March 2018 Flamnounce!
Welcome to the March 2018 Flame and Announce Combo!
Important Dates:
- Work Weekend II: March 23-25.
- Theme Camp Registrations close: April 1st.
- Combustion Chamber Nominations close April 5th
- Greeter Training: April 14th, 18th, 22nd, and May 6th.
- Art Registrations close: April 15th.
- Work Weekend III: April 20-22
- Work Weekend IV: May 11-13
- Art Car and Event Registrations close: May 17th.
- Load-In: May 19
- Flipside: May 24-28
- Load-Out/Clean-up June 2.
In This Issue:
- Obligatory Self Promotion
- All the Registrations!
- Get your VAS on with Peep!!
- DaFT needs You! And your (very specific) Junk! And your Art! And your Brain!
- March your Lions through Theme Camp Registration!
- Guardians have the best toys.
- Work a weekend with Saraphina!!
- Don’t Diss My Info!
- Dahling explains why you, YES YOU, are important!!
- Stay Cool at Flipside with Ice.
- Say, “Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!” like that guy in the commercials!
- How to Be a Greeter!
- The Combustion Chamber needs tending!
- NO Recycling at Flipside
- PETs share their secrets!!
- Contemplate how satisfied Pyropolis is with your entering and withdrawal.
- Your Words HERE!
Spread the Love
Hey, if you know someone in the Flipside Community that isn’t on Facebook or MeWe or other social media, please share the link so they can stay up to date with what’s going on at Flipside.
All the Registrations
- Theme Camp FAQ: If you have a question about your Theme Camp registration, see if someone has already answered it.
- Burnable Art: If you were hoping to burn your art piece at the event, please make sure you fully understand your responsibilities. Before you register your piece, read through the Burnable Art page.
Art Project Support: If you are looking for resources to help make your art project a reality (financial support, more hands to make a thing go, space to build a thing) check out some of the available resources to support art.
Art Stuff: Want to keep up on what’s new in Pyropolis Art? Classes, meetings, meet ups, community opportunities, artist spotlights…keep an eye on the haps with the art blog.
Department of Mutant Vehicles: If you want to get around the Pecan Playa on wheels, make sure you understand your responsibilities.
- Events: Register your events so that people know what to do at Flipside!
- Theme Camp Registrations close: April 1st.
- Art Registrations close: April 15th.
- Art Car and Event Registrations close: May 17th.
Think Of The Volunteers!!!
Hello, Flipizens! This is Peep, your friendly neighborhood Volunteer Assistance Squad’s fearless leader!
Have you ever been volunteering, and had the realization that sometimes it’s hard? It’s hot and you’re thirsty, or half of the team hasn’t shown up, or you really need to get this casserole over to the Dafties stat and they’re way on the other side of the city? Well, fear not! The Volunteer Assistance Squad exists to help make your volunteer experience even more awesome than making Flipside go already is! We can go find and retrieve the absent-minded folk at Camp Late who forgot what time it is and are missing their shifts, and help you move stuff from here to there to help facilitate volunteerism, and we pack some tasty snacks and cooling liquid to help soothe your hard-working hungry and thirsty volunteer bodies! We also have a 311 Information Station at the Civic Center to help distribute the info to the weary questioning masses! Wanna know where Camp Drinksalot is? We have maps! Want to find out what time your shift starts? We can radio your team and find out! Have questions about doing MORE VOLUNTEERING? We’ve got the info!
But… we need your help. The Volunteer Assistance Squad needs more Flipizens to join the cause and Help Us Help You!
Sign up for one (or more!) of our fun three-hour shifts at and you’ll get to:
- Drive the golf cart and loudly encourage Flipizens to help out, megaphone-style!
- Be the smartest one at the 311 Information Station, because you have all the answers (and a radio for those phone-a-friend moments)!
- Wear a fancy VAS t-shirt!
- Help make Flipside go by greasing the wheels of volunteerism all over Pyropolis!
If you have questions about VAS, feel free to get in touch with me (Volunteer Assistance Squad Lead):
Thank you to all our hard-working volunteers! You can be one too! This event doesn’t happen without YOU!
DaFT Needs YOU!
Rope & Twine
Metal Art
If you’re interested in these or any other upcoming volunteer opportunities with DaFT, please email your DaFT lead, Misty here.
It comes in like a lion and goes out with a OMG THEME CAMP REGISTRATIONS ARE DUE! (Clear your cache.) That’s right, campers: March is the month to complete your Theme Camp Registrations. (Clear your cache.) If you’re reading this, and you are responsible for registering your camp, and you haven’t started, just go login and start. (Clear your cache.)
You can always go back later and fill in any additional information until registration closes at the end of March. (Clear your cache.) Submitting Theme Camp registrations early helps our hard working City Planning volunteers to rest easier at night, and it allows the super lazy City Planning volunteers to do that too. (Clear your cache.) Register by the end of March and you will be rewarded with a special prize!* (Clear your cache.)
If you have any problems (Clear your cache) or questions about the registration process, contact Bonnie, YOUR Theme Camp Liaison, via the contact page: And don’t forget. (Clear your cache.)
Lions and Lambs,
Ste. Michelle, Patron Saint of (Clear your cache.)
- Special Prizes may vary, but are mostly likely to be placement on the map for Flipside’s 20th year!
Guardians Lead here
Looking for a department to volunteer with that’s a little more low key and chill? Need something that gives you some quiet time in the middle of a busy city? Interested in playing with some night vision? Come check out Guardians. We help keep gate crashers out. Most shifts run four hours long, and if you do two shifts you get a super cool shirt. FYI we’re getting a new shirt design this year so if you want in on the shirt swag, sign up for two shifts. Please fill out the form below and we’ll get in contact with you. Looking forward to some new faces. Training will start in April.
More details on what we do here.
Hey Ya’ll ~ Work Weekends are the Bomb!
So much fun, and you get to see the land in it’s natural state! So magical! Please keep these dates handy and remember to sign up to attend!
- Work Weekend 2: Mar 23-25
- Work Weekend 3: Apr 20-22
- Work Weekend 4: May 11-13
2018 WWComm
DisInfo Wants Your Event Info
Are you holding an event at Flipside this year? Your camp is hosting *the* perfectly Shadow-y Celebration of Light and Dark, but no one knows yet? Do you have events listed in your theme camp description, but haven’t taken a minute to head over to the event page and get them added to the Events list? Do it now, so you can focus on those last-minute projects!
Head on over to the Event Registration form, log in, and add your event to the growing list of goodness!
Yeah, you!
So, let’s take a moment to talk about volunteering at Flipside. Here are some facts that make Flipside somewhat unique amongst the events that I know of:
1. Aside from the gate staff and some emergency services, all of whom spend most of their time outside of the event, Flipside is 100% volunteer run. No one is paid to work Flipside
2. Unlike many other burns, Flipside’s infrastructure, including the warehouse, is completely and fully funded by ticket money alone. We do not have cash benefactors.
3. Aside from the winners of the ticket and sticker contest, there are no comp tickets to Flipside — every other person, including the members of the LLC, buys their own ticket and pays their own way
4. Counting shift work ONLY, it takes approximately 6000 person-hours, at the event, to make Flipside happen. The real estimate is much larger than this, due to the large efforts from non-shift workers, like DaFT and our leads.
What does this mean? This means that without volunteering, there is no Flipside, and it means that if everyone lends a hand, it will make light work, but if people stop helping out, it will get unsustainably difficult very quickly. Fortunately, volunteering really is as fun as it is valuable, and it is probably the best way to get plugged into our community, and our strong year-round community really is another thing that runs at the heart of who we are. In the coming two months as we lead up to the event, I will talk more about the particular volunteer opportunities open to you, but just suffice it to say, everyone is welcome to help, and we can absolutely find a position that fits your abilities and desires!
Thank you so much,
Dahling Sweetiepoo-Schmooley
Volunteer Coordinatrix
Burning Flipside 2018
Help Ice Help You
Sunday Sunday Sunday
Greeter Sign-Up and Training!
Do you want to be one of the people that welcomes everyone home and checks that they are prepared for the event? It involves meeting lots of people and making their day a little better!
If so, check out the Greeter Wiki to sign-up! All greeters should attend a Greeter Training workshop, because it’s fun and informative! Here’s the training schedule:
- Saturday, April 14, 2pm at the Warehouse
- Wednesday, April 18, 8pm at the Warehouse
- Sunday, April 22, 1pm at Apache Passtures: Work Weekend III. Sign up and mention whether you’re staying for Work Weekend or just the Greeter Training.
- Sunday, May 6th, 2pm at the Warehouse
If you cannot make one of these events, please contact your Greeters lead here.
Combustion Chamber Seeks New Members
Your Community Needs You!
Are you passionate about Flipside and its community? Does learning how Flipside happens sound interesting? Do you enjoy listening to/discussing/debating the finer points of Community with your friends/camp mates/fellow burners? Would you enjoy talking about crucial matters in this community throughout the year? Do you know someone else who fits this description?
The Combustion Chamber is seeking new members. Please take a few minutes to submit your application or nominate that person who would love this gig here.
But wait…what is the Combustion Chamber? The Burning Flipside Combustion Chamber (CC) is the eyes and ears of the community. Do you have a concern? Touch base with us! Wonder why something happens the way it does? Ask us. If we don’t know, we’ll find out or at least point you to the person who can answer your question. We also act as a sounding board for the event organizers (aka AAR, LLC). The CC typically meets every other Monday evening for approximately two hours, at Lloyd the warehouse.
To learn more about the Burning Flipside Combustion Chamber, click here.
Does this sound like the right way for you to help your Flipizen community? Click the link.
The deadline for submissions is April 5th, at 11:59PM CDT.
Combustion Chamber membership is not limited specifically to those that live in the Austin area, but members do need to attend meetings regularly in person. If you’re in another city, but down for a road trip every fortnight, feel free to apply.
Interested in seeing the CC in action? We welcome the participation of all Flipizens. Our next meeting is Monday, April 2nd, 7:42pm, at Lloyd the Burning Flipside Warehouse, 3106 Industrial Terrace, Austin TX.
All the best,
Burning Flipside Combustion Chamber
Leave No Trace – No Recycling Center in 2018
A reminder that there will be no formal organized Recycling this year. Each participant / camp is highly encouraged to perform their own individual recycling. Regardless all items packed in, including recyclable materials, must be packed out. Please plan accordingly. For questions, contact Your Site Sign-Off Area Facilitator, Wrinn, here.
PETs Share Their Secrets
PETs will be teaching some small demonstrations during Flipside. If you are interested in learning the secret art of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), or the mystic voodoo of Major Bleeding Control, you can participate at Flipside! Stay tuned for more details (and maybe more demonstrations) as we get closer to the event!
And be sure to walk by PETs at Flipside, there will be a sign out front with times and themes.
More Ins, Fewer Outs
Burners! We at City Planning wanted let you know that we’ve heard you, and we know that you need more satisfaction from your roads.
So, now, we have provided, for your pleasure, more opportunities for entering our fair city. This means that one of our roads will be moving a new direction. This should make the entries and withdrawals more even, and allow more cars to enter, while still allowing safe withdrawal when you’re satisfied. Your resident Cartographer, Monk, has provided a drawing to better explain the positions and directions of the roads.
And, remember, dear burners, your enjoyment in entering and withdrawing from Pyropolis depends on maintaining a pace that’s best for all of us. Being considerate of the city’s needs is essential to avoid premature ejection from the city.
♥ In ♥ Out ♥ In ♥ Out ♥ In ♥ Out ♥ In ♥ O ♥ Out ♥
Ste. Michelle, Patron Saint of Satisfying Burners
Your Words Here
The Flame is a community generated bulletin boardesque thing where anyone with something relevant to Burning Flipside can submit an article. If you have a story about how to do Flipside better (how to set up a tent to survive a Texas rainstorm, or how to stay cool, or warm or both), a story about an excellent experience at Flipside (so this one time, at my parking shift), or an announcement about something exciting (Daft Punk is coming to Flipside!), you can submit by clicking on this sexy link. It’s okay, the link consents. 😉
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