Announce for April


April is the cruelest month, but it is also beautiful. Winter has mostly let go of our fair land, so now we must rally our forces and make the most of what time we have left before packing ourselves off to Pyropolis!

Remember, if you have things you’d like to contribute to Announce and/or the Flame, please check out the Flipside Flame/Announce Submission form. You can find it under “Contact” on the home page of


Theme Camp Registration

Theme camp registration closes Wednesday, April 1st at midnight. Please get all of your camp’s info (contact info, infrastructure, placement preferences, special needs, etc.) loaded up onto a registration form by then.
If you’re reading this after the deadline and you have additional info to add (+/- # of campers, structures, fire, etc.), please send it to me at But please, please, please try to get your info in on time. The sooner we get everyone’s info, the sooner we can get everyone placed and get a map out.
If you have any problems with or questions about filling out the form, shoot me an email to the above address.
Thanks everyone!
Mercedes, Theme Camp Liaison

Art and DMV Registration

The Art and DMV registration forms (for your fabulous mutant vehicles) will remain open until 12:59pm, April 8th. Art pieces to be included on the map must be registered before the deadline. If you need to update any information on the form or miss the deadline, please contact Please note that pyro art MUST be registered.

City Signage

It’s time to name the streets and footpaths of Pyropolis! The City Signage Department wants YOUR suggestions for street and footpath names.
Things to keep in mind: street names don’t need to be theme-related to be chosen. There are no rules for naming streets – just remember that our street signs are only 20” x 5”. In other words, really long street names like SKIPPIDY DOO DAH DAY Rd. might be too darn long to fit on the signs and still be legible. Short and sweet just works much better than long and convoluted.
To submit a street or path name suggestion, go to and submit a message to City Signage (Area: City Planning).
I’ll be taking submissions through April 10th.
Thanks for participating,
Stephanie Taylor, City Signage Lead

Event Registration

Events at the event registration will remain open until 11:59pm May 15th. If you have any questions, please email

Work Weekend III (Hell or High Water Edition)

Barring a plague of locusts or volcanic eruption, the initial work weekend for Flipside will happen April 10-12 at the future home of Pyropolis. Since the first two scheduled work weekends were canceled by weather, it’s going to be important that there is a good turnout of volunteers. The work weekend will start at 5 p.m. Friday the 10th and end at 5 p.m. Sunday the 12th.
Work weekends are a way to help improve everyone’s Flipside experience by creating the space to foster creativity during those sweaty days in May. Work weekend tasks typically include cleaning up of debris, clearing trails, burning deadfall and helping tame poison ivy and fire ants. They are also a fun way to meet fellow Flipizens, make some new friends and renew old acquaintances.
Sign up on Questions? Email me at
Shugabear, Work Weekend Communications Lead

WW 3:) Specifics

From our Site Prep Lead, specifics about what we’ll be looking at that weekend if all goes according to plan:

  1. Clearing out the Corral. We have a good sized new space that needs some love an attention. One of the things that needs some love and attention is the giant concrete circle/fire pit that we’ll want to try out on Saturday night.
  2. Ant mound patrol. The mounds are everywhere, and they’re gigantic. We’ll need people to treat them.
  3. Leaf/branch piles: The pecan harvest generated a lot of debris that has been piled up and needs to be burned out.
  4. More fence posts: Some of the posts are misaligned, and we’d like to straighten them up for the land owner.
  5. Poison ivy: Yup. It’s time. Don the protective suits and let’s get it dealt with.
  6. Beach and Island cleanup: Time for a little trimming and pruning.
  7. Finding other stuff to do: There’s always some help needed looking for other issues on the site that need work. Those branches need to be trimmed. There’s a giant pit where Wonderlounge was that might need to be filled in. Help us find these things and fix them before the event.


Burning Flipside is an entirely volunteer endeavor. There are no spectators, only participants! An important part of participation is volunteering for various departments before/during/after the event. Check out for an overview, and dig around in for more specifics.

  • Recycling has made an appeal for volunteers in particular. Would you like to help keep more Flipside recyclables out of the landfills
    with us? We need volunteers to help participants sort their recycling into glorious mountains of material to be made anew once more!
  • Rangers have a signup sheet prepared. What is a Ranger? Rangers are members of the community who actively participate in Flipside through gifting their time, providing for the safety of all participants, and ensure that we are in a state of mind/preparedness to manage our duties. We assist in creating a space where everyone can have the intensely individual/communal experience that is a burn. This is our art. Interested? Click the link to sign up for training! Do it for love, adventure, for science, for Flipizens everywhere, for keeping our event sustainable, for reasons! We’d love to have you. See you in training!
  • …and I’m certain that every department could use another set of hands.

Remember, Burning Flipside is a Do-ocracy. Go do ALL the things!

CC Meetings

The Combustion Chamber is an advisory committee to the Austin Artistic Reconstruction LLC to facilitate community input & transparency for the policy-making process and organization of burn community events. There will be two meetings in April, each starting at 7:42 pm at the Flipside Warehouse. Special topics are as follows:

  • April 6th – Cultural Appropriation
  • April 20th – Warehouse and CC Retreat (do we want this, and when/where)

Check the Flipside Flame for topic details!

The CC will inform the community of any location changes or topic changes as quickly as possible. Please join us at the Warehouse or send us your input at


Announce for March

It’s a tiny bit before March, but there’s so much information to share right now that we can’t contain ourselves.

Mass Gathering Permit

As many of you know, in order to hold an event with 2500 people or more, the event organizers need to apply for and receive a mass-gathering permit from the host county. Austin Artistic Reconstruction, LLC sought and was granted a mass-gathering permit for the first time in 2013, and again in 2014.

We are pleased to report that we have been granted a permit again for the 2015 event on February 19. This represents the hard work of many volunteers going back years, and is made possible by the positive working relationship that the organization enjoys with county officials and the site’s landowner.

Each year that we go through the permitting process, we get better at it, and this is the first year we have been able to secure the permit before ticket-request opening. This made the ticketing process smoother and clearer for everyone, not least your hard-working ticket team.

While this permit does give the event the opportunity to grow, AAR, LLC will continue to manage growth responsibly, within the limits imposed by the site, volunteer capacity, and common sense.


Ticket-request opening was on February 23. There were valid requests for 2761 tickets, and because the mass-gathering permit had already been granted, there was no lottery: every valid ticket request was honored. Taking into account set-aside tickets, up to 294 additional tickets can be sold while remaining under AAR’s self-imposed ticket cap.

Road shows: Houston & North Texas

Live in Houston or North Texas and weren’t able to make the Burning Flipside Town Hall in Austin on February 21st?  Came to Town Hall, but have further questions or concerns?  Just want to connect with other burners in your area? Our Traveling Roadshow Town Hall is headed your way!

Town Hall Road Shows are mini versions of Town Hall, where you can get information about bringing an art project or theme camp to Flipside, get information about volunteering, and find out what the organization is up to.

We’ll recap some of the main points covered at Spring Town Hall, plus give you some time to ask questions of representatives of the LLC, the CC, City Planning, Art, Safety and Volunteer Coordinating. We want your input and appreciate your involvement, so come visit with us!

This year, we plan to distribute some of our remaining tickets at both road shows. If any Houston or DFW folks missed out on regular ticketing, come on down. Please note that we cannot accept personal checks or credit cards.

Houston Road Show
Date: March 1st
Time: 1pm-4pm
Place: Last Concert Cafe, 1403 Nance St, Houston, TX 77002

North Texas Road Show
Date: March 7th
Time: 1pm-4pm
Place: 219 S. Montclair Ave, Dallas, TX

If you need more information or would like to help organizing or setting up, please contact Mercedes Vaughn, Theme Camp Liaison, at

UPDATED: Work Weekend I Canceled

The first work weekend of the season will be at Apache Pastures, Feb 27-Mar 1. Work Weekend I has been canceled due to inclement weather. The next one is March 20-22, when we hope it will be less icy and gross.

Work weekends are work, but they’re also a great opportunity for a quieter, smaller campout, a chance to get to know some of your fellow participants, and this year, it will be a chance to see the new acreage we’re opening up, the corral. Interested? Sign up in the wiki at . Questions? Contact

Theme Camp/Art Project/Art Car/Event Registration

Art and Theme Camp Registration is open!

Please note that if you are registering an art piece to be placed at your theme camp, you must register it on both the theme camp and art forms to ensure the best placement and to be included on the map!

Visit to register your theme camp, your mutant vehicle, events at the event and art piece. The forms are new and improved—remember the more information you can provide, the better we can support you.

The Theme Camp Registration will remain open until 12:59pm April 1st (no joke!). We can only guarantee your camp will be listed on the map if you register before the deadline. For general information about theme camps and FAQ, please visit If information on your form changes, or you miss the deadline, please contact

The Art and DMV registration forms (for your fabulous mutant vehicles) will remain open until 12:59pm, April 8th. Art pieces to be included on the map must be registered before the deadline. If you need to update any information on the form or miss the deadline, please contact Please note that pyro art MUST be registered.

Events at the event registration will remain open until 12:59pm May 15th. If you have any questions, please email

Thank you, we can’t wait to see what awesome you’re bringing!
always yours,
City Planning and the Art Team

CC Meetings

The Combustion Chamber is an advisory committee to the Austin Artistic Reconstruction LLC to facilitate community input & transparency for the policy-making process and organization of burn community events. There will be two meetings in March, each starting at 7:42 pm at the Flipside Warehouse. Special topics are as follows:

  • March 9th – Respect Meeting Planning and CC Term Limits
  • March 23rd – Recycling and Flipside without a BurnCheck the Flipside Flame for topic details!

The CC will inform the community of any location changes or topic changes as quickly as possible. Please join us at the Warehouse or send us your input at

Announce: February Information

In an effort to communicate more fully with our friends and fellow Flipizens, Announce posts will happen in the early part of the month. As described in the Email Lists page, Announce is intended to be the official channel for important communications. Big items such as Spring Town Hall, Road Shows, Work Weekends, and Theme Camp Registration dates will be covered here.  All other things will be rolled into the Flipside Flame, the more casual avenue of information distribution.

To make sure your friendly neighborhood Content Lead can keep up this publication schedule, please submit items for publication in this general timeline:

Announce: Let me know by February 25th if you have things to get into the March Announce post.
Flame: Get me the details/articles/events by February 11th to make it into the February Flame post.

Spring Town Hall

Spring Town Hall is coming Saturday, February 21, 2015 starting at 12:00pm. Join us at the Flipside Warehouse, 1023 Springdale Rd. Austin, TX 78721. The business part of the meeting (announcements) will start at 2:34pm. The agenda is as follows (subject to change):

  • Welcome
  • AAR Update
  • Tickets
  • DaFT
  • Volunteering
  • Dates announced for Work Weekends, Theme Camp Registration and Rolling Road
  • Shows
  • Community Announcements

Get Involved

CC Meetings

The Combustion Chamber is an advisory committee to the Austin Artistic Reconstruction LLC to facilitate community input & transparency for the policy-making process and organization of burn community events. They usually meet every other Monday at the Warehouse, and would love to have your input.

Work Weekends

Head to the Work Weekends Wiki page to sign up for work weekends. They’re a fantastic way to give back to the community by preparing the land for Burning Flipside in May. Spend some time bonding with the land before the masses arrive, and share the camaraderie in the evenings while volunteering  to make the whole event go!

Finalized Work Weekend Dates:

  • WW I: Feb 27-Mar 1
  • WW II: Mar 20-22
  • WW III: Apr 10-12
  • WW IV: May 1-3

Email Lists

Perhaps the fastest way to learn what you need to know about Burning Flipside is to have it pushed to you via email. The Email Lists page tells you how to subscribe to various email list that will help you be more informed.


Nothing about Burning Flipside would happen if it weren’t for volunteers. Volunteerism is what keeps us running year after year, and all the days in between. Check out the Volunteer page for details on what you can do.  Give the gift of YOU.

Theme Camp Registration

SOOOOOON. Theme Camp Registration is not open quite yet, but will be coming soon. Keep an eye on the Theme Camp page for more details as they are available.

Art Registration

Want to make ART? Art that burns? Check out the Burnable Art page for details about Art Registration (which is coming soon) and some great pointers about burning your creations.

Ticket Updates

Will Call

Do not be alarmed! A big change to our ticket system is that it is all will-call this year. This means that when you are ticketed in the system, you will receive an e-mail with a PDF to print out for use at Gate, and instructions for transferring tickets. You will receive a traditional paper ticket at Gate, which you can keep as a keepsake and will need in case you need to replace
your wristband or exit and re-enter the event. You will still receive a survival guide by postal mail, and you can always read the survival guide online at

Sticket Contest

The Sticker and Ticket selection teams met February 1st to select the designs for the Burning Flipside 2015: The Wizards of Odd ticket and event sticker. The winners will be announced soon, but you’ll have to wait until you get to Gate to see the designs. Thanks to all the artists who submitted designs, and to the volunteers who helped choose the winners. Much love to Rufus and SuzyQ, our Sticket Leads, for organizing the process!

Mass Gathering Permit

The Mass Gathering Permit application has been submitted, and we expect the hearing to occur before ticketing this year. Be on the lookout for updates, and think happy thoughts about being granted a permit for another year.

Ticket requests are open for Flipside 2015

Ticket requests are open as of January 7.

To create a ticket request, go to to create an account, if you haven’t already. Then go to and click on “ticket registration/transfer,” then create your ticket request.

You will receive a PDF by mail (you can also download it from the website). Print that out and send it in with your money order or cashier’s check.

Requests must be postmarked no earlier than January 7 and no later than January 22.

For more information, see the Ticket FAQ