Lead Nominations are OPEN! Are you interested in a lead volunteer position? Nominate yourself or your friends to help lead a department at Burning Flipside. Even if you think a position isn’t open, this will help identify you as a possible lieutenant. Jump in and help out! Burning Flipside needs you!
Do you like recording or editing video? Tamara, our awesome Volunteer Coordinator Lead, is putting together a project to highlight different areas of the Burning Flipside Organization. If you’d like to help with the project while learning more about the details of the org, contact her at volunteerinfo@burningflipside.com
This year we are changing things up for how we handle the Ticket and Sticker selection. We will no longer be giving away tickets to the contest winners. This aligns with our community standards of everyone purchases their own tickets – even the LLC. We have many exciting ideas on how to make this process better, but are still finalizing details. Please watch the upcoming Announcements for more details about the new STICKET process and how you can get involved. Flipside 2020 Sticket Lead – Julie Schmooley
Watch for upcoming announcements: DaFT Proposal Process! Volunteer opportunities! Art! Theme Camps! Etc!
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