Ticket FAQ

The answers to most questions are on the ticket page (www.burningflipside.com/event/tickets).   Please read that.  

I followed the instructions and something weird happened

  • What do I do if I didn’t receive or cannot find my <thing that I was supposed to get by email>?
  • What happens if I mail my ticket request early or late?
    • We fulfill requests that followed the instructions first.  If there are remaining tickets after all valid ticket requests and critical volunteers are ticketed, we may fulfill your request.  But don’t count on it.
  • What if I suspect that someone else has taken my ticket code?
  • I chose to pay by credit card and I got an email telling me to submit a money order!  Did I do something wrong?
    • Nope!  That’s on us.  You don’t have to pay twice.  After the mailed in ticket requests are fulfilled, emails will go out to requesters with a link to buy the requested tickets.
  • I got a cannot submit error or something weird happened, but I have a ticket request email.  Is everything ok?
    • Everything is kind of okay.  Double Check your request for tickets to make sure that the number of tickets and any Ignition Philter donation you selected is there.  If the request doesn’t have the tickets you requested, please contact tickets (www.burningflipside.com/contact).  If your Ignition Philter donation is not in there, you can add it by hand and include it in your Money Order.  If you submitted it without noticing the donation was not included, but still want to donate: https://ignitionphilter.com/donate/

I have  read the instructions and I have a question that is not directly answered there

  • Can I request tickets for other people?
    • You may only submit one request per login.  See the ticket page for how many tickets you can purchase in a single order.  
  • Can I get tickets by volunteering for Flipside?
    • No. But feel free to read the Aftermarket sales portion of the ticket page for other options.
  • Can we mail multiple ticket requests in the same envelope?
    • Yes.  BUT it’s better if you submit a separate payment for each request, and you may only submit one request per login.  
  • What do I do if I don’t know yet who will be using my second adult ticket?
    • You may choose a suitably amusing name and change it later (secure.burningflipside.com), be creative!  Remember all will call tickets must have a real name registered in the system prior to arriving at the gate.
  • What do I need to know about filling out the money order?
    • Ask your money order supplier what happens if if you need to return it!  (You may wish to find a different supplier if the answer doesn’t sound easy.)  
    • Keep your receipt!!!  It is usually attached to the money order, so detach it and stash it someplace safe.  The receipt is needed in case your request is returned or lost.
    • Sign it, but only if there is a signature line.  A money order without a signature line does not need to be signed.
    • Do NOT sign the back.  
  • How do I cancel a ticket request after the ticket registration window closes?
    • Contact the ticket lead (www.burningflipside.com/contact).  They will let you know if it is possible to cancel your request.  Once a request has been processed, you cannot cancel the request.
  • What do I do if my mailing address or contact information has changed since I mailed my ticket request?
  • Why should I register a ticket that was transferred to me?
    • To prevent the original owner from selling it again.  Once you register a transferred ticket to your name, all the codes change and no one without the new codes can use the ticket.
  • Can child or kid tickets be converted to adult tickets if I pay the difference?
    • No.  Once purchased, tickets are only valid for the original age group they were created under.  
  • When can I transfer tickets?
    • I can’t believe we have to say this, but apparently other events limit this for some reason I cannot fathom. It actually takes effort to limit transfers in our system, so we don’t do it. You can transfer your ticket anytime you like. Yes even Sunday evening… I would recommend doing it before gate closes though…
  • I have another question that is not listed here, what do I do?
    • If it’s about tickets, contact the ticket lead (www.burningflipside.com/contact).  If it’s not about tickets, then maybe one of the other leads can help?  Oh, and if it’s not about Flipside, ask Google. Google knows things.

I’m curious about the ticketing process in general, and not because I’m starting my own burn and want to steal your ideas.

  • What happens if the number of tickets requested exceeds the number available?
    • All non-valid requests will not receive a ticket.
    • All non-critical volunteer ticket requests will be placed in bins face down and ticket requests will be selected blindly by LLC members from the bins until all extra ticket requests have been deselected.  These ticket requests and money orders will be returned to the participant.
  • Why do you want my email, phone and mailing address for will-call tickets?
    • We need your email to send you your registration and will call documents.  We need your phone in case there is an issue with your request and we need discuss it with you.  We need your mailing address to send you your Survival Guide.
  • What happens if my ticket request is not filled?
    • We will return your request with your money order to you if it was received but not filled.  If we do not receive your request, rest assured that your request is enjoying its vacation in the US Postal system and be happy that you kept your money order receipt so you can get your money back.
  • Who’s in Charge of this nonsense?!?  It’s so unprofessional!
    • Volunteers!  Do you want to help? Join us!  While we feel like we’ve got a really great ticket system here, we always have a couple hiccups each year. We are professionals.  However, we are not professional ticket system software writers.  And we’re always looking for people to help!

I have a question that is answered on the Ticket Page.

Oh, sweet, summer burner…  The following questions are all answered on the Ticket Page.   I believe in you.  You can find the answer you seek.  

  • How do I get a ticket to Burning Flipside?
  • When are tickets available?
  • What do tickets cost?
  • What can I do to increase the likelihood that my ticket request is received and processed?
  • How many tickets can I buy?
  • Do children or teenagers need tickets?
  • What forms of payment do you accept? Can I pay with a credit card, debit card, personal check, Paypal or cash?
  • When and how will I learn whether my ticket request is filled?
  • How do I claim my will-call tickets?
  • What’s the deal with these ticket codes?
  • Is there a Flipside warehouse pick-up option?
  • Are tickets sold at the gate?
  • How do I transfer a ticket?
  • Why is my ticket request still in Pending status?
  • Is there an aftermarket for tickets?
  • Can I transfer tickets to other people?
  • How can I verify that a ticket someone is offering to me is real?
  • Someone has transferred a ticket to me. How do I register it in my name?

I have a rhetorical question or one that made sense to ask when the ticket process was different, but we never got rid of the question.

  • When will tickets be mailed?
    • June 6th, every year, without fail.  The map will be in the Survival Guide PDF, download that sucker for offline or print use.
  • Isn’t the will-call receipt basically my ticket then?
    • You seem to have made up your own answer to this, so I’m gonna let you have it.
  • All of my friends have received their Flipside tickets. Where’s mine?
    • Your friends are either lying to you or they are at the event, because the only way to get your ticket is at will call during the event.  Did you remember to mark Flipside on your calendar? Should you be there now?
  • Why is this FAQ list so long?
    • I enjoy hearing myself type.
  • I’m special and rules don’t apply to me, how do I get a ticket to Burning Flipside?
    • No you aren’t.  I am the only special one here.  
  • Why is the ticketing system so complicated?
    • It’s not.  If you want to see a complicated system, check out Burning Man.  

Questions that aren’t about Tickets, but I’m feeling generous enough to give you a link.