# MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 2015
# FACILITATOR: Turtlebunnie
# STACK: Kate
# SCRIBE: Chim-Chim
# ATTENDEES (23): Problem, Izzi, Adam, Turtlebunnie, Mer, Pixie, Kate, Serious, Decibel, Henry, Cooper, Chim-Chim, Julie, Dahling, Gyesika, Prost, Kat, Emily, Wrinn, Monkey, Clovis, Bonobo, Susan
# TOPICS: Town Hall (all); Early dropoff/vendor interaction (Adam)
# 7:57pm AAR/LLC UPDATE (Problem)
- A Flipside Flood Relief fundraiser happened last weekend, and was a success; Another fundraiser will be happening this weekend, Saturday, August 22. See Facebook for more details
- The new warehouse is coming along; The lease is signed, and insurance is done; Breaker box is currently being installed; Demolition of old rooms will be getting started, and the building of new stuff will be soon
- Approximate use of the new warehouse is TBA; Items from the old warehouse will begin moving in September; Uncertain as to whether new waivers will need to be signed at the new warehouse
- Itinerary for moving items from the old warehouse to the new warehouse: There will be (2) weekends—1) Labor day weekend; and, 2) the following weekend which will be the BIG MOVE; Completion of move should be done two weeks before Town Hall; Night runs will occur in early September during the week when the temperatures are lower
- Announce date for those interested in cleaning out personal items before the move will be every Church Night on Wednesday and every Saturday/Sunday; If you see something that doesn’t have a name on it, and you think the individual would want it, contact Meredith (360 AF); Contact Meredith also if you, or anyone you know, may be interested in joining the Warehouse Art Relocation Team; Pics have been taken in and around the warehouse, and a photo album is currently being edited
# 8:08pm AF UPDATE (Dahling)
- Had a meeting yesterday; Discussion topics—Shuffling, Leads, consolidation; Meeting lasted 6 hours; Organizational chart is currently being reviewed
# 8:09pm REGIONAL UPDATE (Clovis)
- Burning Man is happening
- A community truck is still being arranged to bring stuff out to the playa (see previous meeting minutes for more info)
# 8:09pm TOPIC: TOWN HALL (All)
- Discussion is over FORMAT and AGENDA items
- Parking lot is smaller at the new warehouse; Considering blocking parking lot off for the event; There will be space for booths, if needed
- Suggest tables inside; Logistics being considered
- In the Fall Town Hall, most booths are people who are pimping their theme; Consider LLC and CC booths (inside/outside warehouse?)
- Suggestion for Kate, Emily, and other Town Hall organizers go in person to view the new warehouse to get a better idea
- We should offer all entities (LLC, CC, AFs, etc.) a station; Some of the community will be bitching of the new space; Others will be nostalgic; One of the most important things of Town Hall is to make people fall in love with the new space and motivate them to see the new potential; We need to remember, as a community, we have to absolutely BRING IT
- Consider presenting diagrams of where spaces are, including spaces neighbors have, etc.
- Idea of having the tables outside the door, and everyone who walks by, sees the table, including signs encouraging them to volunteer; Also can be a table to sign waivers; Can be a nice greeter station; People promoting themes can set up inside the perimeter
- Izzi can help run a tour of the new warehouse for those interested
- JOB DESCRIPTIONS (from the CC standpoint):
- PRODUCER (Kate): Secure MC; Set agenda
- EVENT COORDINATOR (Emily): Securing port-o-potties
- CC: Recruits volunteers for various things (set up chairs, stage, parking, etc.); Helps manage volunteers
# 8:28pm MOTION: As producer, Kate is empowered to make final decisions, and the agenda has been delegated to Kate; Motion was BLOCKED
- The theme suggestion is TBA; The “Save-the-Date” has gone out
- Town Hall will be at the NEW WAREHOUSE
- The after-party following Town Hall will be at the OLD WAREHOUSE
- AI: Putting our own EAST-like event (set as topic for the next Calendaring session on 09/14)
- Stickit Stuff
- Presentation of Themes
- Theme voting
- LLC update
- AF info/Volunteering
- Leads process
- CC report
- Census update
- Warehouse stuff presentation
- Moop map presentation
- DAFT presentation
- More Stickit stuff
- Theme announcement
- Community announcements
- (Adam will copy all agenda items onto the list
- Consider dedication ceremony; Grand opening for Town Hall at the new warehouse? Not yet—Consider Town Hall to be a SOFT opening for the new warehouse; The warehouse is not going to be ready yet when Town Hall happens; It’s still a work in progress; Bare studs = DECORUM
- Vital info can be presented in a short amount of time
- Time keeper?
- Getting people to respond online is more difficult than in person
- Discussion over artifying the new warehouse with art panels (murals); Also, suggest a guest book for the new warehouse
- Fall Town Hall is 5 WEEKS out
- MC: tba
- WELCOME (Kate)
- THEMES/VOTE (Theme presentation czar?): (Kate, Turtlebunnie)
- STICKITS (Pixie)
- DAFT (Bonobo): Contact former DAFT list
- Each speaker will have (5) minutes
- HISTORY: Early entry for theme camps got introduced 7-8 years ago, and has expanded every year since; Early entry was extended to Theme Camps and Art Installations, especially when the need extra time to setup; With some of the biggest Theme Camp and Art Installations, even early entry was not enough; In a handful of cases, we have permitted Theme Camps to drop off part of their infrastructure and/or pick up the following Saturday after the event ended; In a few cases, we have had Theme Camps that wanted bulk fuel dropped off from the same vendor we get fuel from; There have been a few inquiries of having vendors drop off materials that Theme Camps could not/would not bring themselves. Is this GOOD or BAD? If it’s good, what are the parameters?
- There was an inquiry of having a large volume of food being dropped off which didn’t happen (catering situation)
- Issue with dropping off fuel at a theme camp when no one was there
- If you are having something dropped off at early entry, you must have someone there to sign off for it; If you just wanted to have something dropped off and get early entry just to sign off for it, you would be denied; This was a problem and a reason to avoid it becoming a problem in the future
- Question: From a logistical standpoint, if a vendor shows up after the event has started, should we let them through the gate?
- Question: If a theme camp wants to have something dropped off by the vendor, should we have them meet at the gate, come on in, or scale back?
- Pre- and Post- issue: Doing Exodus is a pain in the ass when people leave stuff on property
- Early entry has an impact on the community and host
- Post-event: There is NO allowance to let people leave their stuff on the property until Saturday; However, exceptions happen; Everything is supposed to be off, and it has been getting worse, impacting post-op operations; Everyone should be off property by Monday at 5pm
- Recommend policy via Accommodations—Health safety reasons should be considered when making accommodations (i.e. getting hay)
- Early entry is a case-by-case basis to be used in moderation
- 3 areas of big Theme Camps: Generator, Fuel, and Other Stuff; Limit use of same vendor; Designate a liaison; Ensure drop-off is not at wrong place; Outlier is acceptable; Theme camps can be required to pick up their generators at the gate; Limitations can impact Theme camps’/Villages’ ability to bring space to the community
- Regarding Registered Art/Installations: Limiting things that can come early is okay; Allowing camps to think its okay to leave things that haven’t been registered is a slippery slope, and needs repercussion
- Options regarding MONEY: Charge people to have vendor deliveries that are not part of the event; Make it organized with all info getting delivered; If we are pushing beyond the boundaries of what the event is providing, it would be reasonable to pay money; Have a policy to pay for delivery; Buy early entry passes; Approved vendor list—Not necessarily exclusive, but consists of a superset of lists; One cannot simply just get something delivered to the land
- Suggestion: Create approved vendors list, and have accountability for pickup
- Suggestion: Be flexible; Set policy
- Art/Theme Camp Execution: Adhere to principles
- Large Art Projects: Make accommodations and limit scope of art projects
- AAR Discussion:
- Local vendors vs. landowner (e.g. hay)
- Commodification issues
- Money-changing at event
- Question: What can we do to stop vendor use from getting bigger?
- Discussion over not letting vendors in during the event
- Approved vendor list
- Note: Equipment is already set in advance
- Discussion over Accommodation/Favoratism: Because it’s open to everyone, if you have a big project, it’s NOT favoritism; There is a limiting factor—Regressive tax for extra dollars (weight, volume, how much infrastructure needs to be delivered); Anticipating the problem, and making sure application and placement happens late; When requesting shipment, have fuel drop-offs on Tuesday, Theme Camps early entry on Wednesday; Having approved vendor lists is like having camp dues; Have batch numbers for accountability, and utilize 100% pre-approval and deadlines
- “I’M AWESOME!” –Dahling
- Typically, Art logistics deliver art from the warehouse to the site on Saturday
- In order to foster big art, people may need heavy equipment
# NEXT MEETING: Monday, September 14, 2015
# STACK: Decibel
# SCRIBE: Chim-Chim
# TOPICS: Town Hall (Kate), Calendaring (all), Exodus (Wrinn)