Got an Effigy Idea? Burning Flipside Needs YOU!

The deadline to propose an effigy, the huge focal point on the main field, has been EXTENDED to December 15th!

What comes to mind when you hear “Demolition Disco Derby”? Is it White Leisure Suits? Construction Hats? Roller Derby? Something else? Can you put those ideas together in one piece that captures the very essence of the theme? Or perhaps your concept speaks to the theme subtly from the side! However you approach it, we want your brilliance to shine like a disco ball!

To learn more about effigies at Burning Flipside, visit

The deadline to get as much as you can submitted (as complete a proposal as you can muster) has been extended to December 15th, providing you a little extra design time and leaving the DSC some time to consider proposals and help guide prospective DaFT leads fill in any blanks on how you would make the thing go should your design be chosen.

Got an idea but need some help fleshing it out? Are you full of great ideas but never built or designed an effigy before? No problem! Reach out to our DaFT Selection Committee (a wonderful group of previous effigy builders, happy to share a brain and provide feedback as you design your art. Just email

For more info on how to create your proposal, and what the criteria are, visit Read up! There’s a lot of useful info, followed by the proposal outline!

Happy designing!

November Announce: Art and Volunteering!

Hey, y’all! It’s November. And you know what that means? It’s time to ramp up all the behind-the-scenes creating and volunteering! With that in mind, here are several leaping off points!

Effigy Design Proposal Time

We’re well on our way to building Burning Flipside 2023! Fall Town Hall has come and gone, we have a THEME (Demolition Disco Derby), and now we need our effigy designers to step up and propose their DaFT magic!

Make sure you read through the guidelines before you do anything else so you have a good handle on expectations.

Are you full of great ideas but never built or designed an effigy before? No problem! Our wonderful group of previous effigy builders are happy to share a brain and provide feedback as you design your art.

The deadline to have as much of your proposal as you can possibly gather ready and submitted is November 24th (Thanksgiving).

Send your questions and proposals to,

Happy designing!

STicket Season Begins Soon

Sticker + Ticket = STicket!  Want to help define how Flipside 2023 will be remembered?  Create some art to beautify the ticket everyone gets. Or, create some art to just totally nail the theme home on the sticker that comes with the ticket. Or, submit art for both.  Just don’t sit there and NOT create something.

We will be announcing the selection process and timeframes soon.  While you ponder the deeper meanings of Demolition Disco Derby, read the submission guidelines here on details like size, color, and things per inch.

Ignition Philter – Fall Fundraiser moves to Spring

Ignition Philter here (your friendly non-profit that grants funds for Flipside artists). Due to un-resolvable conflicts, we have decided to postpone the planned in-person fall art fundraiser event (until spring 2023).

If you would like to use this space/ time to contribute funds for art at next year’s Flipside, we always accept donations. You might consider this our “online fall fundraiser request”.
We are a 501c3, we can provide a receipt for your donation, as desired.
We can accept funds through Venmo or Zelle

Keep that spark alive always,

Ignition Philter

Volunteer Opportunities

Interested in leading or lieutenant-ing? Learn more at, with an eye one on the following departments: Website Admin, Media Liaison, Towing, Education, Warehouse Manager, Survival Guide, Safety Lighting, Boundaries, Sanitation, Transpo, Earth Guardians, Roads, Land Search, and Ice LT. Nominate a friend or nominate yourself!  (YES, you can nominate YOURSELF!) and help make Flipside GO!

In love and flames,

Your Content Team

welcome to Fall Town Hall!


4:10 Announcements about the warehouse, Ignition Philter, Art night, the rebirth of Kidsville, work weekends, Pyropolis Orchestra, More details to come.

3:55 a voice in the crowd reports that A Great Business Opportunity and Demolition Disco Derby are neck and neck. Voting ends in 4 minutes.

3:30 We’re taking a small break from the show to mingle a s we meet none other than XT with Ignition Philter. The big news is the upcoming fundraiser November 5. Link added soon!

3:17 Voting begins.

primordial drip let’s make something out of nothing! A short sweet presentation…about creating something from nothing.

Tortuga Malo presented strange vibrations and all that might encompass

another Great Business Opportunity! (with remote zoom access) showed off their FUX (flipside ultimate experience) funnel. To quote one small flipizen, “it’s not selling out, it’s buying in!”

nobodobo don presented Lime. Not plural.

rally and friends presented Demolition Disco Derby She nearly demoed herself with a fall but recovered.

Henry presented age of aquarius, a return to a better version of a simpler, hippier time.

Dano presented sysyphean something. Again.

2:53 theme presentations begin!

2:44 AF updates. They said stuff. We need judgy people to judge sticker and ticket art

240 AAR update-new folks are still interested. Jr College fund is in tact. Watch your input line for your money order – it is changing.

2:38 the pledge has been given. The meeting has opened.

2:36 they’ve announce, burner time, that we are about to start. Music down. No one on stage…

2:34 Nobody made a non announcement announcing they had no announcement to make.

2:09 pm Almost lost an easy up! But burners being burners jumped into action and saved the day!

2:02 pm set up is all set up! Tails are gating (or gates are tailing. Not sure…). Themes are getting posted. Heading back out into the fray…

Hey Y’all! It’s Fall Town Hall!

Why would I fall for Town Hall?

Fall Town Hall really opens the upcoming Flipside season. You can learn more about this year’s event, and what Flipside is about in general! It is also where we (the COMMUNITY) decide the “most important unimportant” thing about Flipside! What’s that? You guessed it – the Theme! The theme inspires the effigy, but sometimes only loosely. It inspires other art, but plenty of non-theme art shows up.   It inspires costumes, but some people don’t wear anything! While there is a specific agenda  for the official meeting portion, Town Hall is also where you might see old friends, meet new ones, get inspired, exchange ideas! Build community!

Have questions? Keep reading!

When do I show up?

Saturday, Saturday, Saturday! September 24. Pre-show tailgating starts at noon and the meat (or beans) of the thing (the meeting portion) starts at 2:34.

Where will I meet with the people that are meeting?

At LLOYD, the warehouse at 3106 Industrial Terrace, Austin, TX 78758 (learn more about Lloyd and the recent update to the covid policy).  Can’t make it in person? We don’t generally film or photograph, (not without ENTHUSIASTIC consent), but I hear there might be some live tweeting! Follow us (@BurningFlipside)

Who should be there?

That’s YOU! Bring a friend. Carpool if possible. Parking is limited! Who is hosting? Burning Flipside’s Combustion Chamber learn more about the CC).

How might I participate?

Come help set up, or stay to help break down. Bring a touch of your theme camp. Show off a cute (or terrifying!) costume! Share some snacks! Aside from the official content, Town Hall is what you make it: Town Hall needs you!

Please remember, just like Burning Flipside, Town Hall is a Leave No Trace event. Plan to take with you everything that you bring.

See you there!

Love n flames,


Warehouse Covid policy update: September 2022

AAR, LLC is revising the warehouse COVID policy. Our old policy used Austin’s now defunct staging system. The new policy will tie mask requirements and open and closing to the current CDC Community Level of Risk system. The new policy will be as follows:

  • CDC Level Low/Green – Warehouse is open for regularly scheduled events and mask use is not required. However, anyone who wishes to continue to mask is encouraged to do so.
  • CDC Level Medium/Yellow – Warehouse is open for regularly scheduled events, but masks are required for anyone entering the warehouse space itself. Masks are not required outside. 
  • CDC Level High/Red – Warehouse is closed except by arrangement with AAR, LLC.

You can check the community risk level for Travis County here:

LOAD OUT TODAY – meet at Apache Passtures at 10:30 am

This is the day that we load the stuff OUT of the Passtures and IN to the warehouse. Many hands make the lightest work. Show up at Apache Passtures (the event space) and be ready to get dirty. Reports are that it is overcast but dry. Bring gloves if you have ’em and what all might make it more comfortable experience. As a friend said on that other site – we can be heroes…for just one (more) day!

Watch this space for truck arrival in Austin.

Come Prepared! Critical Info before you head out!

Be Prepared!

You won’t get through gate without your ticket, your id, your vax card, and your water rations. There are extra requirements for parents bringing kids.

Do you know where your VAX CARD is?

Participation at Burning Flipside 2022 requires all participants who are medically eligible to receive the FDA approved COVID-19 vaccinations be fully vaccinated, as defined by the CDC. (Read the full policy here:

At GATE, you must present a state-issued immunization record. You can also show a Level 2 Verified VaxYes digital vaccine card ( Photos or copies WILL NOT be accepted.

The name on any of the above documents must match the name on the government-issued photo ID shown at the gate.

PETS are your Back Up

BRING your first aid kit! Check that all contents are current. Be ready to take care of yourself and your campmates. PETS are backup. Don’t stress them out unless you need to.

The Price of Ice

Ice price, like most things, has increased this year to $4.00 for a 16 lb. bag. Come prepared with cash! Ice does not take cards, crypto, or chickens in trade.

All this and more is in your Burning Flipside Survival Guide! Give it a gander at You will be quizzed.

Now, can we bring your attention to Art?

One last thing, for art, for fun – our whole rai·son d’ê·tre! Check out the Art Projects Seeking Support page –help out a project or ask for the help your project needs!

Flipside Flame – Hot Off The Presses!

An Important Message from your PETs Team!

Burning Flipside is a Burn. It’s even in the name. This means BRING EVERYTHING YOU NEED to enjoy 5 days outside. That doesn’t just mean your beers and booch; it includes a good first aid kit! GOOD NEWS! April 23-25, 2022 is an Emergency Preparation Supplies Sales Tax Holiday. That includes first aid supplies. You should be able to handle your own booboos, scrapes, poison ivy -. PETS is not the festie “First Aid tent”; it’s your last stop back stop. Take care of yourself and take care of your friends. Come prepared!

sTicket Contest What is a sTicket contest? Well, it’s two contests, really. If you’d like your art seen by everyone who comes through the gate, submit your designs! Winning submissions will be used for the this year’s ticket and accompanying sticker. See your art on every water bottle at the event! The submission deadline has been extended to April 22nd! Designs may also be displayed (whether they won or not) on the website and in the survival guide. Go here for submission guidelines and a link to the submission form.

Town Hall – the Details Speaking of Art and Theme camps, want to show yours off before Flipside? Come out to Town Hall! April 23rd 2:34 to 5:34 at Lloyd the Warehouse. Tailgating and set up begin around noon. Find your ideal volunteer experience, come socialize with your fellow burners, and reconnect to the outside world! Do not park in the WH parking lot immediately in front. Carpooling is encouraged. Town Hall is a leave no trace event, brought to you to Burning Flipside’s Combustion Chamber.

Registrations Registered your theme camp and art yet? No? GET ON IT! The registration deadline for Theme Camp and Art is Monday, April 18thLOG IN AND REGISTER NOW!