plants crave. Gatorade….meh, I don’t know, easy to carry in powder form, cheap, but kind of sucks. Too much sugar, no magnesium. If used, should be cut to about half strength.  Eating complex foods is best, juices. Coconut water is bland if you’re nauseated.
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Head Lamp   – get a quality one.  $20 and up, Black Diamond or other respectable brand.  Helps avoid injuries and cast illumination on existing ones.  Trying to get a splinter out in the dark doesn’t work.  Best brand is Zebralight, about $80.
  • Sharpie/Permanent Marker
  • Duck tape  –  This does everything.  Splints that don’t fall apart with movement, waterproof covering for bandages, sports wraps…the list goes on.  You can store it by wrapping it around another object, like a water bottle, or taking out the center cardboard and wrapping it around itself.
  • A watch – old fashioned time keeping device.  Lets you keep track of when a problem started, count pulses, etc.

First aid kit – Everyday ailments

  • Moleskin for blisters.  Seriously, bring extra.  Then remember to bring extra wool socks next year.  Store bought is easier than hunting and skinning your own moles.
  • Band-aids of multiple sizes and shapes.  Breathable preferred – they stick better and allow for more movement.
  • Coban – that self adhering elastic wrap for bandages, splints, etc.
  • Gauze – in sterile packaging.  Flat pieces and in roll form.

With Coban and Gauze you can pretty much cover anything.  There is a huge variety of choices when it comes to putting white stuff on red stuff.  Again, the most important thing is that you know how to use different products.

  • Saline – contact solution. Good for washing ash, bugs out of eyes. Also good for cleaning cuts.
  • Belt – for the patient to bite when you’re cauterizing wounds.  Just kidding!
  • Eye drops – I like regular eye drops.  Numbing and irritation relief varieties exist.
  • Good tweezers, not bad tweezers. Fine point or flat tipped, preferably both. Good for splinters and cactus thorns.
  • Antibiotic creme: In general, I’m not a huge triple antibiotic cream/Neosporin(tm) fan, at least not for small stuff. I get cut and scraped all the time and have never gotten tissue infections. Soap and keeping it clean are your best bet. That said, camping for several days may make that difficult.  Being a dirty hippie may make that difficult.  Using the river as your primary means of bathing may make that difficult.  Also, punctures (like stepping on a stick) can get infected easily.
  • Aloe vera vs. a time travel device and more sunscreen.  (MORE SUNSCREEN, seriously)
  • Disposable gloves. You’re way more likely to touch someone who needs help if you’re wearing these.  Also useful for touching anything greasy, sticky or otherwise gross.  Also useful for ice packs.
  • ACE bandage – The best thing for an injury is rest.  People never want to do that.  Find a former athlete and get them to show you how to wrap injuries.
  • Tape – Useful for taping injuries as well.  Don’t make this stuff up, get a knowledgeable person to show you.  Too-tight wraps can be dangerous.
  • Scissors – trauma shears are actually about a buck a piece if you can find the right source.
  • Ice packs – self cooling, or just a source of ice to put in gloves or a ziploc bag.

Over the counter meds

OTC meds are not harmless.  Read warnings.  Make sure people you give them to are familiar with them, or have read and comprehended warnings.  Be careful of combining Tylenol (aka acetaminophen) and alcohol, as well as taking Advil/Motrin (ibuprofen) and not drinking enough water.  Be careful with Tylenol and Advil/Motrin in general, especially with repeated doses, or with people that have liver or kidney issues.  They probably wouldn’t pass modern OTC regulations.

There’s a million options of things to buy.  Most are stupid, simply expensive recombinations of things you could buy individually for a tenth the price.  Here’s a good article about OTC med labeling.


Medicines are the most susceptible items in your kit to degrading, especially in heat.  Store in a cool dry place if possible.  Expiration dates are less important than proper storage.  Expiration dates are kinda BS anyway.  Nothing OTC is going to become dangerous, only slightly less effective.

  • Aspirin – pain first line treatment for heart attack.  Low-dose chewables are fast and easy to administer.  FOR ADULTS ONLY.   Do not give aspirin to children.
  • Pain and swelling (Tylenol/Acetaminophen for pain, Advil/Motrin/Ibuprofen for both pain and swelling).
    Lots of options, just pay attention to active ingredients.
  • Anti-diarrhea (loperamide or imodium)
  • Anti-nausea (dramamine or meclizine, pepto-bismol)
  • Anti-histamine (Benadryl aka diphenhydramine or longer acting drugs for seasonal allergies)
  • Hydrocortisone cream for bug bites.  Reduces swelling and itching.
  • Calamine lotion for poison ivy, if that works for you.  I never use it.

Real Emergency Equipment

These things should be included only if you have the training to use them.  In a real emergency, CPR can be done without equipment, clothes can be used as bandages and slings, anything rigid can be a splint, a belt can be used as a tourniquet, etc.  But if you want to be a little more prepared for these things, here’s a list.

  • Bag Valve Mask or One-way CPR mask – so you don’t have to risk infection to breath for someone
  • Sam splints – with education (youtube is great), can be molded into many different types of splints.  2 are better than 1.
  • Premade tourniquet
  • Cervical Collar
  • Oral and nasal airways
  • Quickclot gauze/pads
  • Blood pressure cuff and stethoscope


Has it been over a month since you submitted your Ticket Request? Has your life changed? Did you leave that bad relationship? Did you move out of that old place? Did you transcend reality and need to update your zip code?

Never fear! Log into secure.burningflipside.com and update your ticket request!

The River Runs Through It

This was the river last weekend. It is way down from where it was in April. This is from the “Shady Beach” near the middle of the land. At this time the gauge upstream read about 7.6cfs. If you want to monitor the river more closely you can check that gauge’s readings here: https://waterdata.usgs.gov/usa/nwis/uv?08105700

Please note, the San Gabriel is a public water way. Any swimming, wading, or other river activity is performed at your own risk. The dam at Granger Lake is controlled by the Army Corps of Engineers and could release more water at any time, so please be aware of rising water levels.

Acquaintances!  Burners! Flipiziens!  Lend me your eyes!  

Behold below these words, the 2017 Road Direction Map!  

Well not, exactly those words, but the whole text here.

Forsooth, your eyes do not mislead you, there is something new.

For all the Pyropolis is a stage, and now it has an exit and an entrance.

And one map, in its time, has many parts

The city part, in green, holds all that is awesome to us,

And the parking part, in blue, holds our precious rides home.  

Change, befalls us all, and we will succeed in this tumultuous time.

For, we, fail?  But screw your courage to the sticking-place,

And we’ll not fail to drive on the roads in the right direction and park our cars in parking.


Okay, that last bit was a stretch.  Actually, the whole thing was bad Shakespearean yoga.  Here’s the map:

The MAP is out!

This year’s map is released and ready for viewing or download — CLICK HERE to see it in all its glory and to view a listing of all theme camps!


Volunteer Roulette — Want to Play?

Hey everyone!  Do you want an easier way to volunteer, without having to crawl through the numerous teams we have?  Well, we’ve got you covered!

Just tell us when and how you are available, and we’ll find you a shift with Volunteer Roulette:


CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS–ECHELON NEEDS YOU–only 10 days until the gates open!!!

We still have lots and lots of shift to fill for Echelon.

At safety HQ Echelon volunteers are responsible for handing out radios, laminates, maintaining safety HQ.

We have a unique volunteer schedule at Echelon.

There are 6-hour shifts, each 24 hour day dividing into 4 shifts, with one-person working each of those shifts.  Each Echelon shift starts 1 hour before all of the other safety shifts so we are ready to handle shift change.

We also have four 1-hour shifts per day (one person each) which coincide with the first hour of the other safety shifts, as that’s the busiest hour for check-ins.

So there are opportunities every day for 1-hour shifts — rare volunteering opportunities at Flipside!
I’d hope if you sign up for a 1-hour shift at some point, you’ll at least sign up for at least one other 6-hour shift or maybe 2 or 3 other 1-hour shifts.

Also if you have a 6-hour shift already, consider signing up for a couple of 1-hour shifts. It’s just an hour, and it will either help you be ready for your 6 hour shift, or if you’ve already done a 6-hour shift, we’ll benefit from you being back and knowing the drill.   Come join Echelon – it’s a great way to see how Safety shifts work and meet other volunteers from all over the event!

CLICK HERE to learn more or to sign up now!


Looking for an unconventional opportunity?

Flipside doesn’t end when the effigy burns Sunday night….  There are teams of volunteers just like you that work hard after the event to make sure that we leave the land better than we found it.

Exodus is looking for volunteers to help Flipizens leave the city safely and smoothly and we’d love your help.

Work on Monday and stay overnight.

Signups are open on the Pyropolis wiki, so head over and volunteer!

Recycling Volunteers Neededrecycling

Since a lot of things don’t decompose quickly, how can we not fill up landfills?
Of course the answer is …. Recycle!!!

To make this easier Burning Flipside has a recycling station. Check the survival guide for what they take and the times they are open. While planned to be open daily Friday through Monday, Recycling cannot happen without participants help. We need you to volunteer for a few quick hours.

As of writing this, it is not looking good – We need help!!

We need an assistant lead, volunteers for all shifts, and 1 to 2 truck drivers.  To find out more about Recycling at Flipside, CLICK HERE

To sign  up for a shift GO HERE!

To be my recycling assistant lead or be a driver contact Rose at: https://www.burningflipside.com/contact
 –> Recycling

 Shaven Apes

Like helping people build things and looking for folks in need of assistance? Sign up to be an Ape!
Be someone’s hero! Shaven Apes are the helping hands of Pyropolis. We help hold poles, bang stakes, and, sometimes, lay a lot of hay.

Our shifts are 3 hours long and you get to be a part of art projects, theme camps, and have an inside look at what folks are doing or have brought out this year.

We are not a safety department, and there’s no pre-event training required, so new event attendees can volunteer.

If you have a friend coming for the first time and looking for a great way to participate, send them our way. Shaven Apes wouldn’t exist without volunteers. Sign up for a shift today. Thursday shifts are in particular need!

For more information or just have a question, you can contact Samantha directly at
–> Shaven Apes


The Restoration plan for 2017 is to publish a MOOP Map and spreadsheet of findings, similar to that produced in 2016.
However, this year we are raising the bar seven notches this year.
  • First, we will have more property to cover.  Parking is moving to the other side of the road.
  • Second, we want to add photos and GPS coordinates of MOOP found into published documentation.
  • Third, we want to notify the Earth Guardian of any registered camp were MOOP was found, allowing them a chance to review the MOOP in person on Restoration Saturday following the event, and to pick it up.
  • Fourth, we want a prompt publication of the MOOP Map, detailed spreadsheet, and photos of MOOP.
  • Fifth, we will dispose of ash and hardware from the burnt effigy.
  • Sixth, we will complete all MOOP Sweeps with pick up and disposal.
  • Seventh, we will pickup all placement flags.
These goals require volunteers for Restoration.   Who should volunteer?
Earth Guardians from theme camps, especially those with MOOP found in either 2016 or 2017.
GeoCachers are wanted in hope that they can apply geocaching techniques to document MOOP found.
Hikers, Naturalists, and Photographers are welcome.
Basically, anyone who is able to walk the land in an organized fashion.
There is going to be a great deal of walking, and very little MOOP to pick up.
(because Flipizens are pretty darn good at picking up after themselves!)
MOOP Map 2016
Please Volunteer for Restoration — CLICK HERE

For more information or just have a question, you can contact Xander directly at
–> Cleanup

Transportation – Drivers Needed!

We need drivers for Load-in and Load-out! Every year we take event infrastructure and the effigy from the warehouse out to the land the Saturday before the event, and bring the infrastructure back the Saturday afterwards.
Drivers need to be 18+ and comfortable driving a 26′ moving truck. We also need fluffers to pick up the truck drivers from the warehouse and drop them off at the truck rental location that morning.
Load-in is May 20
Load-out is June 3
If you can help, contact Megs at https://www.burningflipside.com/contact
–> Transportation

This post we tackle BIODEGRADABLES!!

One question often discussed is,  “Are biodegradables, such as peels/shells/biodegradable glitter/etc. MOOP?”

The simple answer is YES!

Just because something eventually decomposes does not mean it should be left behind. Would you want others to discard banana peels in your own yard? Since we do not have trash cans, everything brought out to Apache Pastures must be taken home.

On the topic of decomposing, do you know how long things take to decompose? It may surprise you!

  • Plastic bottles: 70-450 years
  • Plastic bag: 500-1000 years
  • Tin can: around 50 years
  • Leather shoes: 25-40 years
  • Rope: 3-14 months
  • Cigarette Butts: 10-12 years
  • Milk packet (tetra) covers and drink packets: 5 years
  • Nylon clothes: 30-40 years
  • Glass bottle; 1-2 million years
  • Aluminum can: 200 years
  • Tinfoil- It does not biodegrade.
  • Styrofoam- It does not biodegrade

That is right, the cigarette butt you dropped last year is probably still there.

The beer can you threw in a gully will be there long after we are gone.

That is unless WE do something about it. The message is simple, pack it in – pack it out!

Green Crawls!

Earth Guardians would love to have you out to spread the word of LNT and ensure MOOP ends up in its proper place — the original owner’s hand.

We will be doing an LNT rampage daily at Flipside at 1pm.
Come spread the word and enjoy whatever camp’s hospitality we find spreading the good word of NO MOOP.

Meet up at the crossroads volunteer center (right next to Recycling – two for one, YAY!!) at 12:45.

If you can, sign up in advance at the Earth Guardian Wiki – CLICK HERE

Corn dogs and their sticks may eventually decay but they are still MOOP. Take them home with you!


This year at Flipside, the Volunteer Assistance Squad will return to help all the volunteer teams function more effectively!

NEW this year, we will also have a 311 Information Station at the Civic Center, just in case folk have burning questions that just can’t be extinguished by rumor or hearsay.

But, to bring everyone the help, we need more folk to help us!

Join our team, as we bravely seek and acquire the extra people that volunteer teams need, in real time, with our trusty megaphone!

Then, we’ll move them from here to there with our larger-than-average golf cart!

There are shifts available to help in both Volunteer Assistant and 311 Operator positions.

CLICK HERE to read more and SIGN UP today!

Come join the hottest newish team in Pyropolis, and help everyone get everything done better, faster, and squishier! This year, we’ll have more Rainbow Unicorniness than ever before!


Signs, Signs, Everywhere are Signs….  if YOU Help!

Howdy! Looking for a way to volunteer and help keep Flipizens safe?

The Boundaries and Safety Signage team needs you!

This is the crew that fences off the event’s perimeter, installs safety signs at Gate and Greeters, and puts up signs that warn about safety hazards.

We have to erect this stuff before participants roll in on Thursday and then we take it all down on Monday.

Contact Ronin your Safety Signage Lead (Area: Site Ops –> Safety Signs) to get “sign”ed up!

City Planning is looking for a few good burners…

Do T-stakes bring you happiness?   

Do you long for the days in the sun setting up a new fence, or maybe erecting a Posted No Dumping sign?

Can you work a power drill?  Or can you hold something still for someone working a power drill?

Or, maybe, you have a secret yearning to label underground cable because of the little flags?  

Do you want hands-on knowledge of where all the camps are before everyone else?

Can you read a map?  Can you write clearly?  Can you bend over and stick a little flag in the ground?

If you answered yes to ANY of those questions, help City Planning help you build the city!

We need volunteers to help with City Signage and Flagging all of the theme camps on-site the weekend before Flipside (May 20th).  

You MUST be on the list to gain access to the land, so if you are interested contact Emily, your City Signage Lead or Rachel your Flagging Lead with your REAL NAME.

Contact Emily your City Signage Lead (Area: City Planning –> City Signage) 

Flagging happens the weekend before Flipside, and you MUST be signed up to be on site that weekend.  Interested?  Contact Rachel The Flagging Lead™  and let her know your RealName™ and she’ll keep you up to date on the final details.
(Area: City Planning –> Flagging)

Ever wondered about who helps keep the city safe?

Are you introverted and need a little bit of time to recharge away from the big crowds?

Do you want to know how night vision works?

Come check out the Guardians Department!
Badass shirts and patches to be had if you work a couple shifts with us.

Contact Froggy at https://www.burningflipside.com/contact

(Area: Safety –> Guardians (perimeter))
Or our Facebook page: Guardians of Flipside 

 -Froggy, your Guardians Lead

What’s Happening?   Eventful Events!

Camp Curly 10th Anniversary

This year marks Camp Curly’s tenth year at Flipside and we are going all out this year with our biggest and best Rockstar Karaoke Party yet!
Song Challenges and trophies will be awarded!

The open bar will be bigger and better stocked than ever!


Smudge Camp

Thursday 9pm
Wild Women Circle-
Thursday, May 25th, @ 9pm. Join other women for a new moon circle coming together to support each other through opening ceremony, heart guided meditation and co-creation for an empowered flipside weekend. (women only please)- bring sacred items for the altar.
Friday 11am
Fairy Discovery Journey-
Learn how to communicate with fairies and others in the elemental realm, including what to look for and how to listen to the realm of the Faye
Saturday 6pm
Belly AscenDance -Gypsy Nynga Flow by Ishani Ishaya – learn techniques and tools for belly dancing as a state flow movement. move and grove with us into higher realms of flow naturally.
Sunday 1pm
Ask the Healer Q&A – Have an open dialogue with our group of healers. We will teach you the “why and how” of healing techniques.  We cover different styles of healing as well as how to get started on  your healing journey today.

The Return of Flipside Franks

The return of Flipside Franks has been a painful waiting event for Crickett and myself.

The last two years of rain and mud kept us old folks at home. Two years without the burn was painful to endure, but the rain has stayed away so far, and we are in full swing with preparations to show up with a big bang.

Flipside Franks will not only be serving our famous hot dogs, with an array of condiments that would be fitting for the most discerning tastes, fit for any connoisseur.  Additionally we will be complementing our dogs with addition of a Soft Serve machine which will be serving those tasty ice cream cones every day.
Check us out at Flipside Franks (which will be located in the Badlands) for times of service. Have a great burn, and Welcome Home!


Volunteer Roulette is up!

Hey everyone!  Do you want an easier way to volunteer, without having to crawl through the numerous teams we have?  Well, we’ve got you covered!  Just tell us when and how you are available, and we’ll find you a shift with Volunteer Roulette:


So, what’s stopping you?  Volunteer for Flipside today!

Announce May 2017


Packed with really useful information, this Announce message is the last regularly scheduled Announce message before Burning Flipside. It’s worth your time to read through, and there’s lots of good advice.

For more info, stay tuned to:

Remember, if you have something you’d like to contribute to the Flame or Announce, use Flipside Flame/Announce Submission page to send it in. Announce tends to be at the beginning of the month, and Flames usually get published around the middle of the month. Get me the info at least a week before then, and I’ll do my best to get your contribution included.


Tickets — Do you have yours?

Here’s a few things to check into regarding tickets.
Read this BEFORE the event.
Read this BEFORE emailing with questions.
Heck, just read this NOW.
Then, if you still have questions, GO HERE.
  1. Log onto your tickets at secure.burningflipside.com to make sure you name is correct on your ticket.  Will Call tickets require an ID that matches your name before you can get in.  Example:  If your ticket is under SparklePony, make sure your drivers license says SparklePony.
  2. When transferring/claiming tickets, the unique ticket code will change.  Recipients need to log onto secure.burningflipside.com to see the new number.
  3. Emails are wonky sometimes.  If you did not get an email about your ticket, log onto secure.burningflipside.com to check your status.
What your takeaway from this is  :::::::  logging onto your account at secure.burningflipside.com may help you out.
~ Loribug
BTW:  secondary ticket sales are expected to be finalized within the next week.  Processing of the secondary tickets has progressed in waves, but will soon be complete.
STILL have questions?
Contact Loribug directly here: https://www.burningflipside.com/contact
 –> Tickets


Love Flipside?   YOU too can be an integral part of making this city the amazing place that it is!

Keep reading for the scoop on many of the opportunities to participate in Flipside in a variety of ways.

And CLICK HERE to get the short-and-sassy version of the info and links to get started NOW!


Looking for an unconventional opportunity?

Flipside doesn’t end when the effigy burns Sunday night….  There are teams of volunteers just like you that work hard after the event to make sure that we leave the land better than we found it.

Exodus is looking for volunteers to help Flipizens leave the city safely and smoothly and we’d love your help.

Work on Monday and stay overnight.

Signups are open on the Pyropolis wiki, so head over and volunteer!

 Recycling Volunteers Neededrecycling

Since a lot of things don’t decompose quickly, how can we not fill up landfills?
Of course the answer is …. Recycle!!!

To make this easier Burning Flipside has a recycling station. Check the survival guide for what they take and the times they are open. While planned to be open daily Friday through Monday, Recycling cannot happen without participants help. We need you to volunteer for a few quick hours.

As of writing this, it is not looking good – We need help!!


We need an assistant lead, volunteers for all shifts, and 1 to 2 truck drivers.  To find out more about Recycling at Flipside, CLICK HERE

To sign  up for a shift GO HERE!

To be my recycling assistant lead or be a driver contact Rose at: https://www.burningflipside.com/contact
 –> Recycling

 Shaven Apes

Like helping people build things and looking for folks in need of assistance? Sign up to be an Ape!
Be someone’s hero! Shaven Apes are the helping hands of Pyropolis. We help hold poles, bang stakes, and, sometimes, lay a lot of hay.

Our shifts are 3 hours long and you get to be a part of art projects, theme camps, and have an inside look at what folks are doing or have brought out this year.

We are not a safety department, and there’s no pre-event training required, so new event attendees can volunteer.

If you have a friend coming for the first time and looking for a great way to participate, send them our way. Shaven Apes wouldn’t exist without volunteers. Sign up for a shift today. Thursday shifts are in particular need!

For more information or just have a question, you can contact Samantha directly at
–> Shaven Apes


The Restoration plan for 2017 is to publish a MOOP Map and spreadsheet of findings, similar to that produced in 2016.
However, this year we are raising the bar seven notches this year.
  • First, we will have more property to cover.  Parking is moving to the other side of the road.
  • Second, we want to add photos and GPS coordinates of MOOP found into published documentation.
  • Third, we want to notify the Earth Guardian of any registered camp were MOOP was found, allowing them a chance to review the MOOP in person on Restoration Saturday following the event, and to pick it up.
  • Fourth, we want a prompt publication of the MOOP Map, detailed spreadsheet, and photos of MOOP.
  • Fifth, we will dispose of ash and hardware from the burnt effigy.
  • Sixth, we will complete all MOOP Sweeps with pick up and disposal.
  • Seventh, we will pickup all placement flags.
These goals require volunteers for Restoration.   Who should volunteer?
Earth Guardians from theme camps, especially those with MOOP found in either 2016 or 2017.
GeoCachers are wanted in hope that they can apply geocaching techniques to document MOOP found.
Hikers, Naturalists, and Photographers are welcome.
Basically, anyone who is able to walk the land in an organized fashion.
There is going to be a great deal of walking, and very little MOOP to pick up.
(because Flipizens are pretty darn good at picking up after themselves!)
MOOP Map 2016
Please Volunteer for Restoration — CLICK HERE

For more information or just have a question, you can contact Xander directly at
–> Cleanup

Transportation – Drivers Needed!

We need drivers for Load-in and Load-out! Every year we take event infrastructure and the effigy from the warehouse out to the land the Saturday before the event, and bring the infrastructure back the Saturday afterwards.
Drivers need to be 18+ and comfortable driving a 26′ moving truck. We also need fluffers to pick up the truck drivers from the warehouse and drop them off at the truck rental location that morning.
Load-in is May 20
Load-out is June 3
If you can help, contact Megs at https://www.burningflipside.com/contact
–> Transportation

This post we tackle BIODEGRADABLES!!

One question often discussed is,  “Are biodegradables, such as peels/shells/biodegradable glitter/etc. MOOP?”

The simple answer is YES!

Just because something eventually decomposes does not mean it should be left behind. Would you want others to discard banana peels in your own yard? Since we do not have trash cans, everything brought out to Apache Pastures must be taken home.

On the topic of decomposing, do you know how long things take to decompose? It may surprise you!

  • Plastic bottles: 70-450 years
  • Plastic bag: 500-1000 years
  • Tin can: around 50 years
  • Leather shoes: 25-40 years
  • Rope: 3-14 months
  • Cigarette Butts: 10-12 years
  • Milk packet (tetra) covers and drink packets: 5 years
  • Nylon clothes: 30-40 years
  • Glass bottle; 1-2 million years
  • Aluminum can: 200 years
  • Tinfoil- It does not biodegrade.
  • Styrofoam- It does not biodegrade

That is right, the cigarette butt you dropped last year is probably still there.

The beer can you threw in a gully will be there long after we are gone.

That is unless WE do something about it. The message is simple, pack it in – pack it out!


Green Crawls!

Earth Guardians would love to have you out to spread the word of LNT and ensure MOOP ends up in its proper place — the original owner’s hand.

We will be doing an LNT rampage daily at Flipside at 1pm.
Come spread the word and enjoy whatever camp’s hospitality we find spreading the good word of NO MOOP.

Meet up at the crossroads volunteer center (right next to Recycling – two for one, YAY!!) at 12:45.

If you can, sign up in advance at the Earth Guardian Wiki – CLICK HERE


Corn dogs and their sticks may eventually decay but they are still MOOP. Take them home with you!


This year at Flipside, the Volunteer Assistance Squad will return to help all the volunteer teams function more effectively!

NEW this year, we will also have a 311 Information Station at the Civic Center, just in case folk have burning questions that just can’t be extinguished by rumor or hearsay.

But, to bring everyone the help, we need more folk to help us!

Join our team, as we bravely seek and acquire the extra people that volunteer teams need, in real time, with our trusty megaphone!

Then, we’ll move them from here to there with our larger-than-average golf cart!

There are shifts available to help in both Volunteer Assistant and 311 Operator positions.

CLICK HERE to read more and SIGN UP today!

Come join the hottest newish team in Pyropolis, and help everyone get everything done better, faster, and squishier! This year, we’ll have more Rainbow Unicorniness than ever before!


Signs, Signs, Everywhere are Signs….  if YOU Help!

Howdy! Looking for a way to volunteer and help keep Flipizens safe?

The Boundaries and Safety Signage team needs you!

This is the crew that fences off the event’s perimeter, installs safety signs at Gate and Greeters, and puts up signs that warn about safety hazards.

We have to erect this stuff before participants roll in on Thursday and then we take it all down on Monday.

Contact Ronin your Safety Signage Lead (Area: Site Ops –> Safety Signs) to get “sign”ed up!

City Planning is looking for a few good burners…

Do T-stakes bring you happiness?   

Do you long for the days in the sun setting up a new fence, or maybe erecting a Posted No Dumping sign?

Can you work a power drill?  Or can you hold something still for someone working a power drill?

Or, maybe, you have a secret yearning to label underground cable because of the little flags?  

Do you want hands-on knowledge of where all the camps are before everyone else?

Can you read a map?  Can you write clearly?  Can you bend over and stick a little flag in the ground?

If you answered yes to ANY of those questions, help City Planning help you build the city!

We need volunteers to help with City Signage and Flagging all of the theme camps on-site the weekend before Flipside (May 20th).  

You MUST be on the list to gain access to the land, so if you are interested contact Emily, your City Signage Lead or Rachel your Flagging Lead with your REAL NAME.

Contact Emily your City Signage Lead (Area: City Planning –> City Signage) 

Flagging happens the weekend before Flipside, and you MUST be signed up to be on site that weekend.  Interested?  Contact Rachel The Flagging Lead™  and let her know your RealName™ and she’ll keep you up to date on the final details.
(Area: City Planning –> Flagging)

Ever wondered about who helps keep the city safe?

Are you introverted and need a little bit of time to recharge away from the big crowds?

Do you want to know how night vision works?

Come check out the Guardians Department!
Badass shirts and patches to be had if you work a couple shifts with us.

Contact Froggy at https://www.burningflipside.com/contact

(Area: Safety –> Guardians (perimeter))
Or our Facebook page: Guardians of Flipside 

 -Froggy, your Guardians Lead

Acquaintances!  Burners! Flipiziens!  Lend me your eyes!  

Behold below these words, the 2017 Road Direction Map!  

Well not, exactly those words, but the whole text here.

Forsooth, your eyes do not mislead you, there is something new.

For all the Pyropolis is a stage, and now it has an exit and an entrance.

And one map, in its time, has many parts

The city part, in green, holds all that is awesome to us,

And the parking part, in blue, holds our precious rides home.  

Change, befalls us all, and we will succeed in this tumultuous time.

For, we, fail?  But screw your courage to the sticking-place,

And we’ll not fail to drive on the roads in the right direction and park our cars in parking.


Okay, that last bit was a stretch.  Actually, the whole thing was bad Shakespearean yoga.  Here’s the map:

Also, you’ll get the Theme Camp Placement Map when it’s done, and not a moment sooner!  


Flipside Flame April 2017

We’re getting ever closer to Burning Flipside, so publication of the Flame and Announce may pick up the pace a bit.

There’s a LOT of information heading your way — so please, do us all a favor and read the whole thing.
It’s worth your time, and there’s lots of good advice.

For more info, stay tuned to:

Remember, if you have something you’d like to contribute to the Flame or Announce, use Flipside Flame/Announce Submission page to send it in. Announce tends to be at the beginning of the month, and Flames usually get published around the middle of the month. Get me the info at least a week before then, and I’ll do my best to get your contribution included.


Volunteer, Volunteer, Volunteer!

As Flipside gets closer, the opportunities to volunteer and be an important and ESSENTIAL part of our city increase.  We are busy-busy-busy preparing to make Burning Flipside a well-oiled (machine? skillet? Twister board?), and YOU can be an active and engaged part of making it GO.   The people that work before, during, and after Flipside are participants too, volunteering their amazing time, experience, and creative efforts to making this event the incredible experience that it is.     Check out some of the ways you can be a part of this incredibly important and rewarding facet of Flipside…..

Here are just a couple of opportunities for you to be a part of the gears that make this town GO!

Shaven Apes

Like helping people build things and looking for folks in need of assistance? Sign up to be an Ape!
Be someone’s hero! Shaven Apes are the helping hands of Pyropolis. We help hold poles, bang stakes, and, sometimes, lay a lot of hay.

Our shifts are 3 hours long and you get to be a part of art projects, theme camps, and have an inside look at what folks are doing or have brought out this year.

We are not a safety department, and there’s no pre-event training required, so new event attendees can volunteer.

If you have a friend coming for the first time and looking for a great way to participate, send them our way. Shaven Apes wouldn’t exist without volunteers. Sign up for a shift today. Thursday shifts are in particular need!

For more information or just have a question, you can contact Samantha directly at
–> Shaven Apes

Zone Czars Needed!

Hey Flipizens!

Doc Mitz here — I am the Interzone Coordinator for Flipside 2017!

There are a ton of openings for Zone Czars (formerly known as Zone Greeters).

Do you like to tell people exactly where to go??

We help place theme campers into their proper locations. Zone Czars are placed at the start of each zone and are the first to get the inside scoop on camps as they arrive.

Find out why Pelican Camp has three rainbow colored sheep with unicorn horns for their art project!
Inquire about exactly what type of service animals they are!

This is a perfect way for newer burners to get involved and meet people.

Slots are open on Wednesday – Friday in 5 hour shifts.

CLICK HERE to sign up directly!

For more information or just have a question, you can contact Doc Mitz directly at
–> Zone Czars

What is a Ranger?

I sometimes have a difficult time explaining what a Ranger is to someone new to our community.

There are a lot of things I could say. They’re not cops. They’re not security guards, or authority whores. The most technical way to describe them are “non-confrontational community mediators” but my favorite way to describe them is that a Ranger is a Navigator on the Edge of Chaos.

You know the typical group of fools hanging around a campfire?

Inevitably, one of these individuals will have, a “hold my beer” moment.
You know the kind I’m talking about.
The words “Hey, hold my beer: I got an idea.” are usually (but not always) followed by some derivative of  “just stop, drop and roll!” and/or “this is going to be great on YouTube.”

The Ranger is the guy that holds your beer.

“Keeping me safe from me is not your job” I was told once.

And that’s something I tell every person that becomes a Ranger. This is true to a certain extent. I may try to suggest that what you are about to attempt might not been conceived with the soundest of rational judgement…but I’m probably gonna let you do it anyway and help you pick up the pieces when it’s over.

In its simplest terms, a Ranger is a member of the community (like YOU!) that’s accepted the task of being the sober, level-headed voice of reason at the event. (At least for a little while.) I encourage every Ranger to spend time off duty, or as we like to call it, being “part of the problem.”

If you’ve been to Flipside more than once and you’re ready to give something back to your community, check out the idea of being a Ranger. Its the best way to see the city and learn about everything that’s going on.

And if this is your first Flipside, swing by Ranger HQ and ask for me. I’ll be happy to give you a tour!


For more information or just have a question, you can contact Judge directly at
–> Rangers

Guardians of Flipside

Feeling like you wanna jump on the volunteer bandwagon? Guardians is still accepting volunteers!

For those that are looking for a less mobile shift where you can sit down and have minimal interaction with folks, this is a great way to get some quiet in a bustling city of Burners.

Wanna see how night vision works? Join us for a night shift.
Curious about how we help keep the city safe? Come check us out this year!

Find out more information by requesting to join our Facebook page “Guardians of Flipside

Check out our wiki page for a simple overview of the department.

Or, for more information or just have a question, you can contact Froggy directly at
–> Guardians

Pre/Post -Ops

Pre/Post Ops are the heroes who make everything much easier!

Pre/Post Ops deals specifically with helping set up the various pieces of infrastructure such as carports, the radio tower, etc.   If you want to help with the setting up and breaking down of the physical infrastructure of the city, Pre/Post is for YOU!

CLICK HERE to sign up or learn more!

For more information or just have a question, you can contact Lurko directly at
–> Pre/post

Work Weekend 4

We have one more work weekend left, May 6-8.


Weather permitting, we will be treating for fire ants and poison ivy. We will not be using Amdro on the ants or spraying the poison ivy if the cows are on the land, which they may be because of a broken fence across the way.

We have some road work to finish and trail maintenance to do. There are always sticks to pick up and burn. Sign up on the Work Weekend Sign Up Form (required for entry on the land; don’t just show up).

~ Saraphina

“As long as you are green you are growing.” – Ray Kroc

Burners take great pride in our Leave NO Trace ethos. It aligns with the Burning Flipside principals perfectly in that we all have to participate and cooperate to be accountable to ourselves, our burn, and the world as a whole. Having an LNT attitude also helps the sustainability of the event!  Land owners are inclined to have us back over and over again, as we don’t destroy/pollute their property.

NOW is the time to consider how you and/or your camp, if you belong to one, can LNT prepare.

Remember ……  if you bring it, you take it home!

Here are some simple steps you can do to not only make LNT happen, but make it easy.

Prepare in Advance – If you are prepared for a LNT event, then a large part of the work is done.

Here are some ideas and suggestions:

  • Talk about it among your campmates. Make sure everyone understands the importance of LNT. Educate the first-time Burners.
  • Always consider 3Rs – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  • Have a plan to separate recyclables from trash.
  • Create and carry MOOP bags
    (a simple project from Burning Man http://earthguardians.net/2016/06/03/make-your- own-moop- bag/).
  • Remove as much packaging as possible. If it doesn’t go out to the event then, you don’t have to haul it back
  • Use larger containers (water, food, etc.). It is easier to keep track of a one gallon water jug than 8 sixteen-ounce water bottles.
  • Grab and artify an Altoids tin (or similar) to be used as a cigarette butt holder
  • Recycle on Site – Separate the recyclable items and take them to the recycling station on a regular basis. Do not wait until the end. Information on recycling can be found in the Survival Guide.

Also, please consider spending a few short hours helping at the recycling station as without volunteers it can’t happen.  CLICK HERE to volunteer!

  • Do regular and final MOOP sweeps – Don’t let it hit the ground in the first place. However, do regular time walking in and around your camp every day looking for any MOOP. After camp is broken down, have the entire group form up into a “marching” line and cover the camp looking for that last little bit that you missed. It is easier than being called out on the MOOP map.
  • Lastly, the folks working on restoring the land post-event would love your help. Please come out on the Saturday post-event to help bring the beautify wooded playa back to its natural state.

Watch here in future Flame editions for additional information on ridesharing, sign-ups, and other Restoration information!

And, as always, keep an eye on the Flipside Flame for additional LNT articles and if you have any ideas or would like to help with our Earth Guardian effort please contact Wrinn directly at https://www.burningflipside.com/contact
–> Site Sign-Off Area Facilitator

Meet Sven

Sven and I have been together for over two years.  We’ve been to Flipside together twice and really enjoyed our time together there.  But.  Sven doesn’t camp with me.  Because, Sven is a car.  And cars camp in parking, not in the city.

Sven’s job is to get me there safely and while some other cars will get dressed up for the event, Sven is demure, and doesn’t like costumes.  Sven is no mutant vehicle.  So Sven spends the event with the other cars not dressed for the event, in parking.  He tells me that he has fun in parking, and enjoys the companionship of the other cars (Sven spends a lot of time at home alone with my junk in the garage).  

If there ever comes a time where I need Sven to camp in at Flipside, I know that he will appreciate being off the road, and covered.  Maybe even in something decorative.  Because, although Sven is shy and reserved, he knows that we are in this together and he will take one for Pyropolis and wear a costume, for me.  For us.

Because this city we build is not like other cities, where all the cars hangout in front of the houses.  This city is for people.  It’s for art.  It’s for the Flipiziens.  It’s for leaving the real world for something better.  There’s just not enough room for shy and reserved cars in our city, when we want to fill it with awesome.  

Cars camp in Parking.  People camp in Pyropolis.

~ Ste. Michelle

Event Registration Going on NOW!

Are you holding an event at Flipside this year?  Your camp is hosting the unicorn vs rainbow battle, but no one knows yet? Do you have events listed in your  theme camp description, but haven’t taken a minute to head over to the event page and get them added to the Events list ?  Do it now, so you can focus on those last-minute projects!

Head on over to the Event Registration form, log in, and add your event to the growing list of goodness!



Announce April 2017


The countdown to Burning Flipside 2017 is well underway…..  How are YOU going to participate??

For more info, stay tuned to:

Remember, if you have something you’d like to contribute to the Flame or Announce, use Flipside Flame/Announce Submission page to send it in. Announce tends to be near the beginning of the month, and Flames usually get published around the middle of the month. Get me the info at least a week before then, and I’ll do my best to get your contribution included.


What’s Your Camp Got Going On?

Are you holding an event at Flipside this year?  Your camp is hosting *the* unicorn vs rainbow battle, but no one knows yet? Do you have events listed in your  theme camp description, but haven’t taken a minute to head over to the event page and get them added to the Events list ?  Do it now, so you can focus on those last-minute projects!

Head on over to the Event Registration form, log in, and add your event to the growing list of goodness!

Work Weekends Continue

The first Work Weekend is done, but there is still plenty more to do!

Please put these remaining dates in your calendars and join us for prepping the land for our wonderful event!

  • Work Weekend 3: Apr 21-23
  • Work Weekend 4: May 5-7
    (*****ONLY those who attended WWs 1, 2 and/or 3 may attend WW4****)

Signup is below. Let us know if you are coming!
You may not be allowed on the property unless you have signed up on the spreadsheet below or with Saraphina or Shortcake before the work weekend.


For more information or just have a question, you can contact Saraphina directly at


There are plenty of ways to actively participate in building and running the fair city of Pyropolis.

Here are just a couple of opportunities for you to be a part of the gears that make this town GO!



 Recycling Volunteers Neededrecycling

Looking to volunteer but don’t know how?

Recycling is look for some amazing Flipizens to help keep recycling sexy!

We need an assistant lead, volunteers for all shifts, and 1 to 2 truck drivers.  To find out more about Recycling at Flipside, CLICK HERE

To sign  up for a shift go here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F3wj87DyjE4PJIu92djWjTGq0jGNnPVdYNKwbxG0Ry0/edit#gid=0

To be my recycling assistant lead or be a driver contact me at: https://www.burningflipside.com/contact
 –> Recycling

Ever wondered about who helps keep the city safe?

Are you introverted and need a little bit of time to recharge away from the big crowds?

Do you want to know how night vision works?

Come check out the Guardians Department!
Badass shirts and patches to be had if you work a couple shifts with us.

Contact Froggy at https://www.burningflipside.com/contact

(Area: Safety –> Guardians (perimeter))
Or our Facebook page: Guardians of Flipside 

 -Froggy, your Guardians Lead

 Greeters Wiki is OPEN.

Hey beautiful!

We love when a Theme Camp takes over a whole shift.
Shift Leads bear some responsibility for tracking down their shiftmates.
Greeter Captain of the day can also help with that.
Only the craziest people sign up for Shift Lead or Captain.
You know you’re ready to walk on the wild side!
We have some early entry spots still available.
Some restrictions apply.
Speak to your pharmacist or contact your Greeter Lead (Area: Genesis –> Greeters) for details.
Offer not valid in Alaska or Hawaii.

 Signs!  Signs!  Everywhere a Sign!

And we like it that way.  Signs tell you where you are at.  Signs tell you where you’re going.  Do you want to tell the people of Pyropolis where to go?  I know I do!

You can help spread the signage love, at Church Nights (Wednesdays in April after 7:00 at Lloyd the Warehouse*).  We need sign devotees and sign initiates to sign-up and sign-in the signs for Flipsign.  Wait, no Flipside.  Sorry.  There will be paint, so consider your costume well.
We also need people on-site the weekend before Flipside to help install the signs.  To help, you MUST be signed up to be on site that weekend.

Contact Emily your City Signage Lead (Area: City Planning –> City Signage)  with your real name, so she can make sure you are on the list, or to ask any questions.

*If you don’t know where Lloyd the Warehouse is, it will amuse me if you google “Lloyd the Warehouse” for completely benign reasons.  Or fine… go here.

Rachel the Flagging Lead Presents: Fun With Flags

You know those little flags that welcome you home to your theme camp?  Do you want to help welcome all the theme camps home?  

Flagging is a great way to reconnect with the land in its eerie silence and pristine beauty before all the people get there and wreck it.  It’s also a great way to literally learn the lay of the land.  

Flagging happens the weekend before Flipside, and you MUST be signed up to be on site that weekend.  Interested?  Contact Rachel The Flagging Lead™   and let her know your RealName™ and she’ll keep you up to date on the final details.

(Area: City Planning –> Flagging)


Theme Camp Registration is CLOSED

But, don’t be a stranger!  If things in your theme camp change, keep your Theme-camp Liaison, Bonnie, in the loop!  The sooner we know, the better we can make it for everyone!  We are working hard to make sure the city is designed for awesome, so contact us if you have any significant changes in structures, number of campers, etc., or if you just want to tell us we’re pretty.  I’m okay with that too.

Updates? Contact Bonnie, your Theme-camp Liaison:  Theme Camp Liason (Area: City Planning –> Theme Camp Liasion)