October Announce

Lead Nominations are OPEN! Are you interested in a lead volunteer position? Nominate yourself or your friends to help lead a department at Burning Flipside. Even if you think a position isn’t open, this will help identify you as a possible lieutenant. Jump in and help out! Burning Flipside needs you!

Do you like recording or editing video? Tamara, our awesome Volunteer Coordinator Lead, is putting together a project to highlight different areas of the Burning Flipside Organization. If you’d like to help with the project while learning more about the details of the org, contact her at volunteerinfo@burningflipside.com

This year we are changing things up for how we handle the Ticket and Sticker selection. We will no longer be giving away tickets to the contest winners. This aligns with our community standards of everyone purchases their own tickets – even the LLC. We have many exciting ideas on how to make this process better, but are still finalizing details. Please watch the upcoming Announcements for more details about the new STICKET process and how you can get involved. Flipside 2020 Sticket Lead – Julie Schmooley

Watch for upcoming announcements: DaFT Proposal Process! Volunteer opportunities! Art! Theme Camps! Etc!

Thematically Speaking…

Burning Flipside Town Hall has come and gone, and the citizens of Pyropolis who could be there have cast their 3 votes. Two favorites rose toward the top and we nearly had a Business Opportunity, but the protesters may have had some sway over the sticker holders. We held a literal shouting match to determine if the close-to-a-tie was too close. The shout backed the numbers, and we have a new theme, folks! Welcome to the start of the season for Burning Flipside 2020, The Sacred and the Propane.

Announce September 2019

Coming Soon to a Warehouse near You!

Wednesday! Wednesday! Wednesday! Come one, come all to Church Night on September 25th at the Burning Flipside Warehouse! Starting somewhere around 7:30 show up to make conversation, to make art, to make plans, and to make friends. This week, we will also give Lloyd (the warehouse) its tri-annual (that’s three times [ish] a year, not every third year) cleaning. You’ll probably get dressed up for Fall Town Hall; Lloyd wants to look its shiny best, too!

Do you need a stinkin’ theme? Do you have a great idea? (or a Bad Idea? no…that’s already been done…) Put your creativity to work! Submit a theme, present a theme, inspire your co-burners with your awesome theme idea! Learn more.

Speaking of Town Hall : Come on out to mingle, to theme vote, to learn more about or to teach an eager newcomer about Burning Flipside! Tailgating starts at noon at Lloyd the Warehouse. Learn more about Fall Town Hall Here.

Putting the ART in pARTy! Ignition Philter, a burner community organization, wants to help fund art for Burning Flipside! If you want to help Ignition Philter’s efforts, come join their Post Town Hall Hootenanny on September 28, 8 p.m. to 3 a.m. at Sparkle Farm 9500 Springdale Road. More info here

Got a Flipside 2020 Theme Suggestion?

Do you have a fantastic theme that you’d like to suggest for Flipside 2020? Submit your idea at https://secure.burningflipside.com/themes/.

Theme selection is coming to Fall Town Hall on Saturday, September 28th, 2:34pm, at Lloyd the Warehouse, 3106 Industrial Terrace, ATX. Tailgating starts at noon—campaign for your theme during the pre-meeting soiree. Want to advocate your theme with an onstage presentation? Register at Town Hall and we’ll give you two minutes to make your pitch.

Flipside Flame May 2019

Welcome to the last Flipside Flame before heading out on land this year. This issue is primarily focused on the fabulous art pieces you will find on the pecan playa. Lots of good stuff here! Read on to treat your eyeballs to visual deliciousness. Be art installation savvy for your time at Flipside 2019: Sisyphean Celebration!

For more information, stay tuned to:

As a reminder, if you’re looking to contribute to Flame or Announce, please use the Flipside Flame/Announce Submission page. This will allow you to add a Public Domain or personal photograph to your BurningFlipside.com post. If you’re looking to add announcements to Announce or Flame for the first half of 2019, the following deadlines will apply:


  • Announce – June 1, 2019
  • Flame – June 15, 2019

Your Content Lead,

What is in this Flame

  • Art Projects are Still Seeking Support!
  • Flipside 2019 Art Spotlight
    • Big Top Mountain
    • The Glitterbox
    • The Forge of Hephaestus
    • Lines of Flight
    • Sophie
    • Rejuvenation Chamber
    • The Beat

Important Dates

  • May 23, 2019: Burning Flipside

For more information on how to be involved year around, check out the Burning Flipside Calendar.

Art Projects are Still Seeking Support!

Are you feeling philanthropic these days? Check out the Art Projects Seeking Support Page! It’s a community bulletin board where artists can ask for assistance making their art project go. While we are a week out, I guarantee that our artists wouldn’t mind some extra cash thrown their way. Find out what projects need some love here.

Flipside 2019 Art Spotlight

Welcome to the 3rd annual Flipside Art Spotlight blog series! These are designed to bring some well-deserved attention to a pretty dang important part of our community and event: ART and the badass talents that create them! Flipside without the art would be a bunch of bored people in a field. These will be posted in the order received until the event.

Thank you, thank you for all your passion, ambition, love and sweat!

Please note: This is not the full list of art projects heading to the playa and additional posts will appear on BurningFlipside.com. Keep an eye out for more!

Big Top Mountain

What inspired you to create this art piece?

It came down to the Theme. I truly believe that the Theme for a burn is essential and matters way more than some do. It legitimately inspired this piece. A “Sisyphean Celebration” put me in the mind set of “unwinnable/unattainable” goals But also a fun aspect of it. My mind immediately thought, Carnival games. Truly unwinnable. Well, where do you have carnival games? A big top tent. The ball kept rolling in my head to the point of having a ramp along side of it and a“Sisyphus” rolling a ball up he ramp and before it burns, the ball rolls back down and the whole thing catches fire. [Read more here.]

The Glitterbox

The Glitter box (formerly the light box) was featured for several years at LumiNation. Visiting the luminarium structure inspired the light box. Initially, and for a few years, the lights were white blinky string lights with rows of CD’s behind them and refractive glasses for added effect. It’s a small, mellow space where people can transcend the mud and craziness and experience a moment of wonder, encircled by light. [Continue your discovery of this project here.]

The Forge of Hephaestus

The Forge of Hephaestus draws inspiration from a lot of places, but primarily from the allegorically dense theme of the burn this year, Sisyphean Celebration. Greek mythology is really rich with ideas and characters, many of which Sisyphus interacted with in one way or another. We chose Hephaestus, the god of Fire (sculpture, metalworking, masonry, and forges) because he was a patron of the arts and a bit of an odd duck. Of all the Greek pantheon, Hephaestus and Dionysus (wine, fertility, ‘ritual madness’) would perhaps have appreciated Flipside the most! [Get to know this project a bit more.]

Lines of Flight

What inspired you to create this art piece?

Last year Unbroken Spring, the Houston regional burn, was offering art grants and the art lead encouraged me to apply because they were familiar with some of my origami work and knew i had ideas about translating it into large scale sculpture. Lines of Flight was my first attempt at playing with scale using the form of an origami dove, chosen for both its aesthetic grace, simplicity, and reproduction ease. [View more pictures of this project on this post!]


Are there any stories/lessons learned that came out of the creation of this piece?

I’ve learned a lot of safety lessons over the years, working in metal. Eye protection, ear protection, leather gloves. Nothing loose around your neck, an angle grinder could strangle you if your scarf gets caught in it. Bandana, I value the little bit of hair I have and burning hair smells awful. Always with the heavy closed shoes, pant cuffs *over* the tops of the boots, never tucked in, etc. I do have a bad habit of working in short sleeves (it gets hot in a metal shop in Texas, yo)…got the scars on my arms to prove it. Overall this was an enjoyable, comfortably paced work. The most annoying part was rethinking an aspect that was a PITA to change after the fact, it would have been so easy to do before it got “caged in” by the skinning. [There is so much more…]

Rejuvenation Chamber

What do you hope people get out of your piece?

The sun is down. You had a great day so far at the Flipside. Maybe you are a bit tired from all the wonderful interactions you had during the busy day? And the night is young! Music blasting from multiple directions, bright lights blinking everywhere. Or it’s way after midnight and your senses are a bit overstimulated and you are debating with yourself whether you are too tired to keep going? This is the time to visit the Rejuvenation Chamber!

As you step inside the enclosure, you find yourself in a beautiful tranquil space. The Rejuvenation Chambers you see there offer you the sensory deprivation experience which reduces stress, calms the nervous system, and helps one to enter a deep state of relaxation. After the overwhelming day you had so far, this sounds amazing, so when the attendant invites you to climb in, you decide to give it a try!

If this sounds interesting to you, please read on here.

The Beat

What inspired me?

This installation is inspired by the authors that shaped my worldview as a young seeker. The ideas and items presented capture my fascination with the archetype of “the writer”. Sometimes lonely, usually tormented and always a voice that defies and challenges. I have created this desk as an alter to that romanticized figure in my mind.

[I know you’re curious to learn about this piece…]

Flipside 2019 Art Spotlight: Rejuvenation Chamber*

*This piece is in need of support/help. For details, please see: https://www.gofundme.com/rejuvenation-chambers

1. What inspired you to create this art piece?

I was at the Burning Man last year and had a personal experience that started me on this unexpected journey. Like most introverts, I use more mental resources in processing external stimuli: I am more sensitive to light, noise, and especially people. So, one day I came back to camp tired and in need of some personal space away from everything. This is hard to find at Burning Man. I was lucky that my mini-trailer had no windows and the white noise from the a/c blocks sounds from outside. As I laid there away from everyone  in the darkness, my mind wondered so freely! Just a few minutes later I felt so refreshed, that I was ready to go back outside. I could not believe how fast I was restored back to full function. So I thought it would be amazing to share this experience with others. When I came home, I did some research on sensory deprivation and started building.

Come be rejuvenated! Created by Shy

2. What do you hope people get out of your piece?

The sun is down. You had a great day so far at the Flipside. Maybe you are a bit tired from all the wonderful interactions you had during the busy day? And the night is young! Music blasting from multiple directions, bright lights blinking everywhere. Or it’s way after midnight and your senses are a bit overstimulated and you are debating with yourself whether you are too tired to keep going? This is the time to visit the Rejuvenation Chamber!

As you step inside the enclosure, you find yourself in a beautiful tranquil space. The Rejuvenation Chambers you see there offer you the sensory deprivation experience which reduces stress, calms the nervous system, and helps one to enter a deep state of relaxation. After the overwhelming day you had so far, this sounds amazing, so when the attendant invites you to climb in, you decide to give it a try!

You climb into the chamber and lay on the soft memory foam. Your body sinks in. You feel like you’re floating. As the lid closes, you feel fresh air on your face. It becomes obvious that the chamber walls are covered in sound absorbing materials, since you can no longer hear loud noises from outside. You let the darkness and quiet envelop you, and you meditate or just rest… It is almost like you are deprived of most of your senses which allows your brain to relax. A few minutes later, a timer brings you back out to reality. The chamber opens, and you see and hear the world anew. You have been rejuvenated! You wave goodbye to the friendly attendants and head out refreshed and ready for new adventures!

3. Lessons Learned

Rejuvenation Chambers stated as a much larger scale project. And I actually put together a proposal and applied for the honorarium grant from Burning Man hoping for beginners luck. I am glad I did not receive it this time. I learned that, although I am very creative and my ideas are worth implementing, I would need a dedicated team and, most importantly, a team manager to do a large scale project. In the mean time  the chambers I designed are being used as a prototype for a component of MementoMorium project that is going to Burning Man 2019.

4. Acknowledgements

I need to thank my friends Oleg and Olga who supported the idea for the project from the moment I verbalized it. Without their extensive involvement, Olga’s help with electrical components, Oleg’s financial support the project wouldn’t exist. I am so glad, that their project MementoMorium is now benefiting from my experience in return. And then there are all my friends in the Houston Burner community, who helped me during the build, some above and beyond  what I could have asked of them. If this wasn’t enough, I would like to extend my gratitude to all the people who have been contributing to the fundraiser.  Thank you so much! See you all at the Flipside!

Announce March 2019

Is it Spring yet? Things are going to be warming up soon and we currently find ourselves 12 weeks out of Flipside 2019: Sisyphean Celebration. While not quite panic time, these weeks are likely to fly by. Keep an eye on your emails for upcoming Announces and Flames for more information on how you can be involved with Flipside this year.

For even more info, stay tuned to:

As a reminder, if you’re looking to contribute to Flame or Announce, please use the Flipside Flame/Announce Submission page. This will allow you to add a Public Domain or personal photograph to your BurningFlipside.com post. If you’re looking to add announcements to Announce or Flame for the first half of 2019, the following deadlines will apply:

Flame – March 15, 2019

Announce – April 1, 2019
Flame – April 15, 2019

Announce – May 1, 2019 (Last Announce before Flipside)
Flame – May 15, 2019 (Last Flame before Flipside)

Announce – June 1, 2019
Flame – June 15, 2019

Your Content Lead,


What is in this Announce:

  • Ticket Update
  • Art & Theme-Camp Registration Now Open
  • Work Weekends!


  • Art Projects and Flipside 2019
    • Art Registration
    • Art Cars and Events Registration
    • Ignition Philter Art Grant Application
    • Art Projects Seeking Support Page
    • Need Space in Lloyd for Art?

Important Dates

  • March 4, 2019: Ignition Philter Grants closes
  • March 9, 2019: BMORG Meet and Greet – El Mercado
  • March 15-17, 2019: Flipside Work Weekend 2
  • March 18, 2019: CC meeting
  • April 1, 2019: Art registration closes
  • April 12-14, 2019: Flipside Work Weekend 3
  • April 12, 2019: Safetyside
  • April 22, 2019: CC meeting
  • May 3-5, 2019: Flipside Work Weekend 4
  • May 17, 2019: Registration for Art Cars and Events closes
  • May 23, 2019: Burning Flipside

For more information on how to be involved year around, check out the Burning Flipside Calendar.


Ticket Update

We held ticket opening today. Our ticket lead, Ste. Michelle, has a quick update:

  • There will be no lottery.
  • All valid ticket requests are being honored.
  • Want more good news? Read more about the ticket update [here]!

Art & Theme-Camp Registration Now Open

Bringing an art project, art car, or theme camp to Flipside this year? Register it! Have an event that you want to make sure ends up on the schedule? Register that too!

Work Weekends!

Work Weekends are scheduled to make sure everything is ready for Burning Flipside. We gather downed tree branches, clean up trails, and give the land some love before Pyropolis takes shape. There’s plenty of work for folks of all skills levels. If you want to learn to do something you’ve not done before, we’ll help you learn how. The first WW focused on clearing downed trees and limbs. Later in the Spring, we start working on poison ivy removal and fire ant eradication.

Let us know if you are coming!


Art Projects and Flipside 2019

Art Registration

Art Registration is now open! Make sure to register your art if you need something placed that has a flame effect, you’re bringing an art you were hoping to burn, you need placement, or if you were just looking to have your fabulous art on the Burning Flipside map.

Make sure to register your piece before April 1, 2019 at 11:59pm CST.

Art Cars & Events

Registration for Mutants and Motorized Art (Art Cars!) and Events is open! Registration closes on May 17th. Get in your registration in now!

Resources for Flipside Bound Art

Grants- Ignition Philter

The community run organization Ignition Philter is taking applications for grants for Burning Flipside bound art projects for 2019. The application is currently open and will close March 4th. Get your application in.

Art Projects Seeking Support Page

Check out the Art Projects Seeking Support Page. It’s a community bulletin board where artists can ask for assistance making their art project go. Needing some help? Crowdsource your brains, hands, and fundraising in this community effort!

Lloyd The Warehouse

Good ole Lloyd here has housed some pretty epic art pieces over the years. If you were hoping for space to make a thing or to have the use of some tools, reach out to the Warehouse Managers to set that up.

Come out on Wednesday evenings 7-10pm for Church Night to meet other participants, check out DaFT’s progress with the effigy (and maybe grab an impact driver and make magic happen! Learn how to volunteer here.

Art & Theme-Camp Registration Now Open

Bringing an art project, art car, or theme camp to Flipside this year? Register it!

All theme camps need to be registered in order to be placed. Providing complete and accurate information will help the City Planning team make sure everyone has enough room and is well situated in our fair city of Pyropolis.

Most art installations do not need to be registered (the exception is burnable art), but if you do register, your project can be placed on the map so everyone can find it.

Art cars need to be registered (read more about art cars here). This can be done in advance or on site, but who wants to fill out a bunch of forms on site? Do it ahead of time.

Finally, if you’re holding an event at Flipside, you can register your event so it gets on a schedule where people can find out about it.

Register here. You’ll need to be signed in.

Combustion Chamber Seeks New Members

Your Community Needs You!

Are you passionate about Flipside and its community? Does learning how Flipside happens sound interesting? Do you enjoy listening to/discussing/debating the finer points of Community with your friends/camp mates/fellow burners? Would you enjoy talking about crucial matters in this community throughout the year? Do you know someone else who fits this description?

The Combustion Chamber is seeking new members. Please take a few minutes to submit your application or nominate that person who would love this gig at:

But wait…what is the Combustion Chamber? The Burning Flipside Combustion Chamber (CC) is the eyes and ears of the community. Do you have a concern? Touch base with us! Wonder why something happens the way it does? Ask us. If we don’t know, we’ll find out or at least point you to the person who can answer your question. We also act as a sounding board for the event organizers (aka AAR, LLC). The CC typically meets every other Monday evening for approximately two hours, at Lloyd the warehouse.

To learn more about the Burning Flipside Combustion Chamber, click here:

Does this sound like the right way for you to help your Flipizen community? Click the link.

The deadline for submissions is February 20th, at 11:59PM CDT.

Combustion Chamber membership is not limited specifically to those that live in the Austin area, but members do need to attend meetings regularly in person. If you’re in another city but down for a road trip every fortnight, feel free to apply.

Interested in seeing the CC in action? We welcome the participation of all Flipizens. Attend our meeting on Monday, February 18th, 7:42pm, at Lloyd the Burning Flipside Warehouse, 3106 Industrial Terrace, Austin TX.

All the best,
Burning Flipside Combustion Chamber

Announce January 2019

Happy New Year, all! 2018 has flown by and we find ourselves in the home stretch toward Flipside 2018: Sisyphean Celebration. Make sure to read through this email for important ticket information if you’re looking to head home this year.

For even more info, stay tuned to:

As a reminder, if you’re looking to contribute to Flame or Announce, please us the Flipside Flame/Announce Submission page to send it in. This will also allow you to also set up Public Domain or your own personal pictures to your BurningFlipside.com post. Announce will be at the beginning of the month, while Flames get published mid-month.

If you’re looking to add announcements to Announce or Flame for the first half of 2019, the following deadlines will apply:

Announce – February 1, 2019
Flame – February 15, 2019

Announce – March 1, 2019
Flame – March 15, 2019

Announce – April 1, 2019
Flame – April 15, 2019

Announce – May 1, 2019 (Last Announce before Flipside)
Flame – May 15, 2019 (Last Flame before Flipside)

Announce – June 1, 2019
Flame – June 15, 2019

Your Content Lead,

What is in this Announce:

  • STickets: Where The Art Starts!!


  • Ignition Philter’s Second Year!

Important Dates

  • January 7, 2019: The Flipside ticket window opened! That was YESTERDAY folks!
  • January 14, 2019: CC Meeting
  • January 28, 2019: The Flipside ticket window closes!
  • February 2, 2019: Spring Town Hall
  • February 15, 2019: Flipside Work Weekend 1
  • March 15, 2019: Flipside Work Weekend 2

For more information on how to be involved year around, check out the Burning Flipside Calendar.



Today is Day TWO of our ticket window for your 2019 Flipside tickets. If you haven’t started the process, you may want to get on it! The date range is important because:

– You have to register your ticket request on the website during this date-range, and

– You have to mail in your completed ticket request during the same date-range. It’s the second most important date range of the event (the most important date range ends on Memorial day, if you get my drift).

Want to ensure you get your tickets this year? Check out the dates and details here.

STickets: Where The Art Starts!!

“TicketBoard2017” created by the wonderful Nova-yesthat’smyrealname Photo courtesy of the fabulous André Olivier

FREE TICKETS!! Don’t you want the chance for FREE TICKETS?! The ticket window has begun!! And with that art starts it’s wonderful journey through the postal system, making all sorts of folks oooooo and aaaahhhhh!! Wanna make sure every member of our wonderful community to ooo and aahh?? Submit some art to the STickets contest!! The winner of the contests gets that opportunity and TWO FREE TICKETS!! Two contests…Sticker and Ticket. Each contest gets you two free tickets!!

And we need your art please!! Tickets and Stickers get handed out to every attending body at Burning Flipside! Every attendee will see that beautiful art that you created!! It’s really were the art starts!!


Ignition Philter’s Second Year!

Ignition Philter (the independent art grant organization) had a fantastic first year at Burning Flipside. There were puppets and pay phones and blinkies and music and fire, oh my! We had 32 applications and were able to give away money for 16 pieces. For a refresher of whose art you helped pay for, see the list of last year’s winners.

2019 is coming and we’re ready to not be freshpeople. We learned a few things and are ready to go bigger and weirder next year. In addition to funding more projects, we have plans to work towards being a 501c3 when the 2020 Flipside comes around

Want to learn about our upcoming plans and how you can help? Check out our post here for more details.