KFLiP 100.5 FM Update!

Hey, y’all. There’s lots going on over at the KFLiP Radio Ranch! 20 years of the light and the dark is all well and good, but let me clue you in on the latest after 12 years of FM radio and unplanned power outages, KFLiP-style!

We had a fund-raiser a few weeks ago, because KFLiP needed a bunch of big-ticket items all at once. (Two new generators, a new FM transmitter, new antenna and tower, etc.) Many thanks to all who braved the Freezerburn-like conditions; our Spring Pledge Drive was a huge success! We had a silent auction, a bar, a DJ, and various shenanigans. If you want a KFLiP tote bag or stainless steel mug, we’re still taking pledges. Become a member today! Pledge here: https://www.youcaring.com/kflip1005fmcommunityradio-1142015

Yes, a new FM transmitter! KFLiP 100.5 FM is now broadcasting in STEREO. We have finally decided that it’s not a fad, and have boldly moved forward into the 1960’s. We coupled that with a new antenna, optimized for good reception on car stereos, and a new tower.

Next item: Expanded hours! This year we are opening our DJ slots up to the community until 4am. If you want one of these late-night slots, they will be available for sign-up. We will be sending out our DJ sign-up announcement to the community at-large in a few days.

We are there for YOU. If your camp is doing a Thing that you want everyone to know about, come by the station and tell us about it on the air! Or fill out a card and we’ll announce it for you. (Or just drop by to cuss on the air; whatever.)

Last, and most important, you can’t pick up KFLiP without an FM radio so bring one! Or install an FM radio app on your phone; they are available for both Android and iPhone.

We look forward to serving Pyropolis again. Don’t forget to leave your radio tuned to 100.5 FM!

BurninGlam and You!

BurninGlam wants your bright, crazy, glittery, lacy, silly, flowy, sexy, boldly patterned, bizarre fun clothes!

We want your weird hats, tights, gloves, bras, wigs, accessories and props!

We want them clean!

We want them Non-mooping!

We Do Not Want your Bland, Dirty, Trashed, Stinky or Boring.

We do not want cargo shorts, logos of Any Kind, polo shirts, Dockers or button downs, or anything you wear in the default world…unless you are a full-time weirdo, in which case come help us dress peeps up!
(Why do I even have to say this?!? We don’t, seriously don’t, want these things. Just don’t.)

Thank you to Our Donors from All of Flipside for Upping the Eye Candy, the Inspiration, and the Fun.

Seeking Feedback on Combustion Chamber Nominees

The Combustion Chamber recently put out a call for new members, and we have four nominees.  We’d love community feedback on our candidates!  If you know them, or you’ve worked with them before, feel free to tell us what your experiences with them are, and whether or not you’d feel comfortable with them representing your community — Our Community.

CC nomination feedback

The candidates are:

Bill Blome
Gyesika Safety
Tommy Shultz

The Combustion Chamber advocates for the Burning Flipside community and its principles in creating policy recommendations & by fostering an open forum to exchange ideas and information between Austin Artistic Reconstruction, LLC and the community at large.

We’ll be accepting feedback until 11:59pm on Thursday, May 3rd.

Our thanks for your insight,
The Combustion Chamber

April Flame 2018

Welcome to April’s Flame! This mid-month post round-up tends to be a bit more on the casual side of things, so if your theme camp or art installation has some announcements, make sure to contact me using the Flipside Flame/Announce Submission page to get that information to me by May 13, 2018. We have one more Flame post before Flipside 2018: Return of the Shadows: 20 Years of Light and Dark.

For even more info, stay tuned to:

Your new Content Lead,


What is in this Flame:

  • Having an Event at Flipside? Disinformation is Looking for YOU!
  • Pre-Post is Looking for Volunteers!
  • DaFT: Ways to Participate Before, During, and After Flipside
  • K-FLiP boasts improved equipment
  • Event: WonderLounge: Shadow Magic Circus

Important Dates

Having an Event at Flipside? Disinformation is Looking for YOU!


Do you need Pyropolis to know about your event at Flipside this year? DisInformation is looking for your events for Flipside 2018. Need to get in touch? Click here to find out more.


Pre-Post is Looking for Volunteers!

Interested in seeing what goes into setting up and taking down Flipside infrastructure? Lurko is looking for volunteers to help us get to and from the land. If this sounds like a volunteer position right up your alley, click here for more information on how to sign up for shifts.

DaFT: Ways to Participate Before, During, and After Flipside

photo courtesy of stephy


The Effigy is the centerpiece of Burning Flipside. Beginning in February, countless volunteers meet up several times a week at the warehouse and work tirelessly to make the largest single art piece at the event a reality. There are opportunities well before the event, at the event, and after the event to be a part of something truly magical.

Want to learn more? Check out this post here.

K-FLiP boasts improved equipment

Pyropolis Public Radio K-FLiP reports that they have acquired all new studio and broadcasting equipment, that should improve the 100.5FM signal.

Pretty nifty, right? Click here for more information on how K-FLiP has grown.

Event: WonderLounge: Shadow Magic Circus


Come One, Come All, to the greatest show at Flipside! Prepare to be mesmerized.


Upcoming Announce and Flame Due Dates

  • May Announce (and last before Flipside): Monday, April 30, 2018
  • May Flame (and last before Flipside): Sunday, May 13, 2018

Need to get the word out? Head to the Flipside Flame / Announce Submission page.



April 2018 Announce

If you’re looking to stay up to date with important and useful information, keep an eye out for any future Announces. We have one more (May 2018) before Flipside 2018: Return of the Shadows: 20 Years of Light and Dark!

For even more info, stay tuned to:

As a reminder, if you’re looking to contribute to Flame or Announce, please us the Flipside Flame/Announce Submission page to send it in. This will also allow you to also set up your own Public Domain or personal pictures to your BurningFlipside.com post. Announce will be at the beginning of the month, while Flames get published mid-month.

Please get me your announcements at least one week ahead of schedule.

Your new Content Lead,


What is in this Announce:

  • Memorial Temple 2018
  • ¡City Planning!
  • The Island Needs More Art
  • Shaven Apes
  • Come Chill in Parking
  • DisInformation: Looking for Events for Flipside 2018
  • PrePost Wiki Is Now Open!
  • Burning Green

Important Dates

Memorial Temple 2018

In the shadows, each Effigy blazes into the dark of those we cherish. We now shine a bright light back to those who have helped build this community with a Memorial Temple. Please join the Temple crew to help build, gather, and spread the word to honor their memory.

To find out our how volunteer, or to get your loved one added to the memorial, check out the link here.

¡City Planning!

City Planning wants to stay in touch! Email us with updates to your Theme Camp Registration, to learn about volunteer opportunities, or to make the City Planning Admin feel special.



The Island Needs More Art

Got a cool piece of art you’d like to share with your fellow Flipizens, but need a little help to make it worth the effort? We got that!

Island Host, JadeRumour of BurninGlam, is the go-to person to help you transport, hang, mount, power up and light your creation. Really….what do you need?!

Currently there is space available, and Jade is eager to help display your art for all of us to enjoy. And, to making The Island fabulous!

Photo by: JadeRumour
“This is your Island.
This is your Island, without Art.
Don’t let your Island go Unfilled.”

Shaven Apes

Do you like helping people build things and looking for folks in need of assistance? Sign up to be an Ape!

Be someone’s hero! Shaven Apes are the helping hands of Pyropolis. We help hold poles, bang stakes, and, in the case of last year, lay a lot of hay. Anyone can volunteer! Sound right up your alley?

Come Chill in Parking!

We’re going out of our way to make things AWESOME for everyone who visits parking, and even better than AWESOME for people who work there.

Sign up and come make art, collect swag, park cars, and in between you can hang out at the parking beverage tent and drink cold water while having a cool mist sprayed on you with a nice breeze from the fans while eating frozen grapes. Sound interesting? Find out more here!


DisInformation: Looking for Events for Flipside 2018

Are you holding an event at Flipside this year?  Your camp is hosting the perfectly Shadow-y Celebration of Light and Dark, but no one knows yet? Do you have events listed in your  theme camp description, but haven’t taken a minute to head over to the event page and get them added to the Events list ? Do it now, so you can focus on those last-minute projects!


PrePost Wiki Is Now Open!

Hear ye! Hear ye! The PrePost Wiki is open and ready for sign up! Head here for the link.

Burning Green

Burners take great pride in our Leave NO Trace ethos. It aligns with the Burning Flipside principals perfectly in that we all have to participate and cooperate to be accountable to ourselves, our burn and the world as a whole. Having an LNT attitude also helps the sustainability of the event in that landowners are inclined to have us back as we don’t destroy/pollute their property.

Now is the time to consider how you and/or your camp, if you belong to one, can LNT prepare. Remember if you bring it, you take it home! Here are some simple steps you can do to not only make LNT happen but make it easy.

–Until next time,


Combustion Chamber Seeks New Members

Your Community Needs You!

Are you passionate about Flipside and its community? Does learning how Flipside happens sound interesting? Do you enjoy listening to/discussing/debating the finer points of Community with your friends/camp mates/fellow burners? Would you enjoy talking about crucial matters in this community throughout the year? Do you know someone else who fits this description?

The Combustion Chamber is seeking new members. Please take a few minutes to submit your application or nominate that person who would love this gig here.

But wait…what is the Combustion Chamber? The Burning Flipside Combustion Chamber (CC) is the eyes and ears of the community. Do you have a concern? Touch base with us! Wonder why something happens the way it does? Ask us. If we don’t know, we’ll find out or at least point you to the person who can answer your question. We also act as a sounding board for the event organizers (aka AAR, LLC). The CC typically meets every other Monday evening for approximately two hours, at Lloyd the warehouse.

To learn more about the Burning Flipside Combustion Chamber, click here.

Does this sound like the right way for you to help your Flipizen community? Click the link.

The deadline for submissions is Thursday, April 5th, at 11:59PM CDT.

Combustion Chamber membership is not limited specifically to those that live in the Austin area, but members do need to attend meetings regularly in person. If you’re in another city, but down for a road trip every fortnight, feel free to apply.

Interested in seeing the CC in action? We welcome the participation of all Flipizens. Our next meeting is Monday, April 2nd, 7:42pm, at Lloyd the Burning Flipside Warehouse, 3106 Industrial Terrace, Austin TX.

All the best,
Burning Flipside Combustion Chamber

March 2018 Flamnounce!!

March 2018 Flamnounce!

Welcome to the March 2018 Flame and Announce Combo!

Important Dates:

In This Issue:

  • Obligatory Self Promotion
  • All the Registrations!
  • Get your VAS on with Peep!!
  • DaFT needs You!  And your (very specific) Junk!  And your Art!  And your Brain!
  • March your Lions through Theme Camp Registration!
  • Guardians have the best toys.
  • Work a weekend with Saraphina!!
  • Don’t Diss My Info!
  • Dahling explains why you, YES YOU, are important!!
  • Stay Cool at Flipside with Ice.
  • Say, “Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!” like that guy in the commercials!
  • How to Be a Greeter!
  • The Combustion Chamber needs tending!
  • NO Recycling at Flipside
  • PETs share their secrets!!
  • Contemplate how satisfied Pyropolis is with your entering and withdrawal.
  • Your Words HERE!

Continue Reading →

2018 envelope art

Decorating your envelope when you send in your ticket request is totally optional, but totally awesome. It would be difficult to do justice to all the great envelope art we received this year—this is just a smattering. Click on an envelope to see it full size with credit; you can navigate through the gallery with arrow keys or swipes.

Ticket request opening update

Envelope art by Shanna Post

Ticket opening happened today, supervised by our illustrious Ticket Lead, Loribug. Things went smoothly thanks to plenty of volunteers. Everyone who submitted a valid request will receive a ticket code in a few days. There may still be a few special-handling cases to work out, and as always there were a few invalid requests that will not be ticketed (paid with personal check, sent payment without request form, etc).

It was a privilege to see all the amazing envelope art. We got photos of a bunch of it (although we could barely scratch the surface), and once they’ve been processed, they will go up on the website.

Stickets Contest!! GIVE ME YOUR ART!!!

“TicketBoard2017” created by the wonderful Nova-yesthat’smyrealname Photo courtesy of the fabulous André Olivier

Would you like free tickets to Flipside 2018: Return of the Shadows: 20 Years of Light and Dark?

We’re still taking in submitions for Ticket and Sticker art for a chance to win two free tickets!!!!
In other words —- clicks on megaphone —- GIVE ME YOUR ART..Art..art…!!!!

And did you know that designing the ticket or the sticker is actually the only way to get free tickets to Flipside?!? Leads, volunteers, even LLC members, pay for their tickets.

Design the Flipside ticket or sticker and submit your design today!
The person who submits the winning STICKER design will get TWO free tickets to Flipside 2018. The person who submits the winning TICKET design will also receive TWO free tickets to Flipside 2018.

Now…onto the guidelines.
Keep in mind all designs must be original.
No clip art, and no copywritten material may be used.
The designs can be created digitally or by hand.
So break out your pen, marker, crayon, stylus, or Poser and get those ideas a-flowing.
Hand-drawn submissions are perfectly fine!

Submit your designs or any questions at

Deadline date is Wednesday February 7th by 11:59PM.
Hat draw for judges will be performed at Spring Town Hall.
We’ll be looking for about 7-13 judges for each contest.
One contest is for the Ticket and the other is for the Sticker. So… we are also gonna need at least 14 of you fine folks to step up and stare at crazy, awesome art and pick what will be printed onto our STickets.

We will positively confirm every submission we receive, so if you do not receive a confirmation within a few days, please email us back, and we will confirm receipt.

Please do NOT post or display your Ticket or Sticker design anywhere else until after the contest ends.
(The artist for the winning ticket design will be asked to refrain from posting it anywhere until after the event.)

Burning Flipside will do its best to include all submitted designs, in some form of hype, the survival guide, or the website, so your art should get seen.

When you submit you are implicitly giving permission for us to use your design — on the ticket or sticker, on the Burning Flipside website, or in the Survival Guide. If for some reason you do not want to give this permission, please specify that when you submit. Also please indicate how you would like your art to be credited.

Created and Photographed by the fantastic Nova-yesthat’smyrealname

TICKET Design Details
Please include the following information within your Ticket design:

Burning Flipside
Return of the Shadows: 20 Years of Light and Dark
May 24-28, 2018
Keep these things in mind:

Artwork should be 2.375 x 4.375 inches.
1/8 inch all around WILL BE CUT OFF creating a final size of –2.125 x 4.125 – this extra space is called bleed.
Artwork should be CMYK.
Artwork should be supplied at 100% as either vector based art (illustrator or freehand) or at 300dpi if it is a Photoshop file.
If Photoshop – .tif, .eps, .psd and .jpeg files are preferred. —-Please save jpeg files with “maximum quality”.
Tips for successful reproduction of your design:

You must pay attention to specs, or you could be disqualified.
Do not place text too close to the edge of your design. It should be 1/8″ in on either side once the artwork is trimmed.
Pick fonts that will be easy to read and try to not use a font that is really thin on a dark background. It will “plug-up” and be hard to read.
Do not get too complex, it is often easier to create artwork at a larger size and reduce it down. Keep in mind what it will look like at the smaller size.
If you create your art in layers, be sure and save that layered file just in case the printer needs anything altered. This will make it easier on them and you.

STICKER Design Details
Please include at least the following information within your Sticker design: “Flipside 2018”
Tips for successful reproduction of your design:

Submit in black and white (or another color and white). NOT multiple colors for the sticker.
Sticker Art should cover a 2.5″ circle at 300dpi.
Make your design simple! Intricate and super-fine lines (less than 1-pt) tend to dry up in the screen and will not show up on the sticker. For your reference, 1pt lines are roughly the same size as what a medium ball point pen will draw. It is a good idea to keep important elements of your artwork at least 1/8″ from the edge of the sticker to allow for cutting. Serifed fonts can be a nightmare – especially at small point sizes. Set all type to at LEAST 10 points.
In the past we’ve only printed black and white stickers. Grayscale or gradients are a real pain and don’t print very well, so try to stick to solid colors. If you want to submit a two or three color image, that’s fine and it will be reviewed, but (depending on cost) it may end up being converted into black and white. All halftones are screened at 55 lpi.
Have fun! good luck! We look forward to seeing the designs as they come in. It is an incredible outpouring from this intensively creative community! It’s a pleasure to serve as your STicket team.
If you have any questions, just let us know

Contact me at

Your Flipside 2018 Sticker/Ticket Selection Team
P.S. clicks megaphone on GIVE ME YOUR ART…Art…art!!!!